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What the fuck happened to Dunkey?

>I'm not a pedophile, me eating literal feces proves it
what the fuck was he even thinking

How does anyone get their teeth to that point without care whatsoever?

jacking off with your own feces overrides your pedophile status

Is he out of jail yet?

Imagine being in his court case kek

He got a 40 year sentence with no chance of parole.

I remember an ED user (I think it was ED anyway) went to his court case and reported how fucked up he was.

when did you become him Yea Forums?

he literally ate shit

literally who?

I've fapped with my own shit a few times, it feels really good. I would NEVER. EVER. fucking eat it though, I gain nothing from eating it wtf. I've also never been to the dentist yet I only have a couple cavities you can't even see, and they haven't got worse in 10 years. I completely mog this faggot so hard.

>the average Yea Forums poster

I keep forgetting his name

I'm so glad this fucker is gonna die in prison.

Nick Fuentes

He just doesn't brush his teeth. My teeth look perfectly fine.

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Nick "pedo poop" Bate
Nick "I swear I didn't know she was 3" Bate
Nick "If she can breath she can breed" Bate
Nick "feces fucker" Bate

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>the average lolicon

>kraut surname
Color me surprised.

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it's ALWAYS g*rms

We can hate him all we want, but at the end of the day, he got exactly what he wanted.

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Every time I've seen his face I've thought what it would be like if you flicked those teeth would they just fly out?

It would be extremely painful.

bumping to remind Yea Forums that he's a cuck that let his girlfriend get fucked by a nigger

can we just nuke g*rm*ns off this planet already?

Not even Indians are as obsessed with feces as germs
what the fuck happened to make them like this

He's a poopy guy

indians are streetshitter of circumstance
german are shiteater by choice

I had already forgotten about this faggot, you ass.

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For poo

Well he didn't want to be in jail, but yeah.

designated rape lizard

wtf hes actually kind of chaddy

It dates back to fucking Mozart. I'm not kidding.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the guy who confessed to a ‘friend’ that he molested/raped his niece or something, and since in the same conversation he mentioned that he hates scat, decided that the best way to ‘prove his innocence’ was to claim that he has a major scat fetish so the conversation had to have been faked?

It's foolproof...

It's amazing how much prison improved him. You can tell just from this one pic'. I wonder what he'd look like if he smiled, though. If your teeth are THAT bad, do they fix it in prison? Is there some kind of prison dentist?

Damn he looks a lot better. Imagine all the 5 year old pussy he's gonna be able to score now

IIRC he said that he didn't fuck or eat out her asshole because it was shit covered and then he showed a video of himself masturbating with shit to prove that her butt being covered in shit wouldn't have turned him off

if you listen to the interviews mad thad did after he got out of prison he admits he dropped the pedo shit and turned hard gay.

Oh so 5 year old boys then

thad fell hard for the bbc...

QRD? holy fucking shit this thread kek

He has to “admit” that because he has a fed agent monitoring his online presence for the next 10 years. He routinely posts on Yea Forums and will still occasionally make “jokes” about undiscovered USBs/flash drives.

Didn’t the Night Stalker get his cavity ridden teeth fixed up before his trial?

what was the goal for that????

Proof or this is bullshit but I'll still believe it.

Prisoners get free dental yes.

thad is a man's man now.

To prove that his previous story was a lie because he would absolutely have fucked her shit covered butthole

Hi, A-Log!

Did he draw a bunch of weird animal comics or did people draw a bunch of animal comics making fun of him or some combination of the two, or am I thinking of a different lolcow? People used to spam it a lot on smaller imgboards.

is it wrong i think he didn't do it but his family didn't want him around so they said he did it and he got sent to jail

feel bad for him

>guy in the OP is generally disgusting weirdo, think Chris Chan with less of an ego and more of a scat fetishist
>was generally unhygenic, refusing to bathe and wearing the same underwear over and over again
>also a huge cunnyfag and wrote songs about diddling kids
>eventually admitted to sexually assaulting his niece by making her eat his shit
>arrested for this and tried to prove that it wasn't sexual assault by jerking off with his own shit
>it didn't work and he got sentenced to 40 years
His name is Nick Bate if you want to learn more

no that's chris chan the poor guy he's been tourmented so much by the internet hope he's well. Haven't check up on him for soe time anyone know what happened to him?

...what a retard
Hope someone accidently slips and sticks a knife in him

i don't think anyone can beat cwc's ego today.

Wzf only four? I hope they catch all the other rape tigers eventually

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He was just prison gay allegedly, also hes black and funny af, so i believe about him not having a hard time in prison.
Like his streams, really is like listening to some Yea Forumsermin time traveler from 2012

Typical Nintendo fan

He raped his mom and got locked up.

Nah definitely not chris-chan. I think it was called "Yonkers". Was this guy called Yonkers? All I know is a ton of animal cartoons about eating shit and a pictures of someone who looked kinda like this guy but I don't know if he had the teeth.

His a namefag on Yea Forums, /biz/ and /pol/ under “Kotonoha’s Husband” or something like that. Use the archive

Don't forget how he habitually smeared the walls of his bedroom with shit.

he fucked his mother who was mentally incapable of consent and got sent to jail.

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>go to prison as fat fedora fag with shitty beard
>come out as a skinny Chad with nice haircut and goatee
His teeth are still fucked tho

A man’s cock living in your head rent free

do americans really?

I have spent way too much time reading up on this guy and will now vacate from this thread.

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a man's cock is certainly living in thad's ass rent free too.

they're extreme, what can ya say

>Race: WHITE

>looks this guy up out of morbid curiosity
>watches video
I could have lived my whole life without knowing this guy existed. Now I am mentally closer to suicide.

i remember my friend had to explain this to me five or so times, the logic is
>i knew my sister's butthole was poop covered
>i enjoy poop, so i would've fucked her if i was a pedophile
that leaves the question

That would be if he was coming out any time soon

He definitely did it, but he clearly was abused and neglected by his family and he was a severe autist, so it was to be expected really.

he got really skinny and brown
hes still making that same frowny face that he did in his first mugshot

Trooned out, assaulted multiple people, went absolutely mad and started thinking he’s a god, and is now rotting in prison for raping his decrepit senile mother

Listen here Bobby I'm going to tell you a story about when your dad shitposted in a Loveless group on Facebook and was once so notorious there he got nudes from the admins and was memed about constantly. There was a big industrial nut in the group called Carter, and there was some copypasta going around at one point about someone eating shit, i've lost it to the winds of time. Anyway, so he ended up getting dared to drink his own diarrhea juice and recorded it. If i had ever gotten to see the video it would have been legendary rekt thread material but it was only something i heard about through the grapevine and not the sort of thing i'd want to ask somebody to send me. His teeth are doing completely fine, much better than this folk's.

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How will Chris Chan come out if this is what prison does to you?

I think referring to what they do in prisons as ‘dental care’ is a bit of a stretch. They just pull your teeth out with pliers if you develop cavities or some kind of infection

He will stop being a troon.

he's supposedly in a psychiatric hospital now. nobody actually knows what happened, he was silently transferred out of jail one day and there's no publicly available information about it.

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thought i was being trolled so googled it

man i think i need to sit down for a while

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