why did it flop?
Why did it flop?
No games
Cos no games and nobody can buy it.
logically this cant be real
No games, and the games that are eventually coming out exclusively for it are western trash
I played 12 hours of games today instead of shazamtrooning, OP. how about you?
I agree. I’ve never seen a ps5 in person.
>Yea Forums predicting the demise of Sony for 15+ years
>has been wrong every year
PS5 will probably end up selling 180 million consoles, just because this place is always wrong. Especially when it comes to Sony.
There aren't even 180 consoles in existence let alone 180 million
This, it will never flop due to normies, but I can't think of a single ps5 exclusive out or incoming that I would consider buying this.
At least the Ps3 had MGS4 and MAG
>selling 100,000 consoles a week
Yea Forums sure loves to push a narrative. Starting to look like the front page of Reddit pushing pro-left shit and hiding anything positive related to Republican. You aren't some biased bunch of leftist fucks, are you Yea Forums?
Lack of availability, they need to take more efforts to hinder scalpers rather than keep the mindset that someone buying up all their stock is a good thing, even if it is a scalper who is going to flip the console for nearly twice the price.
I've had a PS5 for a while now, but I got lucky and got it directly from sony with little hassle.
big if true
The PS5 is the only system in history where very unit that gets made sells instantly. That's not a flop. That's the opposite of a flop.
basically this.
>sell 5 actual games a week
>not a flop
Sony pretty much loses money on every console sold, the fact that they cant sell any games with them is bad
xbox360 was the "normie" console outside of wii. still lost to ps3 in the end
That's not true though.
It sells less than a fisherprice tablet, has been forced out of japan, and is even losing to Xbox in some markets now. I wouldn't call it a flop, but compared to the invincible godlike power Sony held with the PS4, the PS5 has been an enormous failure for them.
Yeah, to bots and scalpers.
Because Sony evolved from the days of having no games, now they have no games AND no consoles
Couldn't give a shit if it flops or not. I'll play it until the next new thing comes along to complement my PC. Don't need to have buyers remorse when you actually make money.
The PS3 literally sold more than the Xbox 360.
What is with this board? Are you all just stupid on purpose or...?
yea i just said that ps3 cleaned the table in the end. are you being stupid or on purpose?
PS5 gets scalped because the demand for them is insanely high. Xbox Series X's don't get scalped because the demand isn't as high. It's not that difficult of a concept to grasp.
I wanted a PS5 but ended up settling for a Series X. I don’t care that much about exclusivity, but Sony certainly lost me as a customer. Same thing goes for unsold copies of games which are where they generate their largest revenue.
>still can't figure out supply issues
>no fucking games
>what little games they get are censored to all hell
>sales to scalpers and bots are okay, a sale is a sale!
the absolute state of snoycucks
No games.
But it is user, the games on the console are barely selling, you know? Games? The things that were on the PS1 and 2, remember those? Well they make up a majority of their money from those, and if no one is buying them something is wrong, the PS5 physical is barely breaking even and thats not even accounting for shipping costs
The PS3 has sold 87.4 million units and the Xbox 360 has sold 84 million units.
My point is if the PS5 was a flop, they wouldn't be scalped. Are you stupid or something?
still selling out instantly nintentroon
>Are you all just stupid on purpose or...?
they are.
Do you have any proof? I notice Yea Forums retards like to make wild claims without any proof.
Also keep in mind the switch has the worst attachment rate among all consoles right now. Kirby sold to like 2% of switch owners. Attachment rates don't sell consoles anymore.
Sadly the games are still stuck on shelves, what are people even doing with the console? Is it supposed to be an overpriced decoration piece like Air Jordans?
pretty much yeah
blame covid. it slow downed production of the system and games
i haven't bought a physical game in 5 years
The switch has a pretty normal attachment rate user, and that’s because they dont give away 3 “free” games a month to inflate their attachment rates
Xboxes aren’t scalped because Microsoft does a good job at making sure there’s always enough stock for demand. That’s the only difference.
mine gathers dust rather nicely
So you don't have any proof?
