Take me back to the good times Yea Forums.
Take me back to the good times Yea Forums
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>friday, 2018, just got off the long yellow bus, mr. alcatraz didn't assign any homework for the weekend, just got my hands on vanguard
keck, the good old days.
ahhhhhhh fornite no build......yup...those were thee days.....
>people on Yea Forums are nostalgic for blops 2 of all things now
jesus fucking christ
you didn't grow up playing shooters on consoles?
town 8p grief was pretty based 2bh
People born in 2003 are old enough to post here now.
>it’s Friday, 2022, you just got out of middle school and the janitor has finished fucking your asshole. Your Holocaust class teacher didn’t give any homework, and your transition pills have been taken. You go to your room, put on your skirt, and sit down for a fortnite jam with the squad. It’s season 71 and Ariana Grande is having a concert! You load up your BLM skin and you’ve got nothing but time. You dab one final time to the screen, your sisters, you know they do the same.
Man, I'd been out of school for some time in 2013. I was probably still playing new vegas
Kids who played GTA V in the fourth grade can post here now.
Who else peaked at their first year of college?
I thought this whole college shit was supposed to get me a job. At least if I didn't go, I wouldn't have wasted 4 years of my time and could have used that time to beat off more instead.
No, but I knew a guy who played Quake 3 on his Dreamcast. Imagine playing Quake 3 with Dreamcast gamepad, fucking hell.
>Me and my friends really thought we'd be about that life forever
>Did my part
>Have more free time than any other point in my life
>Used my adult money to become an idort
>Everyone else grew up, grew out of it, and grew apart
>Now the free time feels like a burden
>I thought this whole college shit was supposed to get me a job.
You are supposed to go into college with a plan, anybody that convinces you otherwise is ignorant or is being deliberately malicious.
I was 27 years old in 2013
I think I had a lot of malicious people in my life
>lol don't ever become a garbage man! That's the worst job there is
>lol there's no money in video games lmao! all you're doing is wasting your time!
>with a business degree, you can do anything you want!
>everything you learn in school you will use for the rest of your life!
>a good firm handshake will-
Man, boomers were just wrong about everything weren't they?
>Being nostalgic about BO2 instead of CoD2
Go back, alphaggot plebbitor
It’s 2013, you just got back from work, and mr shekelburg didn’t even ask you to stay late. You open up steam, all your friends were last online 213 days ago. You exit steam and lay in bed, you’ve got no chance of sleep and nothing but time.
Those summers spent playing Apex legends.. yep... those were the good ol days..
>You open up steam, all your friends were last online 213 days ago.
I've had a gaming group of friends since 2006 and this is starting to happen, one by one they are all going. Only 3 of us remain and even then the writing is on the wall.
Most things I'd say, yeah, my parents were indoctrinated to believe that college/university is the goal and if you don't attend you are worthless, meanwhile I see my peers going into debt taking useless courses while the smarter ones get into a trade/apprenticeship and make bank at 20 yrs old
CoD2 sold literally 1/10 the copies BO2 did in it's initial release year. That doesn't make one better than the other but you're kidding yourself if you think you can get the most member berries out of a game that objectively fewer people played
>2020, covid hit
>School from home
>can play video game and shitpost all day
>Take me back to the good times Yea Forums.
my son was born in 2013
High school and college sucked for me. Work isn’t great but at least I get paid.
I lost contact with my gaming friends after middle school. I looked a few of them up on social media and wanted to throw up. It made me feel like even more of a manchild
This is not about sales, dumb zoomzoom
But anyway, here, another one that fits your narrative a lil bit better.
It’ll come and go, as long as you have them on normie book. Just call them up in once in a while. Me and my buddies recently ran through Ark and fo76, hadn’t played games in years with them before and we haven’t talked much since, but I know the boys are willing to answer the call still.
The memories of the 10% Group are more valuable than the memories of the 90%
Kids who currently play GTAV in fourth grade post here
Nigger I graduated college the year BO2 came out. I'm just not stupid enough to think that the broad public gave any shit about CoD until 4
Sorry boomy this site doesn't belong to you anymore lol frfr no cap
The good times are right fucking now. It's so good I don't know what to do with it sometimes.
>tfw go on twitter and see zoomers posting how cod ghost and advanced warfare were the best cod
>was 20 years old
>mostly ditched my autistic gaming habit
>was playing in a band and getting steady pussy for the first time in my life
>fell in love
>was the most attractive I'll ever be
>currently a wagie pushing 30 getting uglier by the day and wasting my free time on Yea Forums
It hurts
It hurts
Yeah, WaW and BO1, not that woke crap that killed Zombies and multiplayer.
ok broccoli zoomzoom
Just eat right and do some light exercise. Better to be an old ugly faggot than an old fat faggot.
i grew up playing commodore 64
I'm pretty thin. Got in an accident at 23 that fucked up my face a bit and then a few years later I was hit with alopecia. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Get a hair transplant if you look that bad.
Yeah this is how I feel to. Board is too young for me.
What would be the "good times" for you user?
Hair transplant works for male pattern baldness which is not what I have. My immune system attacks my hair. All over my face, head, body. Everything.
For me, it's the Remmington 870 MCS
I already have 2020 nostalgia...
That was 9 years ago.
I grew up playing CS 1.6 and Wolfenstein ET
Go to bed old timer.
The older you get the more you realize the majority of people don't know what they're doing and give horrible advice on things they know nothing about.
it's probably just an image taken from reddit.
Am I this old?
This is a halo board CODnigger
>Get off part time job at 9 pm
>All my "friends" are pathetic cunts who work just to get drunk like retards on the weekend
>Load up a single player game
>Have a bit of fun
>Go to sleep at 12-1 am because I want to go to the gym at 11
Rate my miserable existence
It was the last great Call of Duty
Quake got a rerelease, faggot. Fuck off.
You're not alone. Just be happy, stop caring about society's expectations, they applaud people who cut off their penises.
This but Dark Souls too. I don't care I'll admit it. Gonna cry?
>silenced MSMC patrolling downstairs
Yeah I was a shitter
>Going to the gym
As long as you put in effort in your work outs and continue to grow you are doing better than 70% of Americans. Keep at it and find purpose outside of what corpos and society want for you