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That brings me back. I haven't played eu4 in like 3-4 years. How is it now?


Amogus with horse cock

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Castile shouts "Ara," as it gets boned by Portugal.

>Ireland colonized by the British

Never again.

Now convert to Sunni.


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what game?

Yeah that's a really good looking Sweden

Those ottomans seem to be getting a little too cocky

The irony is that while the behavior this reddit post is satirizing doesn't actually exist, the tanky that made it absolutely does exhibit this exact behavior towards playing how communism totally could have worked if it didn't get sabotaged by reality.

>doesn't actually exist
lmao even

>the behavior this reddit post is satirizing doesn't actually exist
I can understand that you could think this if you discovered Paradox games a year ago, but map painting definitely still exists even if it's ""ironic"".
>the tanky that made it
>communism totally could have worked if it didn't get sabotaged by reality.
The irony is that you're projecting your politics onto a meme that makes fun of people who project their politics onto these games.

>the tanky that made it
Thanks for outing yourself as the low iq breed that automatically assumes that everything they don't like is politically opposed to them.

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The exact kind of 5 iq non response I'd expect from a tanky troon
The irony here is you claiming someone is projecting. I've seen the posts the individuals that spam these "memes" make, I've seen the rate my USSR posts on the originators reddit profile. These sorts of posts are made to excuse your behavior. You fellows come here thinking that anonymity is some sort of magical invisibility cloak that forbids people from recognizing your behavior.
Thank you for replying three times user, explain why communism is a failed ideology if my estimation of you is off the mark.

Who do you think should have won WW2?


the jews

I unironically have a sub so i don't have to buy a billion dlcs and I've never put more hours into the game than I have now. Achievement hunting, playing mission based countries, playing obscure countries
super fun

but I hate paradox with a passion because of this and the fact that they are shitting out CK3 iberia flavour pack INSTEAD OF IMPERIAL MECHANICS

or you coupd have bought all the dlc from humble bundle for 18 euros a week ago

Finnland. Now answer my question, mr. totaly not a tanky.

but there are 3 more DLC on they way and by the time they get discounted, i'll be back to square one.

Anyway my "strat" is to sub for 3 months and play the fuck out of it, get bored for 6 months and resub after I feel that itch again

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>whipipol annexing countries bad
>russian mongrels annexing countries good

but they won

The same people who wish Hitler had won are supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine now.

The people screaming white people bad are the same ones supporting Ukraine right now.

Kill yourself

no, i support ukraine, once russia is finished then ukraine should be finished, then white russia followed by poland and finally chezchia. Then germany is united with its ancient homeland

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only braindead muttoids and serbs support him

there's also unironic commies supporting russia against evil nato

I'm Irish American 9th generation and I'll never forgive the english for what they did.

Definitely not the internationalist bankers and their pawns

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Alright this has eluded me for the longest time and now is the perfect time to ask but what in the ever loving FUCK does VGH mean

is Ugh but Roman.

You're not irish.

Don't disparage my heritage you fecking british swine

Pretty accurate considering that you haven't lurked long enough to know that without the maymay arrow implying that you are quoting me, you are saying that is what you look like.


All this time it's just retards larping instead of it being an abbreviation?
I'm actually a little upset

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post chin

Every day I pray for another Cromwell to purge that shithole island you claim heritage from

It's not really that roman. Just replacing U with V

>take over Austria and Czechoslovakia
>wait until Russia spergs out and invades Poland on their own
>the invasion will be a brutal slog of attrition instead of an instant blitz like everything Russians do
>offer to help "save" Poland in exchange for certain concessions
>team up with France and Britain to protect Evropa from gommunist aggression
Literally find a flaw in my strategy

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>on the other side of the Aral Sea from the Oxus

i dont get you amerisharts, if i were to introduce myself in the same way: im frankish/visigothic/batavii/dorestadi 13th generation.

It sounds autisticly retarded

Austria should be independent

You may not like it but this is peak Germany.

Attached: top germany.png (682x646, 777.83K)

No you're not you're just european

From what I know only people who like Varg use the V instead of U in places like Europe

Germany should get Silesia

>Republic of Britannia
God Save the Queen this is a travesty

no, i am from belgium but im:visigothic,frankish,aquitini, batavi,vandali,belgaea,helvetic,loethoringian 13th generation

Then you're Belgian.
Heritage only counts for Americans. Europeans are just what they are right now. That's why Black Belgians are still just Belgian.

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nope, turkey also has a ton of people from immigrant background and different ethnic background. But they introduce themselves as turkish. It just sounds so gay when americans say im:
Its realy pathetic and gay

Turkey is European

I only see discord trannies like OP doing that

Turkey is in Europe retard. You're just proving me more right.

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