Be me

>be me
>born in 1999
>tfw too old to still enjoy JRPGs

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Other urls found in this thread:

h-haha so old...

dumbass boomer

you're like 15, fuck off pal

Imagine being born in the 20th Century
Kill yourself grandpa

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the ripe age to enjoy zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam


Why are you here? They say nigger here.

>be me
protip, on Yea Forums we don't start stories with that. that's a clear sign you're from reddit.

westoid pleb detected.
i'm born in 1998 and JRPGs are my favorite genre

>be me
>tfw born 5 decades ago

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>be me
>born in 1994
>too straight to enjoy JRPGs
>play CRPGs like a real man

I was born in 1994. I play JRPGs, CRPGs, ARPGs, SRPGs, and dungeon crawlers.

>stubbed my toe today
>nail is black, will fall off soon
yup it's over lads

mine grew back with a crack down the middle.
30 years later the crack is still there.

Don't you have a nursing home to go to?

>20th Century
Damn I'm so old

you have to be at least 18 to post on this site

go to bed grandpa, bet you had a wii

the fuck, why am i on there?

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You can't be on the internet past the age of 30, senile grandpa

Lel, I promised to myself that I will leave this cesspool right after my kid is born
>mfw I'm going to turn 34 this year
>mfw my kid was born 10 years ago
>mfw he's probably lurking Yea Forums nowadays
>mfw there's a chance I called him a faggot

I feel fulfilled as a man.

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>Born in 89
>Too old to enjoy electronics in music

life is suffering

My nephew posts here, I know because he said a gamer word once that he would only know if he came here or knew of Yea Forums. It's a weird feeling.

It's not an age thing user, you were born to -late- to enjoy jrpgs. The genre is dogshit compared to the snes / PS1 golden age and zoomie brains can't handle graphics that aren't in 4k. I feel for ya, kid. At least you've got Overwatch 2 coming out?

Stop acting old, you're fucking 23, tops.

You should monitor your kid's internet usage more if there's a chance a chance he's using 4channel at ten years old.

Uncle June this was your idea.
Hey let me ask tou something. I get why you post the same shit over and over and over. Why can't it be something nice? Why's it always gotta be "kys" or "seethe" or "dilate"? Don't you love me?

It's not a nursing home, it's a RETIREMENT COMMUNITY!


Thanks and don't worry, user, I'm well aware of it. To be completely honest with you I really do hope he isn't going to discover this site for another 4 to 6 years.

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>You should monitor your kid's internet usage
That would require parenting. I'd rather he was raised by the internet, at least he'll fit in with his friends then.

my kid is going to be a janny and he will delete your kid's posts

Don't forget that he will do it for free, kek.

I was about to say it's better to let him experience things on his own just like most anons in here did, but then I realized he's only a few clicks away from being groomed by trannies.

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Dumb fucking zoomer

>tfw born in 1996
getting too old for this shit gamers

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>I know because he said a gamer word once
Yea Forums didn't invent the word "nigger" you retarded boomer.

bro seriously put partitional lock on his shit the fact you let him browse freely at such a young age is gonna mess him up. When he's like age 13 you could probably give him some freedom up to you but I would advice against him freely looking at shit at such a young age.

wtf that's racist, I meant he said nocap

I was born 1997 and soon I'll be turning 25. I'm finally gonna be able to play that life changing vidya only those 25 and above can play. I'd say wish me luck guys but I feel that this is one of those vidyas that you can only experience.

>tfw 30 years old and still enjoying vidya gaymes

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Dumb zoomer

That's an instagram and snapchat phrase user it's used by teenagers Yea Forums only uses it ironically to pick on them then adopted it because what do you expect of overgrown men that never fit in when they were kids.

>t. larping 25 year old
you will never be a "boomer" and stop using "oomer" memes.

My nigga. Turned 30 last month and I feel the same way
Only issue is, its hard to play multiplayer games now, cos lots of my friends quit them more or less and its not as easy to make new ones to play with like when you were 16 for some reason

I'm 30, zoomer

tell me your war stories grandpa

I play them but I dont get enjoyment out of them like I used to and hardly even finish them I think I stopped playing Elden ring half way in.

>this thread again
you fell for obvious bait, you fucking retarded mongrels

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You need to watch some food4dogs jrpg videos OP.

>30 year old man
>uses still using "oomer" memes because they're epic
You need to stop larping as a 30 year old and act your age in your 20's.

It all started back in 2016... The exact date I cant really recall but Yea Forums changed forever... We lost some good anons that day...

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based chad

dumb zoomer

oomer memes are the best thing to come from Yea Forums since 2016

This. How anyone can enjoy this crap past the age of 16 Lord only knows but there must be some mental autism involved.
>liking JRPGs unironically
Grow up autist.
J(more like gay lol)RPGs were never good.

>My nigga. Turned 30 last month and I feel the same way
Same. I basically stay with singleplayer games and replay older games while i wait for new ones. Currently enjoying Elden Ring though.

At which point did you stop? I was a month late getting into it and i've reached the area east of the capital

I'm 28 years old and currently almost done with the grind required to take on penance in ff10.

i know someone who's sister became a step-grandmother and she's only 30?

I stopped playing after killing (Not bloodborne cut content boss) Astel. I wouldn't say the game was bad I just don't like the open world stuff it kind of ruined things for me.

Cope boomer bitches

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based crpg enjoyer, I'm glad zoomers are helping fuel the crpg resurgence, might be their only contribution to gaming trends

replace family guy with American dad and its GOAT.