I. Fucking. Love. Asuka. So. Fucking. Much

I. Fucking. Love. Asuka. So. Fucking. Much.

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yes we know, you post about her every day

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Ninja Wars is the death of the franchise. Idea Factory should not have been the one in charge of it, it's so budget, not even an animated opening

It died in gacha hell. The crossover is just stringing the corpse along, a la Weekend at Bernie's.

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Why are their asses so flat, boobs are ugly if the ass is smaller

Built for fat sushi rolls.

>flat asses
Fuck are you on about? You right, they should have no tits or thighs, instead have nig asses and be gigantic whores instead

kek seething insecure idiot

dead franchise
7 never

does she like cherry 7up

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Only BLACKcherry.

You should draw her not wearing clothes.

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dead franchise lmao

Prove it.

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homura a best

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I. Fucking. Love. Shiki. So. Fucking. Much.

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Underboob bikinis are the best

"She" is a drawing you worthless autistic fuck. Your parents are ashamed of you. You need to get a fucking life and stop jacking off to drawings of girls and start fucking some real women- oh that's right, you can't because you're an ugly fedora-wearing autist.

Me too

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You will never be a women

where on the drawing did the drawing touch you, user?

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Which Senran would fuck a 5'4 hairy fat man such as myself?

Shiki as long as you're a rich fag

Probably Haruka

I. Fucking. Love. Snek. So. Fucking. Much

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I hate her so fucking much holy shit

Shut the fuck up

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Senrans regularly test the limits of their bras


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My wife Ikaruga

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Whats that shirt say?

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necop, no idea how you'll be able to read this though as you can't read that.

Oh chill out, I thought maybe a few letters might be stuck in her cleavage.

For me, it be Miyabi.

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just poking fun user.

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Okay, but lighten up. Or she's gonna leave you for Boco.

better not

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okay homo

That's a cute boy

A 3 headed hunk

You can have her.

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more of these please

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i love meebs
i miss her

I love Ryouna

>when you realize you share tastes with a five-head four-eyes rezu

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A what?

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