If Left 4 Dead 2 was announced today "muh black characters"


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>if Left 4 Dead was announced today
>"wtf rochelle sucks"
oh wait

where's your proof young man

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Coach is actually funny and no one likes Rochelle anyways

No really Coach and Rochelle have great character designs. Only problem is Rochelle is boring asf but Coach is great with a lot of character to him

I used to play L4D 1&2 all the time with this one black kid that used to stay over at my house but he died in a car accident a few months ago... Press F to pay respects.

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modern black characters are not authentic, but just diversity props, this is actual racism of the left

but these characters arent obvious and obnoxious inserts instead of thought out characters

yeah i dont want to see nigs in my games

Yep. People hated Rochelle and Coach when the announcement trailer happened.


I've always thought rochelle was fine and it became sort of a meme to hate her so her being a below average character heightened and heightened to 'worst of all time' when shes really a totally serviceable straight man character. But anyways she had like hundreds of lines record but cut from the game and they all got added back in that last stand fan update, so at this point she's actually pretty funny. Whenever I fire up the game to destress and play dead center I play her and pick up all the guns at the gun store and she has a lot of cute dialog there. I've actually come to like her quite a bit.



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Rochele got me into black girls
I seriously had a lot of fun being with normal looking fit and autistic black girls, they're so caring and I also like masculine demeanour in girls so they have a lot that, I don't specifically go for them now but if a girl gives me Rochelle/Walking dead katana girl vibes I will not hesitate to approach.

coach is one of the few good examples of black characters, mainly because he's a character first and a political insert never

then again, you just wanted a l4d2 thread, didn't you?

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Not it wouldn't because Valve used to make fun compelling characters except Rochelle

>Willie Jefferson of the Houston Chronicle, after seeing initial promotional material for the game, considered that several of the infected "appear to be African-Americans" implying a racist approach to the game, and also noted that "setting the game in a city that was a scene of dead, bloated bodies floating by" some years after the impact of Hurricane Katrina was "a bad call".[171] Faliszek, commenting on Jefferson's claims, considered the supposition to be "utter insanity", and commented that the infected are a mix of all races, and that the game's version of New Orleans is "not a brick-for-brick representation" of the city and were not trying to make any statement about it with the game.[172][173] A writer for Kotaku considered that Jefferson "seems to me to be picking a fight where none exists."[174] Others noted that the appearance of African-American infected simply reflected the racial diversity of New Orleans.[175

does left4dead lore exist?

Aren't there comic books


all the l4d lore is 'survivors are actually just carriers and the military is eventually gonna kill them if they don't fuck off to an island somewhere or something'

Given the setting for the game it would make less sense to have zero black characters.

Left 4 Dead is a movie franchise within the Half Life/Portal universe.
Thats actually the full lore behind L4D.

Coach was never hated. Fat high-school coach cheering the squad on with pep talks works great in a zombie apocalypse setting.
Rochelle might have been interesting if she had kept her original backstory of being a news anchor, instead of genenri-girl intern with a weirdly out-of-place product placement shirt. At least they didn't go 100% sassy black who don't need no man like every other black female protag nowadays, more like... 50% sassy black, 50% generic. Either way she still sucks but she's still better than pretty much every other black female protag of the last decade.

So is Dead by Daylight also a movie

>Story starts in Georgia and ends in New Orleans

I havent played that but sure why not. Probably isnt connected to Valve universe though


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>if x came out today you wouldn't like it!
Has this assertion ever been supported in any meaningful way?

theres no way to prove it, but you have to admit people here seem far more against NEW games with blacks and women, and completely overlook OLD games that are generally well liked that have blacks and women


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>thinks new orleans of all fucking places has no black people
Yeah sure the KKK killed them all at the cousin fucking convention. Couillon.


Card system should just be removed and for some reason this game literally feels soulless, I cant explain it.

lol dead game

I hate that Coach kept getting used in GeneralButch's animations. I just don't think Coach is that kind of person.

all the characters never shut the fuck up and keep quipping about shooting dead peoples heads into mush
also they didn't care about small details and the designs are generic and boring

These character were created because the devs wanted to, not because they were forced to. Big difference.

>user can somehow read the developer's brains and discern when something was forced and wasn't

>we need the player to know this character is a doctor

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If it came out today Coach would be an insufferable lecturing cunt
fuck you
I win
suck my dick

Why would you dye your hair and how would you find someone good enough to give you an undercut hairstyle during a zombie apocalypse

what happened to simple silhouette based character designs? Do trannies feel the need to self insert with retarded hipster clothing on their characters?

only trans-nigger s oyboys like you hated Coach, he is da man.

>user can somehow discern good, thoughtful writing from bad
it is a mystery

The game has a hub zone in a fort that seems to be survivalist and yet has modern amenities.
So its plausible there is a stylist there.
Not trying to defend B4B but in their world the zombie apocalypse isnt so apocalyptic.

They actually have good designs and personalities instead of safe shit meant to offend nobody

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They're only superficially similar. The way that games used to characterize or implement black characters is completely different from how they're employed now. Coach has an entire personality that has little-to-nothing to do with being "the black guy" and he's not used for pointless political soapboxing in or out of the game. He feels like he's not just an addition to the game but a part of a cohesive whole vision.

someone post the screencap where Yea Forums designed a better character than Rochelle.

Oh never played it
It's pretty funny to think they scavenge for stuff to bleach and dye their hair

user, this is a bold statement to make considering this board freaks out the exact yottasecond that a trailer for a new high-profile game has a brown pixel on screen
next you will predictably say "can you blame us for responding that way in these times"?


Why the fuck are you here instead of preaching to twitter which has 10 times the outreach and does the exact fucking same with white characters? Fucking clown.

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Not him but westoids are autistic and only add brown characters for politics
When superior nippon does it it's enjoyable and not for politics

Most of them are way too overdesigned

If L4D2 was announced today it would be a breathe of fresh air.
B4B cast tries too hard to be cool, they're more like actors in a zombie movie than normal people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse

Rochelle in the trailer is alright. Still the worst out of the four but there was still some hope to be had.

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>Twitter isn't that big guise
>MSM shits their collective fucking pants when Musk threatens to buy it up

Is the movie out? What is she like?
I think last I read was that the movie was an in universe movie from the Toy Story world, which is actually pretty neat.

Back 4 Blood was annoying.
They tried to recreate the Midnight Riders concert but it ended up being mindless swinging in a bar for a couple minutes and then leaving.
Also why were the special infected so lame?


>trailer of game
>record scratch yup that's me
I knew the game would be bad at that point

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he didnt say that
you didnt play the game

now scroll down the thread