What are some good games with non-human companions?

What are some good games with non-human companions?
Can be from sci-fi or fantasy.

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Breath of Fire games.

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Whats this, JRPG?

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Yes. There is also Neverwinter Nights' expansions if you prefer WRPGs.

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Eh I already played Neverwinter games and dont mind JRPGs desu
I guess its turn based?

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Planescape Torment

Something something ducks and lizards

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Meant to reply to the OP.

Breath of Fire is pretty much a dragon quest clone with funny animal people, except for the fifth game, which is one of the biggest casual filters in JRPG history

God bless goblin girls.

I played that one too already but thx man

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Thanks I will check them out

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That stupid goblin is about to slip and drop the platter!

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How long can various races live for?
I remember reading elves can live for 1000+ years but what about the others?

If you want to try the first two, they're pretty grindy unless you play the GBA versions, which double experience and money
Problem is II has a mangled translation and only the SNES version got a patch that fixes it which is a shame since II has arguably the best story

Dwarves are usually long but not as long as elves. Goblins live for 30 something at most. Orcs are on the low tier as well. Humans are defaulted to 70 years normally. Dragons don't die of old age ever.

Ok that downs my mood a bit.
Should I play in release order and still play 2?
Gotta specify what races you mean.

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That bitch!

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No continuity between the games or anything so start wherever
There's a lot of debate over whether III, IV, and more recently V (people are coming around on it) is the best game. The first two really are just generic dragon quest gameplay wise, but there's a bit more identity in the latter games where you get things like extensive dragon transformation systems and spell combos and stuff
And then V completely changes everything and makes it about skill chaining, meter management and positioning in 3D space. Not a game you play for the story though

I find it disconcerting watching him climb ladders, though.

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My bad these specifically

I was taking a look at Steam's current themed sales and I found this game (Magic Scroll Tactics).
No idea if it's good, though.

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tfw no Goblin gf

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Why are goblins like this?

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Hobgoblin for me

i want to fuck the shit out of a goblin girl
make her goblin pussy quake in ecstasy

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How many human cocks did she ride?

It's better to not think about it.

I choose swamp

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Give me the chubby snow one.
Imagine the uninterrupted months-long breeding while you're bunkered together in your cave while the storm rages outside.


Why do goblin females like the BHC so much? Why aren't they going for the orcs since they're also green like them?

I prefer kobolds

Pygmy, of course.

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sexy female goblins have been popular in art for like five or six years now, but nobody has made a decent game with them yet
what's the hold up?


Fucking humans can get them a more comfortable life than fucking other savages.

Round ears.

I'll take the cave neet thank you.

God i wish i was Ardbert.

for me its snow

Personally I'd like to snuggle into mushroom's bosom.

Based kobold enjoyer.

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i dont think non-humans can handle her

>umpteen different evolutions
>only one that ever thought to make actual clothing
turds truly can't be polished

>game has female goblin that is in love with the player character
>player player canonically reciprocates her feelings

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>See thread, very interested
>Only a handful of games mentioned, Breath of Fire being the only full series mentioned
I really wish non-human characters were more commonplace to have as companions and/or playable characters. Spice things up a bit, you know? Why is it like this?

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Proper kobolds are reptilian. Nips just mistranslated ‘reptilian’ to ‘beastlike’, which then morphed into ‘doglike’.

Name one game.

user that is a reptile you frickin' moron.

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Because they know human men are the perfect size. Big enough to feel safe with, big enough to satisfy them completely.

This thread has been linked by /trash/ racists

This is a kobold thread now fuck you green jews.

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D&D kobolds always had a combination of reptilian and dog-like features. Even 5e kobolds have dog noses. The old books had minimal artwork so Japan just ran with the idea that kobolds are more dog-like because there was only one shitty drawing to go on and it wasn't very clear either way.

user you could pick up literally any RPG series at all and find non humans. They're everywhere. Every fantasy series wants to have its dwarves and elves and shit, every sci-fi series wants to have androids, it's inescapable and it's not our fault you're not even looking at the surface level

I mean it depends on the setting, but the D&D standard is orcs are about the same as humans, dwarves live up to 350 years, gnomes from 350 to 500 and halflings live to about 50.

>Goblins and gnomes want guys higher than 6 ft or 2 meters
>I don't reach the standards
>Buy elf uoh that can be 300 years and still uoh after
Yeah... I'm past the gnome/goblin.

Who cares, just post come greenskins. Also Boom Squad back from when the game wasn't as shit.

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I miss looking forward to new Mass Effect

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There are none


That depends on the one writing them doesn't it? Some stories say that elves live a few hundred years, others make them ageless.

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It's honestly pretty interesting how western and Japanese interpretations of DnD monsters diverged. Another example is how Japanese orcs tend to be more piglike than western orcs.

>Who cares
People who want you to stay in your containment board loser

Oh good, more people to post goblins!

Let us know when you finish developing it.

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This guy is a fucking idiot.

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Twilight Princess

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the problem with this is that you always get retards trying to stop fun claiming all sort of bs.

you can't even go for younger humans.


I miss RPGs with weird colorful casts of characters. I look at modern Final Fantasy where every character is off of a J-Pop cover and I mourn the past.

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Elves are immortal, Dwarves can live for a good 500 years, Halflings can live 200 years, and Men were gifted with the gift of Death so they don't live long at all, barely even a century.

Romance is notoriously difficult to write and most decent-sized devs seem to avoid any size-difference stuff like the plague. The odds of seeing anything like that, outside of slapped together, interchangeable, and ultimately meaningless romance options, is basically zero.
And that makes me angry.

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We aren't posting furry or pony faggot.
Nobody likes a wannabe Janny.

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Yes Elves are ageless, but a good sword slash or arrow strike can still kill them, but good luck with that because they'll kill you first much quicker.

I can almost understand the reluctance for writing it with characters that seem fairly child-like (like, look at Lalafells or the Elin, even if they behave like adults, apart from a couple of them they all have this child-like energy), but goblins and dwarves typically are proportionate and generally act like adults (if irresponsible ones with goblins) so I think it's just people putting weirder ideas into it than there are. Some people just like short gals.

>Elves are immortal

no one likes you, faggot.

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>posting furry or pony
You post worse

>elf threads
>eternal war between kMMOfags, Warhammerfags and ElderScrollsfags
>goblin threads
>slow but kinda peaceful
I will never get it.

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le old Yea Forums's discussing porn

Nigger as someone who likes Dwarves Elves are pretty dangerous. They're lighter than snow and their accuracy with a bow isn't a joke. Get off your retarded /tg/ faggot memes.

whats the name of that booru people upload shortstacks like goblin girls, midna and the yordles to