I still don't get how so many people to this day can't see how garbage these games are, even when everyone agrees that other sonic game like 06 and boom are dumpster fires.
I still don't get how so many people to this day can't see how garbage these games are...
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Sonic Adventure isn't good, but I can see why people like it more than 06. Despite all it weirdness and failings, at least 1. you can actually go fast 2. the graphics are actually colorful and nice
>contrarianism on Yea Forums
Who are you expecting to impress with this display?
Cringe story aside SA2 still holds up.
Very bad bait thread
>the graphics are actually colorful and nice
Even by 1998 standards, these games' graphics looked like garbage.
>someone isn't blinded by nostalgia like I am = bait
I wouldn't call them garbage, but definitely mediocre.
overrated as hell though
this is coming from someone who loved these games as a kid. but perhaps i'm just too old for sonic right now.
No, it definitely doesn't.
I didn't even like them all that much when I was kid
Not really. Dreamcast was leagues ahead of PS1 and N64 in terms of graphics and memory. Only PC could've had better stuff in 1998 (Unreal, Half-Life, Thief, Quake 2, etc).
I mean the reason everyone loves to shit on 06 is precisely BECAUSE these games were good.
If Sonic had always been garbage then 06 would be completely unremarkable, it's not even that bad compared to some of the actual shitters you'd find in a bargain bin, the only reason it got so lambasted was because it WAS part of a prestigious series mostly known for putting out good games.
This is exactly the same shit that happens to series like Zelda and Final Fantasy, though I wouldn't say Sonic's quality overall comes close to those.
I played them recently for the first time and really only the speed stages hold up; and the speed stages only take up about 20-30% of each game respectively. Sonic autism is a powerful thing.
Sonic was never good
They're both good games.
the textures of sonic adventure were insanely highly detailed for 1998, even outdoing half-life.
it's a different story with the 3D models, though.
>tourist filename
I still don't get how so many people to this day can't see how garbage (You) are, even when everyone agrees that other (You)s like moot and gook are dumpster fires.
You're probably born after 2000 so you don't really know how impressive it was
Pic related, was the coolest shit you've ever seen back then
>screenshot from the DX "remaster"
shame on you.
at least post a pic from the proper dreamcast version
Nah, Half-Life still looks better.
They're alright. Flawed but they have their moments.
Now, Shadow the Hedgehog, that's the one I can't understand why people defend. It's genuinely worse than Sonic 06 and I will die on that hill.
SA2 isn't great game but i still replay the game every year and keep going for 180 emblems.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Nah fuck you, Adventure 1 is kino, and Adventure 2 is decent.
Shadow the Hedgehog's main appeal is that you get to play an edgy hedgehog with a gun. While other games are better both design and gameplay wise, none have the same appeal. Closest thing I can think of is the DMC reboot.
You forgot to tone down the brightness until you can barely see shit, like all those shitty comparison screenshots of DX and Dreamcast
The appeal is lost when you have a game that makes every wrong game design choice you can possibly make. The only thing it has over 06 is that it works more often.
Having that appeal isn't a strong enough point to justify the people that will defend it.
Go play your classic shit OP
>Anons ask for a reason why people might defend Shadow the Hedgehog
>provide a possible reason
>Uhh, no that's not the reason
Then what is it? What's your explanation, then?
>everything that isn't fullbright (lack of lighting) is "too dark" to him
>defending the DX downgrade for this
>defending DX at all
this has to be bait.
>none have the same appeal
Because they aren't bad. Stop making these threads to convince yourself they are.
Git gud ign
it's a double whammy. some people had a dreamcast and it was a shit console but some people are not willing to admit it, which is understandable especially if they got it from their parents
the other angle is nintendorks who never played a sonic before adventure got ported to gamecube so they had these shit games as their first sonic and they thought it was the tits
Who the fuck is defending Shadow's game for being edgy? Literally everyone who wasn't a teenager at the time it came out hated it for the edge.
There are people who unironically defend the actual gameplay of it. I couldn't give less of a shit about the edge, it's the game itself that's offensively bad.
the story just makes it more fun
The thing I've seen praised most about Shadow is its branching paths. If the core gameplay was any good, I would agree and probably have replayed it a dozen times by now.
I find that funny considering how fucking poorly the morality system is implemented. Everything tries to kill you regardless of what side you're on.
anyone else notice that most long running franchises first attempts at 3d usually end up being the best 3d game in the series if not just the best in the series?
>mario 64
>sonic adventure
>megaman legends
>ocarina of time
Shadow would've worked great as an original ip with the branching paths and the edge but unfortunately it wasn't and was about a cartoon fucking hedgehog
that applies to trannytale too and yet it blew up in popularity.
There good games with great soundtracks if you want to make a sonic thread just make a sonic thread bro no need to bait.
You forgot the best one
Castlevania 64
Nah, it would still be a dogshit game.
Yeah I don't really give a shit about Undertale but okay.
