This UI looks like garbage

This UI looks like garbage

Attached: D5D50CA1-9775-44A1-930E-3580B7D4FE10.jpg (1280x717, 311.55K)

This is literally what western troons wanted.


Attached: 1624106212008.png (200x253, 5.66K)

Why are shitposters obsessed with this franchise?

This is the future gearbox niggers wanted. UI and UX for spastic retards.

Attached: uioverload.jpg (1350x766, 244.91K)

Better than X, 2, and the original release of 1. Get stuck in

>rx 570
>i5 4670k
I wanna emu xbc2
how fucked am I

This game just looks very messy in general. Too much shit on the screen.
No, wtf.

Man I love either Eunie's or Mio's "I'm WAY out of your league!" in the combat footage in trailer.

Also Noah's "Bring it home! Your finished!"

Dub sounds kino

what's the point of a 6+ party size if you only control 1 of them?

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It's about half an MMO

Reroll yourself. Invest more points into taste this time around.

Voice lines.


I’m honestly fine not being able to handle this shit, I’ve tried rpgs like this before and it was honestly too much. If you like it fine but damn, that just looks like fucking work.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1280x717, 256.81K)

>Garbage game
>Has garbage UI
Okay? And?

Don't worry Xeno chads, all this is talking about the game more and making it even more popular.

I don't care how much a game sells. I want a game to not suck and Xenoblade 3 doesn't look very good to me. I won't be buying it day one like I did the rest.

There's nothing you can do about it if you don't like the look of Xenoblade 3. Just move on user. You're obsessed.


I mean i’m not saying it couldn’t be arranged a little bit better but nothing unnecessary is up there

Attached: sex3.jpg (640x359, 51.28K)

You just have too low IQ to get it.

When can we actually get good Xenoblade 3 threads? I swear shiposters only do this to Xenoblade

>nothing unnecessary is up there
There is no fucking reason to have that many shield icons on the screen. It's stupid.

>no fingerless gloves meter

MATE you can likely toggle them off FFS. Fuck me man do you ever go outside or go and talk about things you like?

it's busy but everything there serves a purpose, there's an argument to be made the bits that say the traits of each move can be removed and the player just remembers them instead but I wouldn't make that argument

>When can we actually get good Xenoblade 3 threads?
When you get a good Xenoblade 3 game.

You can toggle them on or off just like you could in Xenoblade 2.

Why not? It tells you which party members are currently getting a buff from those blue AOE buff rings

Not that fucked. I get 24-30fps on XCDE with the same gpu and a shitty Ryzen 3 I paid 80 bucks for new about 3 years ago.


You just answered your own stupid question. The ring and the shields are superfluous.

>no semen gauge

>won't sell more than 2 million

The rings are necessary because you won't get the buffs if you or your party members aren't inside them.

Why, exactly? If there ring weren’t there, you wouldn’t know where a place AOR buff is

Still better than XC2 UI. Will be a better game too.

If I see a character inside the ring then I know they are being buffed and I don't need to see a shield icon. Why do I have to break down something so simple for you, you stupid fuck?

I think we bodied him user.

Different rings gives different buffs, retard.

There should be no reason for anything in the bottom half of the screen to exist in the UI.

Same with the shield icons, it's clutter and redundant as the icons are shown next to the health bars.

The ring would be a different color then, RETARD.
You are a simpleton. There is literally no reason to have the same information on the screen 3 fucking times. Unless of course the intended audience is as dumb as you.

Yeah and you can probably toggle it off just like you could toggle off buff icons in Xenoblade DE.

Attached: 1650425815983.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Nah it's nice to be able see the buffs on which characters heads as you go into battle instead of having to look at the side of the screen all the time.

I like how there's actually not that many added things to this webm, most of the stuff is from the game itself

I love Xenoblade 2 but the 'low battery' sliding in always gets me.

its going to be revealed later in the plot that all the soldiers fighting this war are clones with slightly altered genes. Over time these clones were cloned in this hypothetical clone war, Hence Mio and Eunie are genetic clone descendants of Nia and Melia respectively.

Fusion will be a metaphor for sex and creating children in the natural way.

It would also be nice to SEE THE FUCKING GAME instead of UI diarrhea

>I'm here for you, Senpai!
>Is that all you got?
>Take this!
>Bow down before my power!
>I'll heal you!
>Are you okay?
>Just.... die already!

>Nintendo exclusive
That's all it takes, just look at the Metroid Dread and Shin Megami Tensei V threads pre-release, it's all all the same shit because we must consolewar faggotry.

Yea Forums is a tiny minority so nothing here thankfully has any effect, otherwise that would mean everyone is hung up on stuff like Taion when it's only this shithole that cares.

I can see it clearly. Maybe you need glasses?

Attached: xenoblade_chronicles_3_5.jpg (1280x720, 203.32K)


Why everything is orange?

The game is actually set in the Netherlands

Everything is being watched through a high-tech holographic screen by some mysterious third party.

It ties into this.

Why does every game have the same UI/UX design now for both Western and Japanese games?

Attached: modern ui design.jpg (4710x2570, 3.54M)

Forgot pic

Attached: 20220423_002847.jpg (415x604, 79.89K)

>Sees Titanfall 2
Great, now I'm sad...

Because we're approaching the singularity

This is where you draw the line? The 4th one of these fucking things? THE 4√° ONE OF THESE

this particular menu seems fine imo. In games the character's appearance matters to me when equipping items and I know I'm not alone. In older titles you'd just equip and unequip every item and then change back to the normal game like it was a changing room, which sucks because, as this proves, it doesn't have to be that way

>there is a nigger
>looks like shit
pick 2

It's bad but not any worse than 1 or 2. I'll take it.

Looks fine to me. Way better than Xenoblade 2.

>That semen reset into crusaders cyclone

Can’t wait for it to spend 80% of the game at 360p.

Was the faces in the top left really neccesary? What's wrong with just names
Why don't they just use unique icons for moves instead of having a generic sword icon and then having the name next to it.
There's so much empy space in the bottom corner. Move the UI further into the corner.

looks clean