Arachnophobia Safe Mode: OFF

>Arachnophobia Safe Mode: OFF

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Thats just australian kid playing with her pets?

It's a tarantula. It's basically a hairy turtle more than a spider.


The virgin Tarantula owner vs the chad Mantis owner

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We don't have tarantulas here.

this little girl has more balls than most fully grown amerishart nu males on this board

kinda cute

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the spyder senses its a little child with no ill will so it wont bite. a big man grabs it it will bite

>Have sex, die
yeah, very chad

Australia doesn't have tarantulas. They have funnel webs which are a fuck of a lot worse.

Are you retarded?

But you have huntsman spiders.

>Dies a non-virgin and has his bloodline in tact
Yes, very chad.

>more balls
Well she is White, so yeah. Pretty masculine, she probably exclusively pegs men.

lgs are scary!


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Based spidercunny

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are you?

Funnel webs are fucking cunts.
Harmless buggers

it's always the small buggers who are the deadly ones.

No thanks.

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>she is White


This is patently untrue. It has already been confirmed a long time ago that female mantis only exhibit such behavior towards us males when they feel threatened, and as such it makes perfect sense that th

Those must be docile as fuck ones. I hope they have taught her the difference between old world and new world spiders

They're only in one part of the entire country, 99% of the spiders here are Huntsmen and Redbacks.

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how are they worse? they just hide all day in their neet cave

They only do that when something is stressing them out, like observation.

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>that aggressive grab
reminds me of the people who kept filming their small dog barking at gators until it got eaten

People always joke about Australia being spiderland but our spiders are nowhere near as big as an American Tarantula

>how are they worse?
their venom can kill you

They dont know they are being grabbed. They only respond to fast movements directly in front of their face.

just asking to get a tarantula need flicked in the eye

Those are surprisingly calm tarantulas. Usually the trick to handling them is tricking them into thinking they're not being handled so they don't freak out and die.

I love having the excuse to post this.

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Yeah until it's secks time and all the males are wandering around trying to find those neet caves.

australia is spiderland because there are swarms of redbacks infesting every inch of habitable land

>old world and new world spiders

... and? just leave them alone and i wont bite you.

You lot know you can train a tarantula to become used to human contact, right? That's why she's able to pick them up so easily.

Tarantulas are bigger but their venom is relatively benign. The most dangerous spider in the US is the brown recluse and they still can't fuck you up as bad as a funnel web spider.

>game lets you create monstrosities

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if you dont move spiders outside so they can cull the flying niggers youre a nigger

yeah that sucks. they might mistake my neet cave for a female spider's neet cave.

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built for BBC

oh my god he said us, time for funny meme haha.

Old world tarantulas, Asia, Africa etc tend to be much more aggressive then New World, North and South American ones. It's not always 100% true, but it is generally correct.

We have a bunch of native tarantulas here in QLD

>game forces a sex change on you

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Redbacks only inhabit small dark quiet spaces so 99% they live in a shed or under something sitting on the ground for years. If you start getting them in your house you might just be a filthy cunt who needs to clean their house more.

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curious is the trapmakers art


miserable cunt

Spiderland is in Utica, Indiana.

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cringe millenial

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What's its thought process when I go there and destroy all their hard work in 1 second?

Seething mutt

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Their hasn't been a death from a funnel web bite since the anti-venom was developed in 1981.


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Idk, fucking a spider seems pretty uncomfortable, where would you even stick it?

I held one once.
No idea what it was, I just know it was orange.
It was cute.

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must be embarassed haha

Rapist in nigeria castrated

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Based yank

>Have sex, die
Got a problem with that, chum?

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Because the ones that die can't tell the tale.

Spiders aren't insects retard.

Mindbroken by trannies and spamming irrelevant shit in a comfy thread, typical image board autism.

Spiders aren't insects, so they are safe.

All that hard work and they do it perfectly every time and every night, it's incredible

>Little girl is more of a man than me
Look at those fucking things, how is she not terrified

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>held cockroaches with my hand when i was a kid
>terrified of them as an adult
wtf is it about kids and being fearless?

