Will they pull it together for season 2?

Will they pull it together for season 2?

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They'll spend 50 million on it but it'll look like they spent 100k.

I think Halo infinite and the Halo live action series are money laundering schemes.

The IRS should take a close look at 343 industries

Probably, online COOP and mission select should bring people back to the campaign when it's added in late August, there's also the Forge Beta coming in September.

Couch co-op is dead my nigga. How dey gonna sale more xboxes and season passes if yo homies can play wit chu? Das not how you make stacks in 2022. You want co-op? You get yo homies to get dey own xbox and play on a different screen as dey sit next to you. Y'all can still be gay n shit in your room, but you need 2 devices and 2 tvs.

Probably not. I’m sure Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 will make people forget about this unfinished and unfun game. It’s time to let Halo die already

Online Coop in August
Couch Coop Season 3

Holy Christ, fucking kill yourself, you pathetic cumstain. Even niggers on twitter don't type like that

>hire short term contractors to build parts of the game
>no one knows whats going on under the hood
>huge technical debt
>"money laundering"
possible, but not as likely as the tv show

>no gauss hog
>no multi-seat flyer
>no covenant warthog-equivalent
>no magnum
>no (proper) shotgun
>no DMR
>no SMG
>no Grenade Launcher
>no Spartan Laser
>no plasma rifle
>no fuel rod cannon
>no SAW
>no railgun
>no forge
>no co-op
>no warzone (and the colossal number of weapon variants therein)
>BTB vehicle spawns are completely fucked
>retained the reduced TTK of H5 while removing the enhanced movement system

It's fucking embarassing.

Halo Infinite is already dead. Season 2's multiplayer Spartan Ops garbage isn't going to save it.

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you will get 1 new game mode, a couple shitty maps (the BTB one will be in the same biome again lmao), new cosmetics, and a fucking expanded Academy. And you will like it, dumb consoomer

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True, at least Coop and Forge Beta is coming though.

No. Zero chance. It's a bad, dead game. Let it go. Halo is just a corpse being raped by Microsoft and has been for 12 years.

shut up fag, sara worked on the multiplayer balance too.
because of her, we got the most balanced halo since 3.

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It's too late. MW2-2 marketing starts in a couple of weeks.

No it doesn't because that's not coming out until fall 2023.

cod always sold better than halo because it's multiplat.

halo used to be better than cod but not anymore.

>fall 2023
so the forge release?



>he thinks Vanguard will have 2 years of support
Treyarch's next title is the one that got delayed a year.

that was fake news too.
the only thing that seems plausible is making the 2023 game next-gen only.


yes? im saying that delaying their game to 2024 is fake news.

>halo used to be better than cod but not anymore.
Halo is still better than COD, Infinite may get little content added to it but if you honestly like trash like COD over Halo, you should fuck off back to the zoomer tranny shithole that is reddit with the rest of the autistic trannies that suck off trash like this and stay there.

>giving a single fuck about CoD

halo obviously got a better core game design but everything that surrounds the core is laughable.

for example, infinite has worse graphics than Cod Mw2019 yet it doesn't support local co op and Cod does. that's one of the many things you can point out.

>Season 2 is six months long
>only 2 maps until November
they pulled it all the way into the fucking trash. Dead game.

I don't remember your tranny COD game being semi-open world or fun.

im talking about the multiplayer aspect but obviously you didn't get the memo when 343i cock is stuck on your mouth.

>open world is le good
based npc gamer

>no season 3 until november
how much stuff is there supposed to be in season 2?

>Chief-fag projecting his tranny fetishes for the millionth time

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Jesus crust how much longer will it take to get a amount decent content it's like they dumped the game out and stripped it down to a skeleton crew already

i won't be surprised if this happened. halo infinite part 2 in 2024.

>trannies from discord, reddit, twitter, and retardera didn't invade this place
I may end up taking a break from online forums, gay people ruined yet another forum, I swear they need to be dealt with, the west coast needs a nuke, honestly. Gay people are the biggest cancer to ever walk this Earth, I don't understand throughout the entirety of human history they were never put down for good.

You're the only bringing up trannies faggot, you'll never fit in Manolo

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i understand your frustration but to call everyone who disagrees with you a tranny is childish.

user thats exactly how development works lmao

Anything short of forge, campaign co-op, 6+ new multiplayer maps, new playlists, and the shitty cosmetics system all being fixed on the same day will be a failure in my book. Oh yeah, and adding a battle Royale mode.

True but I can no longer tell anymore where they're hiding here.

>Goes on a schizo rant every time he gets called out on his retarded fetishes
Small dick behavior

they promised that infinite will get 10 years' worth of content

Mother fucker, my dick is huge, gay people are inherently disgusting. Any straight man would want to puke the moment they see one.

>Gets defensive over his dick
Lmao you're a dicklet aren't you?

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>Forge in fucking September
Jesus fucking Christ

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>my dick is huge
Mine's 8 inches and a half

Women are great at pulling it together and working under pressure so yes? Of course.

My 10 inch dick is free to play. You get half now and the other half TBD 2023.


they delayed this shit so long and there's actually nothing ever happening. they weren't making the game

What the fuck WERE they doing? That's almost a whole year without Forge AND the game got delayed.

the new engine is a mess, that's what the journos reported anyways, they were switching up to unreal but they didn't because that trailer would've been meaningless and they had to deliver by any means necessary.

I'm telling you nothing they do is for the consumer at this point. The F2p model is the only thing they had going. I bet it's the same exact assets as halo 5

millions on an engine that doesn't work.

You'll be a able to buy forge pieces for only 9.99 a cube(1 color). additional colors will need to be purchased through the battlecuck system which you'll have to repurchase every 2 weeks for new challenges

I highly doubt it, but I'm rooting for them.
I want my definitive modern coop Halo experience w/ forge and custom gamemodes.
But apparently that's too much to ask from a multi-million dollar dev team and publisher.
I definitely can't recommend this shit in it's current state, not even for 50% off.

because you can get the MCC collection instead which offers most of the things infinite lacks.

>surely 343 will get it right this time
You deserve every bad thing that happens to you.

>I'm rooting for them
Fucking why? It's literally been 10 years of fuck up after fuck up

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