Nioh 2

If you come from Dark souls you aren't going to enjoy this. This is the limbo problem in warframe all over again.

Nioh 2 has an incredible amount of needlessly complex button requirements at all times. Some people go in for that, people who use controllers and main Limbo in Warframe. People who are universally unfun to invite to parties.

Yes I am a bizarre mutant who has no authority to be judging either of the series because I refuse to use a controller so without further adieu. I am now going to judge this game.

Dark souls dodge with space.
Nioh 2 dodge with two space presses.

Dark souls swing weapon do damage.
Nioh 2 swing weapon but not too much, no not like that, look we have a tutorial to go over the 14 exacting button presses thou must do to make successful contact with the first two of the enemies three health bars.

Dark souls you get stamina back, be violent.
Nioh 2 Did you like gears of wars active reload but want that in an ARPG? Boy do we have a system for you. Oh using it is non-mandatory of course.

Dark souls I frame through everything.
Nioh 2 We track you like the police track black people.

Dark souls parrying is a risk reward where whiffing is punished but landing is rewarded.
Nioh 2 smash the button if the enemy even thinks about crimson for a split second, if you do not you will be incredibly punished.

Dark souls stay close to pressure, back off to heal.
Nioh 2 you don't have the stamina to pressure until new game 45 with optional (its not optional) double hands tied behind your back skill set tucked behind 35 hours of progress.

Dark souls you can use just about any weapon at any time even something unupgraded. Armor is for fashion and little else.
Nioh 2 we crammed a looter shooter into this game, upgrade your gear every seven nano seconds or be devoured. Also at no point will you ever look good until the 35 hour funtax has been rendered unto caesar

I wish I could refund this.

Attached: nioh2ss.jpg (2560x1440, 966.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the problem is that the game just feels like shit, they must be using an engine from ps2 era, there's no physics of any sort

I disliked most of Dark Souls 1
I enjoyed Dark Souls 2
I enjoyed Nioh 1 and Nioh 2
I enjoyed some of Bloodborne except the bosses mostly because lol15fps enjoy
I disliked DS3
I felt meh about Sekiro but some of the bosses were fun
I am indifferent to Elden Ring

What does that make me?

best combat in videogame history

Attached: dilate.png (845x225, 346.5K)

sounds like a you problem
the things you talk about don't work the way you describe them in the actual game and it shows that you are incapable of understanding basic controls and game mechanics and instead fill the gaps with your fantasy take on it

Git gud

A faggot. You're a faggot regardless

>the problem is that the game just feels like shit, they must be using an engine from ps2 era, there's no physics of any sort

Attached: 1649832834832.png (731x441, 460.66K)

You're playing Nioh wrong, though you are correct in that if you started with souls it won't make sense. You're supposed to abuse the game's mechanics until you can just gluesniff through everything

Nioh is proof that more complex combat isn’t necessarily better combat

Nioh 2 has gore and dismemberment
Better parry system
More interesting enemies
Best OST in the last 5 years
Way more viable playstyles
Kino story with likable characters
100x more soul
Colors and beautiful graphics
big titties
sexy men
Deep RPG system if you like that stuff but not required to beat the game
Much higher skill ceiling
Way more abilities and combos
Fucking guns that you blow peoples heads off with

Nioh 2 is a masterpiece.

Seethe, cope, and go back to plebbit. Nioh 2 is Yea Forums's game

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does this game drop the ball at some point or are people just shit
because ive been playing this recently, i just beat the forge dude with the whirlwind attacks. the game feels perfectly fair, moreso than dark souls, and the combat is very fun. you die in like 2 or 3 hits but the game gives you all the tools and mobility to avoid damage completely and consistently. its like devil may cry without a shit camera and enemies that put up a fight

Sounds like a massive skill issue.
Fuck off, retard.

>If you come from Dark souls you aren't going to enjoy this
Stopped reading there. This meme that you have to choose between Team Ninja and FromSoftware is retarded. I love Sekiro, Bloodborne, greatly enjoy Dark Souls and also greatly enjoy Nioh and Nioh 2. Both Nioh and Nioh 2 are far superior games to Elden Shit Ring. Kill yourself normalfag casual subhuman.

Attached: FromSoftware Teams.png (2130x2076, 774.98K)

Holy fucking based and capable-of-enjoying-more-than-one-game-pilled user.

>Nioh 2 dodge with two space presses.

>is Yea Forums just shit

Dude Yea Forums ceaselessly bitches about Melenia when its perfectly easy enough to learn how to dodge waterfowl at any range.

Yea Forums doesn't even play games, the majority of Yea Forums just whines and bitches about everything.

This is a place where button mashy dogshit that easily lets you coast through everything like DMCV and Bayonetta gets massive praise while hardcore timing based action games that punish you for having shitty reactions and shitty game sense get endlessly dogged on.

At this point this board is worse than leddit. This is not the same Yea Forums that won that Tribes: Ascend match.

