If you come from Dark souls you aren't going to enjoy this. This is the limbo problem in warframe all over again.
Nioh 2 has an incredible amount of needlessly complex button requirements at all times. Some people go in for that, people who use controllers and main Limbo in Warframe. People who are universally unfun to invite to parties.
Yes I am a bizarre mutant who has no authority to be judging either of the series because I refuse to use a controller so without further adieu. I am now going to judge this game.
Dark souls dodge with space.
Nioh 2 dodge with two space presses.
Dark souls swing weapon do damage.
Nioh 2 swing weapon but not too much, no not like that, look we have a tutorial to go over the 14 exacting button presses thou must do to make successful contact with the first two of the enemies three health bars.
Dark souls you get stamina back, be violent.
Nioh 2 Did you like gears of wars active reload but want that in an ARPG? Boy do we have a system for you. Oh using it is non-mandatory of course.
Dark souls I frame through everything.
Nioh 2 We track you like the police track black people.
Dark souls parrying is a risk reward where whiffing is punished but landing is rewarded.
Nioh 2 smash the button if the enemy even thinks about crimson for a split second, if you do not you will be incredibly punished.
Dark souls stay close to pressure, back off to heal.
Nioh 2 you don't have the stamina to pressure until new game 45 with optional (its not optional) double hands tied behind your back skill set tucked behind 35 hours of progress.
Dark souls you can use just about any weapon at any time even something unupgraded. Armor is for fashion and little else.
Nioh 2 we crammed a looter shooter into this game, upgrade your gear every seven nano seconds or be devoured. Also at no point will you ever look good until the 35 hour funtax has been rendered unto caesar
I wish I could refund this.