Play fighting game

>play fighting game
>just want to play fun secondary and have a good time
>get locked in the corner by a broken top tier and can't do anything
>get so upset I start screaming at the top of my lungs
>ragequit and play my main fighting game
>keep losing
>literally tear a clump of my hair out because I'm so angry
>turn the whole computer off and back on
>rematch the guy with my main character
>become utterly calm
>beat him 12 games in a row
>turn the game off
I want to kill myself

Attached: Asuka_butthurt.png (1440x1080, 1.63M)

>>just want to play fun secondary and have a good time
>>get locked in the corner by a broken top tier and can't do anything
At that point you should stop caring about the outcome of the game and try to throw them as much as possible like a real man.

shoulda played fighting games with actual matchmaking like project L

I tried playing Smash online earlier, and it was so fucking laggy it was impossible to enjoy. Are all fighting games like this?

autistic retard

being good at fighting games is literally the only thing I have to be proud of in my life and the only thing I do where I can actually feel in control of what's happening
I can't not care about it

Attached: 1600145083474 asuka.jpg (1440x1080, 777.08K)

what causes someone to become like this?

making up stories on the internet for attention? Plenty of things.

that guy's gas lighting you. at least u didn't commit to something like League of Legends or Pokemon where you literally have no control no matter how good you are.

>playing fightcade seriously and not for laughs
you asked for this

btw if you are playing a secondary character just put a mental limit of how many losses you want to eat before going to the lab again, picking a secondary after you have enough experience is easy because you know exactly what to look for to have good frametraps and pressure strings etc but you will eat some good amount of losses before it clicks and it will be a long string of losses