What's the point of these threads? Is it just for Yea Forumsirgins to craft head user about the current state of the game industry? Only on this retarded board have I seen the PS5 called a flop.
>Is it supposed to be an overpriced decoration piece like Air Jordans?
Who do you think the biggest comsumers of Playstation consoles are beside trannies?
I skipped the ps4, so I'm getting a lot out of it for that. Only exclusive I have is Demon's Souls so far. I haven't played in a decade, and I liked it. Then again, I'm not a sperg who shits himself at face textures or soundtracks.
There's always a supply of Xbox Series X's because people want a PS5, not an Xbox.
No, not really.
weak bait;
Yes really considering Playstation outsells Xbox every generation. Sorry Phil but them's the facts.
>xbox stopped reporting numbers for the 360 in the summer of 2014 because there literally was no numbers to report
They didn't bother to make any consoles. No PS5s actually exist, and any you've seen or any you think you own are actually just PS4s. All PS5 boxes are memetic agents that make your brain interpret whatever is in the box as a PS5, even when it is actually just a PS4 or PS4 Pro.
>You aren't some biased bunch of leftist fucks, are you Yea Forums?
They literally are, and are encouraged to be.
>available supply means there’s no demand
I accept your surrender
>Historically, demand for Sony's latest and greatest games console has always been higher than for Microsoft's. Sure, the Xbox outsold the PS5 in both North America and Europe for the first time ever in February 2022, but that's likely a result of the Series X becoming more readily available.
The hard truth is that PlayStation 5 sales were 1.7 times greater than Xbox Series X/S sales in 2021. Indeed, most reputable analysts expect the PS5 to outsell the Xbox Series X by 2 to 1 in 2022.
keked hard
white men, like any video game console
I wasn’t asking.
It hasn't. I'm still selling them for $700 a pop.
All jannies are trannies until proven to be glowniggers
>white men, like anything that requires a disposable income
5th gen
>Sony will NEVER take off! N64 will win!
>PS1 buttfucked Sega AND Nintendo
6th gen
>Lol the PS1 was a fluke! PS2 will NEVER take off!
>Totally ASSRAPES Sega into becoming a third party developer, forced Nintendo to fuck off with the gamecube and left the console war to make their own shit starting with the wii
7th gen
>PS3 starts to lose with the PS3 but somehow still beat the 360 in the end(Wii doesn’t count this gen)
8th gen
>Nintendo gains confidence and re-enters the console war with the Pii-U
>Gets totally ASSRAPED by the PlayStation 4 so bad they had to do a “Blue Ocean” strategy with the Nintendo Switch
9th gen(We are now here)
>Lol PS5 will NEVER take off!
>PS5 outselling Xbox Series(Switch is 8th gen see above)
Why does Yea Forums doubt Sony again?
I'm Asian. Xbox has always seemed like the whiter console desu.. but I'll be playing Starfield too.
But the PS5 was a flop because.... because I said so!!!
The folly of releasing a new console during the crunch from hell.
>Sony will NEVER take off! N64 will win
literally no one said that kiddo. PSX hype was real.
i agree with most of what your saying, but the wii won that gen.
Even if 1/3 of the sales were for old people who only played wii sport ones and forgot about the console;
More importantly, the PS5 isn't nearly that small.
>I'm Asian
>playstation owners
Brazillians are not white
The PlayStation 5 is the only console in living memory besides old shit and limited-edition collectors items that can only be found second-hand. Finding one, let alone actually buying it, is an achievement all by itself. People spend more hours trying to get one than they do actually playing games on it. The street price second-hand is $700, far more than any other console in recent history.
Perhaps if they made a console that ordinary people could buy, perhaps people would? Wow, who would’ve thunk!
>(Wii doesn’t count this gen)
>(Switch is 8th gen see above)
>th-that console doesn't count, c-cos I SAID SO