I can't learn it.
I will never play japanese games in japanese.
I can't learn it
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just keep reading bro
There are just too many kanjis and words to learn, I cant read when every sentence has a bunch of characters i dont recognize
>oh no how am I supposed to learn japanese, this sentence has too much japanese for me to learn
not vidya
You are learning japanese to play japanese games in japanese? Sounds kinda retarded. I wouldnt tell your family about this
just do ur reps :^)
I have just started learning japanese, I know barely anything yet but someone recommended studying the kanji radicals and already I feel this was good advice. even at this early stage I have recognized the radicals in kanji I don't know and it has helped me recognize words (like seeing the "sickness" radical in the word for hospital)
>tfw starting to get pretty good at reading it but terrible at talking or even writing it out
I can cheese the jlpt3
translator's note: Ehhhh! Anonkun, mosakan nihongo* something rannaino?
*nihongo means japanese language
I started learning very recently and I'm proud of myself for understanding that image. That's "Japanese language", right? I'm so awesome.
You're awesome.
I'm learning Japanese so that I can go to Gensokyo!
I'm learning it because it sounds cool
if you actually succeed, then learning it period impresses people no matter what the motivation was.
Guide: rentry.org
Resources: learnjapanese.moe
be sure to read John's story
>How I got 180/180 on N1 in ~8.5 Months!
But essentially what John's method religion IS:
* Start reading every day (and listening)
* Go through a grammar guide (like Tae kim or Cure Dolly)
* Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)
* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media
A detailed guide of what John did can be found on
>tfw I can't read kanji on image boards even when I know them because the font is too small
I always have to increase the page size and feel like an old man
But what if i fucking hate anki
>N1 in 8.5 months
what the absolute FUCK
Shell out some cash for wanikani if you really hate anki that much.
Good. Japanese is cringe anyway
And that's a good thing.
I want to make new friends at my Japanese class for newbies but everyone is too shy. They just go home afterwards and the class chat barely moves. What do I doooooooo
>learning a dying language consisting of chicken scratch and scribbles
what a waste of time
lock the door and make them be your friend in order to leave
it fucking sucks but those first 2/3 months will stick with you forever basically.
I also hated anki but still remember characters years after quitting
You'll be dead before Japanese is.
user-kun. You literally don't know japanese. stop, and kys.
Firstly it's "Shabereru" for "can speak", NOT "Shabarareru" (to be spoken [passive voice]). Secondly, shaberu is more for "converse" (e.g. conversations). In this case, it's much more appropriate to use hanasu ("to speak")
Now stop pretending you know japanese, and go back to your corner and lurk and study longer before ever trying to speak again.
tfw you still get your tsus and shis mixed up
Are you french? because this is the kind of attitude french have with their language
>wouldn't call myself fluent but I'm more than good enough to play games and just chat with people
>playing a Japanese MMO
>last time I was online 2 cute Japanese girls I've been friends with happened to send me a DM at the same time
>starting to like one of them and we've spent 3 to 4 hours together 1:1 almost every day lately just talking and doing stuff ingame
>live half a world apart
What the fuck am I doing with my life. Do not learn Japanese. DO NOT LEARN JAPANESE.
I just figured that it was bait.
I fucking hate seeing shitty japanese.
it's "と思うけど", and fwiw, "to omou" isn't used that often, as it's strongly implied that one is voicing their own thoughts
it's "shita hou ga ii", no "ra".
Now lurk moar, and come back in a few years
Ive learned plenty of Kanji and I know Kata/hira but im still missing how to make a sentence. I dont know how to form sentence at all. Anyone have any recommendations on the best way to learn that?
I started Duolingo after watching my favorite V-tuber do it. After 4 months my Japanese is probably better than her English even though the school system in Japan teaches English for like 6 years.
speaking and reading come with practice. Speaking especially. No way around it but to speak with actual nips frequently, or else speak with a very knowledgable teacher. Else, like a tree in a hurricane, you'll grow the shittiest most autistic shitty habits.