You need to get the arachnid spray, dumbass.

kids are retarded

do they actually eat each other heads?
what's the big brain answer

They certainly do not do it perfectly each time. You've never seen a real spiderweb, have you?

Tarantulas are pretty chill.

A tarantula typed this post

>Web broken, commence web spinning.


haha funny meme


>Bite dumb monkey
>Food for days

It's pretty easy to determine cause of death.

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I know, it's weird.
In case of cockroaches sit should be the other way around. They can't even hurt you, they are just disgusting.
I figure it would be it easier for a kid to be disgusted than to realize danger.

>never been on the sea
>extremly affraid of being in the sea
>also affraid of big creatures (sharks, orcas, whales)
what's the rational explanation to my phobia?

Spiders are so fucking smart holy shit. Isn't there a species that figured out web balloons? MAGNETIC web balloons?


Spiders are okay. They can serve a purpose. Scorpions can't.

a wasp typed this post

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Humans are land mammals, pretty simple really.

There's nothing wrong with us we just want to be left alone.


How do I beat this guy?

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Stay the fuck away from places that you cannot breathe in.
Simple as.

Putin's also a globohomo kike servant

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Did you pick up the shoe on the third chapter?

>Rational explanation

Yeah they do.

I'm surprised these tarantulas aren't afraid and getting aggressive.

Why is Oglaf so kino?
And drawn by a woman

cozy web blanket time

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Don't worry I thought it was funny

why are long arms so spooky?

hohol tears

>kenya's mau mau people have uprising against brit settlers
>do shit like this
>brits end up giving them millions in reparation

That moment when you give your spiders names is the time when you realize you are in the wrong country.

>Don't have sex, still die
Better than most of Yea Forums

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How is a gun store scary like nigga just walk in and buy a gun

That's your brain trying to trick you into being forever poor and not discovering the pirate treasure.

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Why the fuck is there pol posting in a spider thread?

lmao even

goddamnit, guess I should restart

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Holy based, literally why is this not the standard?

look at those idiot fireflies what tools, fucking clowns

Because kids arent born with fear, they learn it from adult, if your parents arent pussies you grow without fear.

i had a friend with a pet tarantula that somehow managed to fall fucking asleep on top of it and kill it

>have one of these
>big spider on the front
>go to grab it
>it wasn't a picture

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what the fuck is going on, spider tricking other spider?

mutts got triggered by 1 post

Mantises usually kill regular prey by biting off the head first to kill it and neutralize any threat as quickly as possible.
Females, when stressed, will sometimes kill and eat the male immediately after mating. Opportunistic cannibalism is common in a lot of animals during stress. Plenty of fish will immediately eat their own young as soon as they detect any possibility of a predator, because the young would likely die anyway, and eating them before fleeing increases chances of survival by a little bit by preventing potential starvation; it's all about conservation of energy.
Mantises are extremely visual creatures, so being observed, whether in a laboratory or in the field, is enough to trigger the sexual cannibalism. Nobody actually knows exactly how often they do it in the wild, but a lot of biologists are convinced it's actually quite rare in the wild, and only very common in observation.

In mantises in particular, males will mate longer with hungry females for fear of being eaten (waiting for an opportune moment to dismount), so the threat of being eaten increases the chances of successful fertilization.


Mating dance

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can they be trained as pets and do tricks? do they recognize their owner?

>Because kids arent born with fear
yes they are you retard
you ever seen a baby cry from a someone making a scarey face or hearing a loud noise?

keep guzzling that jewish cum, vatnik

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You are aware that a phobia is literally the absence of ration right?

Tarantulas are shockingly fragile. You aren't supposed to handle them at all because a simple fall onto carpet from a couple of feet can and does kill them.

Quick protein to ensure she survives to give birth. Its just a survival thing.


lmao what the fuck. this is so dumb. this is a mating dance? it just weirded the other lil dude out.

Because """"""rape"""""" is a hard thing to prove.

I think you need a new dicktionary.

>Arachnophobia Safe Mode: ON

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Whiptail scorpions are neat.

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There's is nothing to be afraid of in the ocean.

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Fear of the unknown, the idea of something dangerous just beneath the surface that you can see.

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Brits are more cucked than Amutticans More news at 6

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