Attached: Toni Iommi.jpg (452x750, 54.78K)

Someone who hasn’t played a single game you just listed

>i just beat the forge dude with the whirlwind attacks.
At least get past the tutorial

You're like me, someone who enjoys discovery and novelty on the first few playthroughs, but still want something to sink their teeth into long term when it comes to mechanics and mastery of the overall game.

I came from Souls and enjoyed this game immensely with 250 hours sunk, git gud.

>Nioh 2 We track you like the police track black people.
Opinion discarded.

>button requirements
the controls are fine dude
don't choose the dark souls layout
high and low have normal dodges, and i find the mid dodge to be nice in certain scenarios but it is grenerally best to block in it. did you EVER switch stances?
what are you on about? I do think some weapons in some stances do bad damage, though
>i frames
you can roll through stuff in high (yes, actually) and dash away in low
I agree burst counters are shit
ki pulse, invest in heart, invest in courage, etc.
I find i can pressure quite well
Not really, you can stick to 1 weapon type the entire time and only switch to stronger versions of it
Also once I find the drip to be so bussin, bussin' that even when just pick the strongest of everything I still look good

Nioh 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Stranger of Paradise > Dark Souls > Elden Ring > Nioh > Demons Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Code Vein

I like all of them though. It's pretty much ranking them from high 9s to mid 7s. Yeah, even Code Vein. Nioh 2 has the best controls of any game I've ever played and all other games feel almost restrictive. You have so much control over your character once you get past the entry barrier, it's insane.

niohschizos forever butthurt

sale when

Nioh 2 was my GotY when it came out
Dark Souls was my GotY when it came out
I like both, but both games have strengths and weaknesses vs the other. I'm replaying Nioh2 now.
Stamina management in Nioh is bullshit. Those assholes that are like "YOU JUST AREN'T STANCE SWITCHING EVERY SECOND AND EXTRA GROUND UPPING YOUR FLUX BUTTPLUG" need to put a bullet in their fucking heads. First, you don't unlock most of that crap until halfway through New Game. You can get back like 15% of your stamina bar, at most, for the first areas, and that's when the player is at the biggest disadvantage to the game-- they don't know the rhythm of your attacks or the monsters, they don't have "SAVE ME BEYBLADE!" demon cores, graces, or even enough elixirs to put one in storage. If you run out of stamina, you're dead. Enemies will 1-shot you for the first 2 areas if you run out of stamina, and you will run out of stamina. A lot.
>I had no stamina problems
Sure, because you're a fucking goldfish and can only remember your NG+++++++ run where you had 10 billion stamina, demon cores that bukaki'd you with stamina every time you hit an enemy with a high, medium, or low attack, and unlocked traits that reduced your stamina consumption to zero in 2 out of 3 stances, while the sword you're swinging around has not increased its stamina consumption since Level 1. By that point, you barely need it because you already have learned every enemy's attack pattern and know when it's safe to attack a Gokibuki-Buri-Faggi or when he's going to tank that shit to shove a 800lb steel dildo through your face. When you're scurrying around as a lvl 1 jobber, if you attack something, you won't have the stamina to block its attacks, it'll wind you -- but if you blocked its attacks and tried to attack it then, you're winded and therefore fucked.

skill issue

How is it a skill issue if those problems are taken away by leveling up? It's an accessibility issue, not a skill issue.

True. I just got it on PC recently and am on DotD. I was use to my AA agility and courage on ps4 where stamina no longer exists. Nioh at the start has a more methodical approach when ki pulse dancing and dark realm wrecks you pretty bad. However; you can buy and abuse sacred waters to ignore the stamina system as you make your way through NG

I'm currently doing a fresh save and i have zero trouble with ki management. flux is a default skill and honestly all you need


Wait I didn't read the thread
I take my based back, OP you are cringe
git gud

didn't read any post on this thread but I enjoyed Nioh 2 but not as mush as any soulsbornekiroring. Combat is great indeed, better than FS games sure. But everything else, and I insist upon it, is lacking

Attached: Nioh 2_20210606022846.png (1920x1080, 3.62M)

it probably counts as combat but I think the weapon and build variety is way, way better in nioh. it adds a shitton of replay value

Tate Eboshi was much harder than Nyotengu. You guys lied to me. I haven't done any post-game stuff yet though.

Flux only gives back a percentage of the final attack in a combo in the beginning, so you can hope to retrieve maybe 15% of your stamina bar on a perfect Flux -- congrats, you have enough stamina for one attack!
Flux 2 and stance switching granting back stamina in any real capacity comes in like the 4th area. You'll be level 100 and probably 20+ hours into the game when you get it for the first time.
Tate Eboshi gets much harder after NG++ when she gets massive buffs as her health decreases.

Attached: flux.png (1908x887, 2.34M)

what stats should I be leveling up for fist?

Ok, I read the thread now. OP, here's your based back. You earned it, bro.