I'm pretty sure you just fell for the "intentionally bad Japanese" bait.
don't worry, senpais. I was just chewing you out with the customary elitism. Keep doing your best ^_^. At the end of the day, the most important thing is not giving up.
Godspeed. and fwiw, I will say the most important thing is throwing yourself out there, even if you're wrong. That's what my teacher told me, and he's right. You have to be courageous enough to speak japanese and be wrong, else you'll never get better
Intro to japanese classes are full of autistic weebs like you, it's only gonna get worse the further up you get since all of the retards who just took the class so they could feel like an anime character start getting filtered.
>will never get good at japanese because I have nobody to talk to
Tried using that one app that nips use all the time didn't go so well. Atleast I've gotten somewhat better at reading.
Go in there dressed in a kimono, wearing a samurai sword, and screaming "KONICHEEWA, JOHN-KUN DESU OwO. Prease Be My Tomodachi Kudasai >///
You got baited by intentionally shitty japanese, but also, "lurk moar" isn't appropriate advice for learning a language. The fastest way to learn how to write and speak is to try to write and speak, make mistakes, and have them corrected.
In order of effectiveness: move to japan, visit japan or get active in japanese online communities.
why do these posts have similar formatting, similar filenames, but convey completely opposing attitudes towards people speaking bad japanese? i can't tell if this is one unironically schizophrenic user or just two anons with very similar file naming structure
NTA but any online community you suggest? I have a cursory understanding of basic sentences from vns but I have no writing or speaking skills.
>visit japan or get active in japanese online communities
How is visiting Japan ahead of the other one? If you're active in some online community you're there among them every day communicating for an indefinite amount of time. If you visit Japan you've been to the country as a tourist for like what, a week in average? A month at most?
For acting like a detective, you have no reading comprehension
I think the idea is that you're continually exposed in japan and will force yourself to use it. I did that with Spanish and I got more comfortable with the language in a week than I did in 2 years of classes.
You weren't talking to me in the first place.
idc who you are or how many Japanese games you play, being able to read the original writing of Jap games is not enough of a reason to learn a language.
We're not talking about classes though we're talking about actively participating in an online community just as one of them would.
do you want the free encouragement or not? Just take it ;-;. Else, I'll go back to calling everyone faggots
oh fair enough, my bad
it's pretty easy to avoid having to use japanese as a tourist, honestly. you'd need to go and vacation in the countryside to feel like you actually have to use it to get around or feed yourself. it can be good encouragement if you go with the intention of wanting to use it, but it's pretty easy to shy away from it out of nervousness or whatever
On a scale of 1 - 10, how important is a personal mining anki deck?
No, I want to earn my encouragement. Give me the deluxe verbal assault course.
Oh that's a good point. Probably better if you can find a good group and much cheaper.
>Full stop after an emoticon.
Stop writing in english.
t. pic related
>zoomer tries to lecture me on emotes
You can do it user
>Starts a sentence without a capital.
>Doesn't even have a full stop.
Unironically kys, never use my language again.
Why would anyone want to learn a dying language?
learning Japanese is counterproductive for some people anyway. part of why i enjoy Japanese things is because it's a foreign culture. the closer i get to that culture, the more it's demystified. i don't wanna be able to recognize Japanese VA's, because i like that i kinda tune that out and every individual character in every show *feels* like they have a unique voice. i like that i don't understand the music. it gives it an otherworldly quality that – for me – really enhances those big scenes where impossible things are happening.
and i mean, for a lot of people i'm sure knowing Japanese enhances your experience. that's totally valid. i just advise everyone to consider if learning Japanese is really going to be good for you on an individual level. maybe you're beating yourself up about not learning but when you think about it, you can kinda see what i'm getting at. who knows, man?
good. keep your normie ass and shitty western virtue signaling out on my games
Unfortunately that's mostly extrapolating from how I learned english way back when. The important point is that as long as you're having fun AND you have some native speakers to correct you whenever you fuck up you'll improve in no time.
And is probably right, I was mostly thinking about it in terms of "one week of X will get you Y", but some Xs are easier to achieve than others.
>learning Japanese is counterproductive
stopped reading right there
ふっか ゆう にっげる