Attached: bluespheres.png (1920x1080, 132.49K)

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What's up blue spheres guy?


I genuinely hate this mini-game.
It's largely reflex based, and that's cool, but it doesn't really have anything to do with Sonic. It simply faster as it goes along just because it makes mechanical sense, you could remake this with Mario and it'd be the exact same.
The special stages in 2 were memory-game bullshit, but at least they emphasized Sonic as a very fast and agile character.



How were you supposed to know you couldn't get the red spheres too

Basic color coding: red bad blue good

By running into one your first time and having it teleport you out of the level
now you know not to touch them

And there's a lot of big rings on Angel Island that are easy to get, so eating shit one time doesn't set you back much.

A more legitimate question would be, "How were you supposed to know getting all the outside spheres would turn all the inside ones into rings AND count toward your total spheres collected?"

It's a genuinely awful minigame, and the fact that Mania brought it back to such an obnoxious degree almost ruins the game.

You read the manual nigga

Attached: bs.png (454x481, 285.3K)

this channel is cool

I'm pretty sure the first one doesn't have red spheres except the ones you turn from blue to red.

I just thought it was on a timer or something. I literally never put two and two together.
It's just bad game design.

For me, it's

Attached: Sonic_2_SpecialStage.png (256x224, 48.16K)

Mania UFO stages are the only good special stages, and I use that term generously. The others are absolutely horrid.

this jesus christ
ball minigame makes me want to die

Filtered. Blue sphere has nothing on Rush's special stages, those were truly awful.

>bro you have to fuck up on purpose in order to get what to do
if the player can't beat a level on their first try without relying on dying over and over, it's just shitty design

>GET BLUE SPHERES message pops up
>stage is walled off by red spheres
>"hmm, I wonder if I should get the red spheres?"

>player should be punished for being curious


Shouldn't it just say "don't get red spheres", how am I supposed to figure that out

>"I wonder what will happen if I let this enemy swing its sword at me while I make no attempt to block or dodge"

you know I'm right, stop trying to say I'm not

It’s called Blue Sphere

This, read the manual.

>Tails gets hit by mines
>I lose rings
Fuck you Tails.

Attached: human_sonic_tails - @S2_Lina_.jpg (1674x2271, 354.13K)

Tails was my first crush as a kid because I thought he was a girl.

They fucking suck
Anything that has you controlling a slippery sonic in a slippery weird 3d bumper cars gimmick nonsense is trash by default. Advance 2 takes the absolute cake for trash special stages though.

Are you a gay furry shotacon today?

The blue ones are laid out in a way that they seem like desirable collectables. The red ones are laid out like boundaries, as if they designate the no go zone. Furthermore, people have an innate distaste for red. It's the color of fire and blood, which both designate danger. It's also why stop signs and lights are red.

Oh hey this is you
Make another video you funny fucker

it is until you remember all this dude's games suckass

Worst special stage.
Sonc 3&K is absolute trash and the worst game in the series.

Finally someone gets it, I didn't think it was that obscure

>nothing to do with Sonic
>it's simply faster
Based retard.

It only has 130k views, a really underrated classic

This is what kino actually looks like.

Attached: 0F97D7F9-4998-4C09-86EC-A99E9482A89C.jpg (739x415, 64.45K)


Typically, if I don't understand a sentence, I read the rest of it.
Or are you stupid enough to think that any kind of quality of "speed" ties something into Sonic?

Sonic 2's Special Stages have always given me trouble. The only time I've ever been able to get all 7 Chaos Emeralds in a single run is by using save states.

The ironic thing is that if you actually do stick it out with Tails you get rewarded with Special Stage 7 being way easier since he's good for grabbing the stray rings.

Shouldn't it say "don't get red spheres"?

I really like CD's as well, but I've played that game like 40 plus times so I'm probably way better at them than anyone shoukd reasonably be. Both the original and taxman versions.


>couldn't it say don't get red spheres


>get all the rings
>one blue left
>turn right into a red sphere

Attached: 1637366040736.jpg (540x720, 41.28K)

Yeah they should have just said "don't get red sphere."

I prefer this one by a wide margin, though I don't even bother with them if Tails is with me.

These were my favorite until Mania, though the atmosphere of the CD stages is better and the music is so fucking good too.

>conditions clearly stated to win
>i wonder if i do the opposite
based retard

Blue = sonic
Red = Eggman
Simple as.

You being sub 80IQ doesnt mean its bad design

>touch all the blue
>avoid the red
What did sega mean by this?

You don't even need to play Blue Sphere in Mania.

>no one posting the music
don't worry i got u

What total % completion do you think Blue Sphere's Guy is on by now?

i played sonic basically everyday of my youth and i never ever unlocked super sonic

Attached: 1635199762727.gif (428x424, 47.42K)

Sonic = speed. Based retard.

There was a cheat code in 2 to unlock him and also had some dev mode options too.
This never stopped me from falling into death pits in mystic mine 2.

Is it really so much easier as to offset the increased ring target? Playing as S&T makes cutoffs higher because the devs assumed Tails would be a second human player and you'd be collecting more rings overall.


Attached: image_2022-04-22_194401716.png (1024x1024, 868.64K)

The instruction manual told you as such.

Great until about Emerald 4 or 5, then it just devolves into bullshit.

I discovered it by complete accident. Reading is cringe.

i got this game for christmas for my pc and i hated every moment but i played it a lot cuz it was sonic
on the other hand i also got sonic racing and that game was AWESOME, as well as controlling like utter shit
ahhh memories.

Unimaginably based. Saturnesque Sonic is so fucking comfy, it's a shame how little there is of it.

You could try not being the literal definition of retarded.

I know the "how was I supposed to know" thing is a joke most of the time, but I literally bring my games systems over for my younger cousins and nephews to play with, and they react the exact same way with literally all easy video games:
>Let them play Sonic Mania
>Walk forward and encounter enemy
>Quit the game, too afraid of failure
>Super Lucky's Tale
>A Hat in Time
>Crash 4
>The Crash trilogy
>Demon Turf
>Yooka Laylee and Impossible Lair
>3D World

I literally let them play the new Kirby game, and they were enjoying it and having fun, and then when they encountered the first enemy they quit. So I finally broke down and asked what they do play. They all respond with "I play Fortnite" Of course I also have Fromsoft games like Demon Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring, but like I am gonna try them on that if they cannot even play those other games.