It is nostalgia from when t hey were kids. I was also a kid when these games came out and was just approaching my teen years. I to loved the games. I haven't played them since those times but have seen them numerous times now since and it is obvious they have a ton of issues that plague them. Even the very idea of how Sonic should move and his physics is massively changed in concept from the Genesis titles.
I've posted about these games numerous times and I swear I am not shilling them. I haven't even played them. I just can't help but be impressed though how this one guy took the very concept the Adventure games were going for and seemingly made much better game out of it. At least physics and level design wise they seem way better to me. Say what you will about the characters and story being lame or whatnot but I am talking in terms of pure gameplay. Everything about this guys game seems like a complete improvement over SA core gameplay design it was attempting. Perhaps SA design was always flawed and so is this game but I don't ultimately know that. I just feel its worth mentioning because of how much better it looks to play than SA 1 and 2 to me no matter how much nostalgia one might have.
I never really noticed cause it's not true.
>mogged by Galaxy
>mogged by Adventure 2
>mogged by Legends 2
>mogged by Majora's Mask
>mogged by FFX
It's funny how a lot of these are direct follow-ups too.
I know people don't give a shit about the writing in these games but honestly 06 has a better story than the Adventure titles do, and this is actually relevant since Adventure devs explicitly wanted to integrate more storytelling into Sonic by having voice acted cutscenes and hub quests and other bullshit.
loving every laugh
that's the problem. it doesn't matter how much of a skilled storywriter you are, no one is going to take an anthropomorphic hedgehog fleeing from the military seriously.
in the case of the adventure games and 06 it was less about how good the story was and more about how stupid the concept of serious narratives is for fucking furries to begin with.
>but honestly 06 has a better story than the Adventure titles do, and this is actually relevant since Adventure devs explicitly wanted to integrate more storytelling into Sonic by having voice acted cutscenes and hub quests and other bullshit.
The fact that we will never see Mephiles outside of 06 again because of how bad the gameplay and the "kiss", kindof makes me mad. They will always acknowledge Blaze & Silver but never Mephiles because anything to do with the princess is Taboo for Sega.
>but honestly 06 has a better story than the Adventure titles do
No it doesn't, it's literally a story about fucking time travel, it's dogshit.
newfag redditor hands wrote this thread
SA2 is a dogshit game in every metric outdone by both Adventure and Heroes in literally every way
>Goes to shit the nanosecond you leave city escape, making you resent the game for baiting you with a halfway decent level before spiraling into inane RNG treasure hunt stages and gay rail shooter levels
>tone deaf plot and script that goes all over the place and makes no fucking sense; All of team Dark is constantly warping back and forth from earth to the moon when Team sonic has to go to a pyramid to even access the moon; Rouge has five minutes before the bomb goes off but it arbitrarily goes down to three because she says "lmao I don't need five minutes"; Sonic using Chaos control time stop to escape a sealed room (?) using a fake chaos emerald (???) which begs the question what the fuck is even the difference between a real one and a fake one if you can still Chaos control with it; Eggman going from terrorist "Now hand over that emerald before I make mincemeat out of you" to looking out on the stars with tails and sharing a memory of his childhood despite holding him at gunpoint half an hour ago; etc
>What few speed stages the game has are riddled with shit level design, some of the most awful bosses in a 3D Sonic game, or shit like unlocking abilities that you don't even need
>inb4 hurr Adventure 1 is shit, Heroes is shit because X
At least Adventure 1 had heart, ambition and its technical shortcomings excused of being the first proper attempt at a 3D Sonic game. At least Heroes had the right idea of ditching dogshit filler like treasure hunting and rail shooter shit and instead make a game that was all speed stages and mirroring the time-proven Act 1-2 structure of classic Genesis entries.
I'm fully convinced SA2 apologists are autists whos first console was a GC with SA2 Battle on it and are permanently warped into thinking it was a good game by sheer force of nostalgia
not shadow, not cool, not edgy; kill yourself
>OP can't understand subjective opinions and other people thinking differently
I was ready to call you autistic but the Sonic posting was a dead giveaway and I feel that'd be kind of mean
Bad levels in Adventure 2
>Pyramid Cave
>Meteor Herd
mad space is cancer
The only thing Galaxy does worse than 64 is core movement, but in terms of level design it's leaps and bounds above it. So are Galaxy 2 and 3D World btw.
As for FFX, it's alright, I guess I can see how it goes either way between it and VII.
That said IX is better than both anyway.
>the kingdom hearts fan has shit taste
2 is complete and utter garbage but 1 is a pretty good game.
I got all the emblems in SA1 years ago but I just don't think I have the sanity to do it for SA2.
Mad Space is hell and also Cannon's core can be a pain in the ass if you didn't find Knuckle's item that lets him breathe permanently under water.
If we're strictly talking consoles, SA looked great back then.
Galaxy is at least in top 3 Mario titles of all time, fucking good game.