Ralsei Deltarune

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Ralsei Deltarune

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will forever be the second banana to the superior Undertale cast


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steamy hot sex with bara birds

i wish he and susie didnt uncover their faces so early


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why does /vg hate theory talk of any kind, it's literally the general

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Me too little doe.

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how do we cope with the lack of content?

You can only pitch in and accept their horny deranged lonely depressed hivemind circlejerk or die trying.
Or you could just enjoy the occasional good DR/UT thread that happens here

I guess I'll pick the latter then, seems more engaging

Fluffy goat

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I want a battle against Rouxls where he proves to be stronger than sans undertale

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Think fast user

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ICE-E is real. And no one wants to discuss this with me.

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I just want a dumb joke where Rouxls claims to be the "Roaring Knight" and the real knight promptly appears

>ralsei ready to get anal vored by me

Play the game over and over, play undertale or even play the earthbound hack

>ICE-E is real
Always was

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>When Deltarune comes out and Ralsei takes your soul and puts you in the Vessel.

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Mid to late 2023 or Early 2024 I'm afraid

Honestly, I wished toby didn't go the 3 whole chapters route. Even if it comes out in early 2023, it would destroy functional discourse. I would literally have to turn off my wifi after downloading the game.

Jaru video fucked me up bad, I refuse to consider Asriel being dead but I don't think he's really in college either.

Hote take: Black Ralsei is cuter than White Ralsei

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Goat Kris sucks.

let em be happy

Asriel has far gone over his quota for plot twists in Undertale alone. I bet hes really in college and is top of his class as expected. No being dead, no enloping with Dess, No being a Rock star, ect. Just Mr perfect, everything Kris can't live up to

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You monster.

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Needs a Rule 63 version

Be nice to Goat Kris, that's just his monstersona

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I saw that's from Kris's pov but how Asriel might see his own life is quite different, don't forget their father was fired from his previous job and their parents are divorced now. Would that lead to a reason for Aseril to want to "disappear"? Probably no, but he seems to be a very over-emotional person if he cried to the priest about Yoshi "dying".

But female Ralsei is good

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I'm fond of the boywife

Susie looks better with eyes, she looks less like Kris

World Revolving > BIG SHOT

I disagree.

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Undertale's theme was about it being a game and NPCS memeing you for using game functions. Deltarune's theme is about the player being inside a game of sorts, mirrored by the dark worlds sending the characters to games. Did I get it right?
How long until the game pokes the festering tumor that is the player wanting to fuck a character and using kris as a proxy? Why is Kris the only human in a town of monsters?

Facts people are afraid to make. Big shot is still good but I don't finish listening to the song fully as I do with World Revolving and my favorite part of bigshot is when you hear the World Revolving bit in it.

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>I disagree
Cope. bigshot-fag

Why is an ice cube advertising pizza anyway?

I doodled a bunch of lewds of this slut


I give it about 16 more months

The festival is Halloween. I’d put money on it.

Well it is autumn looking

Well, it is autumn in Hometown

>festival is halloween
>everyone's dressed as characters/things they like
>someone makes a fountain on the festival
>everyone has their designs changed to who they aspire to be/like to be
>this gives us more insight on the characters
>kris is a goat

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That'd be kino.

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maybe Kris and Ralsei are trying to use the dark world to revive Asriel in some way, thus Asriel will make a return by the last chapter through all their efforts. A noble goal, I don't think either character is evil but they're being extremely risky since the roaring is probably real danger.

That still doesn't explain what the bunker is and why I have the power to control Kris though, or what Ralsei really is. Or why the knight made the cyber world (and may or may not be the same creator of the abandoned classroom).

Nah BIG SHOT is way better composed than World Revolving, any other cope is BS. World Revolving is literally just a better song sped up too sound like generic clown music. BIG SHOT actually has lore implications and makes use of the shared motif between the two songs better aswell.

Spamton is generally a better and more unique character while jevil is the alice in wonder land cheshire cat kind of thing. The music of big shot is also objectively better

>World Revolving is literally just a better song sped up too sound like generic clown music.
>generic clown music that's sped up is better than BIG SHOT
Bravo, Toby

That's true, Bigshot is far more epic but I like the hopeful whimsy of World Revolving

meant to reply to


Except its not though bud, it blows compared to BIG SHOT. Just accept that fact and try not to chimp out about it.

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>muh lore implications!
Whatever you say, man. Just because of that doesn't make it instantly better. RPG or not.

He will be drawn with the HUGEST, FATTEST, MOST OFF-MODEL of asses, and he will ENJOY it

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