Bro what
From the first region you can
>get flux 1 in the first mission
>get the enki soul core to regen ki in the first mission
>purify yokai realms for anima (for extra ki regen) in the first mission
>no be fat immediately
>get the ki recovery on burst counter in the second mission
>regen ki while casting spells in the second mission
>get all your yokai/dark realm ki regen increase before the end of the second mission
I think you might just not know how to play

Yeah but I usually stop playing after my first playthrough because it's too ugly and all the levels are too samey I don't see the point really other than beat up things that I already beat up once

>>get all your yokai/dark realm ki regen increase before the end of the second mission
Third mission*

I found Nioh 2's levels to actually be really pretty and well thought out. To each their own though.

wtf i didn't remember writing this
I'm taking the based status back!

>Yeah but I usually stop playing after my first playthrough because it's too ugly and all the levels are too samey
Don't touch DS3/Elden Ring then

oh yeah
this is the Nioh 2 thread
now I remember
once again, I am extending the based status, never to revoke it again

I feel like this and then see stuff like mentioned (and much more) exists to realize I haven't even scraped the surface of this game's content.

>Just run away from the enemy and don't do any combos and you'll get your stamina back!
No shit, retard.
If you think the tools that give back stamina in the first region are comparable, in any way, to what you'll have in NG+++, then your autism blinds you to reality. You will be thirsty as fuck for ki unless you're playing like a bitch
>I run away from the enemy and content myself on casting spells while I wait for my stamina to regen!
like I said...

>Flux only gives back a percentage of the final attack in a combo
are you fucking stupid? that's not true at all, it gives back a percentage of the *entire* combo, so you can do a long and aggressive string of attacks and regain 60-80% of the ki depending on the attacks
you clearly don't understand the combat

>>I run away from the enemy and content myself on casting spells while I wait for my stamina to regen!
Nigger, you can do something like Dweller core + Buff weapon for double ki regen
You can also buff weapons or hardcast while the yokai is getting his ki back/going into Dark Realm
If what you truly got from all of this is "running away", you LITERALLY don't know how to play, and no amount of "going into higher difficulties" is changing this for you.

Attached: 1541401582720.gif (140x159, 580.5K)

I'll remember that when I dispel a yokai pool, while wearing no armor, and the enemy decides to burst-attack me at the same time, and I burst-counter him, I might have enough ki to make 2 attacks instead of 1!
I'm sure you want to say so, but the line on my ki-bar that says the maximum amount of ki I can regain if I time the pulse perfectly says I only get back the last hit's worth, and that's what I'm going to go with.

I use mouse and keyboard to play Nioh and it works fine. You're just bad
>does 5 hit combo in mid stance, reducing him to half ki
>does a single flux
>ki is suddenly at 90%+
you straight up just don't understand the ki mechanic, just look at the video. you literally cannot play without that skill, its on by default

>I'll remember that when I dispel a yokai pool, while wearing no armor, and the enemy decides to burst-attack me at the same time, and I burst-counter him, I might have enough ki to make 2 attacks instead of 1!
So a high stance nigger then. What's that? You wanted to spam Moonlit Snow Redux the entire game instead of learning how to play the game?
>I'm sure you want to say so, but the line on my ki-bar that says the maximum amount of ki I can regain if I time the pulse perfectly says I only get back the last hit's worth, and that's what I'm going to go with.
That's if you clip your combo, or certain combo ender skills do that. And even then, using combo ender skills in low stance always triggers a ki pulse for the entire combo based on its minimum amount, then you have to do a second one for the skill.

The point is that you're attempting to powergame and stall in order to get back 20% of your ki instead of 15% of your ki. By the higher difficulties, you have more ki than you know what to do with and everything you do to reclaim lost ki is generously amplified by skills and equipment while the drain/risk of stamina usage hasn't increased in response.
If you don't recognize that, then you're fucking retarded.
no shit, fuckface.

>Just learn how to burst-counter while stance-flipping and fluxing while reading enemy inputs and mastering the controls in the first level of the game!
>while none of that shit will be necessary when you hit NG++
you are missing the whole fucking point

>no shit, fuckface.
are you trolling? the video is showcasing a basic skill that's on by default, what the fuck are you talking about?
seriously, i can't tell if it's shitposting or not

>without further adieu
stop trying to sound clever

>By the higher difficulties, you have more ki than you know what to do with and everything you do to reclaim lost ki is generously amplified by skills and equipment while the drain/risk of stamina usage hasn't increased in response.
The ki damage of enemies in the Depths literally quadruples-quintuples compared to DotSam, you have zero clue what you're talking about. It's only the same if you're blocking.
He literally just uses high stance quicks into Morning Moon at the start. You don't know how to play the game. Straight up.

>while none of that shit will be necessary when you hit NG++
Because you'll make a less efficient build focusing on ki reduction while I'll be making a maximum damage build that still gets the same ki usage that you do because you don't know how to play the game.

Nioh is actually made too easy

>The ki damage of enemies in the Depths literally quadruples-quintuples compared to DotSam
What the fuck is "DotSam"?
and stop getting hit, dumbass.
>"You don't know how the play the game!"
Clearly I do. You're just using this as a fucking excuse.
The problem is that this stuff is *necessary* when players are still learning the game and it becomes less necessary as the players have learned the game, so you can take your "JUST LERN 2 PLAY" and shove it up your ass, you fucker. You're missing the whole fucking point. AGAIN.