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From shitters on suicide watch


Jahy loli is better

Basically using cheat engine at that point

Reminds me of that thumbnail with Giorno in a FF14 video

Damn that's a lot of poise damage or whatever. How's he staggering with every poke?

>used items
>used buffs
>cheesed with halberd pokes
Looks like the game will have to stay unbeaten


He didn't beat her.

Malenia staggers with anything bigger than a L1 long sword attack

>amine attack completely misses
Wonder how many tries it took until he rng'd into it

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wow I never realized.

There are no buffs.

>commanders halberd weapon art isn't a buff

Does this mention how many tries this took?

colossal weapon or didn't count

>Didn't use a level 1 club
>Not rl1

Might as well play with co-op at rl999

He used consumables and commander standard, he didn't beat her at all.

>bloodboil aromatic isn't a buff
>physick flask isn't a buff
>RTS ring isn't a buff


>wore any kind of armor
still unbeaten

>upgrading weapon

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why did he use some random weebshit as his thumbnail? now i have to dislike his video.


>he still thinks disliking doesn't help promote the video
The best you can do is do nothing, moron.

seething whiteboi

>playing the game
You didn't beat the game.

>RTS ring
>still cheesing with halberd
He didn't beat her.
>that seething pinned comment
Literally Yea Forums

He does have a point...

Attached: 1625303428320.png (1260x276, 40.2K)

He did it again with no buffs or items.


Attached: 1647701044612.gif (171x172, 961.68K)


>dodges almost everything with positionning and minimal rolling
oh nonono shazamsisters what do we do about this....

Let me solo her xd

>upgraded weapon
No they didn't.

fuck renbts


>changes position during the fight
You didn't beat the game.

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>didn't use the majority of the games mechanics
he didn't beat the game.

you didnt beat the game

pls no bully

Attached: depressed matter.gif (630x469, 2.42M)

>didn’t use fist
He didn’t beat he game

Majority is meant for PVP, not PVE. If you used anything other than rolls and a standard melee weapon and didn’t scour the map for every single upgrade and talisman you dont get to say that you really beat it.

Yeah I've yet to see a no weapon boss win.

>upgraded weapon

>using weapons
Lol, lmao even

WE KNEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!! FROM ARE BANKRUPT CREATIVELY AND FINANCIALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's over from troonss...... we took the L today and forever.... there's no coming back from this L

this video is fucking hilarious, the way he is waiting to always stagger her looks so fucking annoying

>min maxing
why even play it


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Attached: uoooh, I kneel.webm (678x822, 370.82K)

This just proves ymfah to be more entertaining

>used aromatics
>used sprint
>used weapon skill
>used physick
>upgraded weapon
>used talismans
>used a weapon
He didn't beat the game.

>beat the game
why are elden babs so bad at the game?

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This is the boss Yea Forums cried for MONTHS about?

it's over.
elden ring is done.
>speed run is 5 minutes max
>malenia beaten at soul level 1 with basic weapon and no armor or any buffs
>radahn nerfed
>bugs, glitches, exploits
>unfinished NPCquests 3 months after release
it's time to find a new franchise to use a personality surrogate bros. maybe monster hunter? we could appropriate it from the capchuds that always said it was better than our previously epic souls games...

Monster Hunter's latest game is Rise and it manages to be even worse than World. I'd rather shill for Sifu.

>that poke on his way running through her final waterfowl burst in p1
I am fucking dead

Attached: laffo.gif (400x471, 289.11K)

Dashing through those two consecutive triple slashes was quite impressive.

We will forgive you and you only
Jahy world order

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i laughed

Anime and manga turns you into a beta faggot.

>he memorized the boss moves
might as well use a trainer

>Anime and manga turns you into a giga chad
fixed your post

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N64 looking ass

I hated that show.
Dropped it after the brunette cut off her hair.
Worst trope to ever exist in the world and made me drop countless other anime.

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