Best way to balance your game.
Best way to balance your game
Chuds will say that this is bad game design
The best way to balance a game is to reward skill as much as possible
This is literally just pokemon
Literally the worst way. Doesn't matter what you pick, whether or not it's turns out good is RNG.
Nerf rock. Paper shitters need to get good.
>Noooo I need to be a super special snowflake who can beat anyone
So you was "that kid", huh.
"I don't know how to read my opponent."
git gud
You're not staring your opponent in the eyes when you pick your class or whatever. Even then it would be shit because you're stretching the result of your rock paper scissors pick across a bunch of meaningless gameplay even though the result was already determined.
Leaving balance for the community. Just trying to make everything powerful on its own way. Perfect 100% balance is impossible and even if there's a 0.05% increased calculated DPS from one class, that's going to be everyone's choice after it becomes common knowledge.
Having a "x beats y beats z" scheme is retarded. In a perfect game that would only be a matter of player skill.
In other words, don't make PVP your game focus. Make a PVE game with PVP options and let players come up with ways of beating each other.
Yes if I need precision, timing, resource management, positioning, etc. to be effective I shouldn't be shut down just because you chose a braindead counter.
What if there was a chance for paper to wrap up scissors, scissors to stab rock, and rock to tear paper?
The best way to balance a game is:
>Developers favorite playstyle is OP
>Anyone who picks something different is a faggot and has to cope because the dev's tastes override whatever gay shit a lowly "player" wants
If you don't like it, make your own game nigger
unironically this
>Developer loses to cheese strat
>nerfs it into the ground out of rage
The best way to balance a multiplayer game is to make literally every single option unfair against the player it's used on, and then the point of the game is to mock your opponent for being hit by cheese and not being able to respond with other cheese
it sure is, just look how well Overwatch did.......
for games with more than 3 classes
>shit artstyle
>shit characters
>shit gameplay
i'm sure its a balance problem
Its an everything problem
>too many players choose Rock
>Scissor crowd gets buffed due to under-performing numbers
>Paper subsequently gets fucked and no one wants to play it
>suddenly Rock has no competition, more players choose it
>come up with system to reward players for choosing the least-populated group, in an attempt to balance the three
>Scissors are still riding the benefits of the buff patch
>Paper complains, gets significant boost
>Rock crowd finds themselves losing en masse to overpowered Papers
>Papers: "L2P fuggin noobs"
>Scissors: *beats Paper*
>Dev: "Welp, guess I gotta nerf that."
There. Is. No. Good. End.
you know what it doesn't have?
mod support
>gun beats rock
>gun beats fire
>tree beats devil
>Ascension WoW Balance.jpg
RPC simulators are probably cheaper than any shit game you'd enjoy
How would you buff or nerf one though? They only have one purpose. What the shit would buffing scissors do? They'd still ONLY beat paper, and ONLY lose to rock.
>scissors beats air
what the fuck
This, Counters should give you an edge not win a battle something overwatch never understood and thats why its vastly inferior to TF2 who embraced this concept.
RPS is used as a metaphor for classes in PvP.
Say you design the game to have a mage class that beats your tank, your tank beats the rogue, and the rogue beats the mage.
in a ideal world the warrior could still kill the mage if he is underplaying and the mage could kill the rogue if the rogue is shit
of course that goes out of the windows when they are both equally skilled (which is fucking weird specially in fighting games)
Found loser who got his ass kicked by chads who picked noob saibot in mk3 and just spammed easiest combo in the game during childhood
i used to pick kabal and i dont remember shit but you may be right
my cousin used to wreck me on street fighter , thats all i remember
If your gameplay is so shallow it resembles RPS then you should give up on balancing and focus on something else.
For PvE games its fine, nobody will care.
If its PvP kill yourself.
No it isn't. Its got its place but it isn't objectively best or worse. It depends on the game. For Pokemon its the best yeah but not every game should be based on this.
>gets outwitted on the battlefield
>cries foul "it's a "braindead" counter"
lmaoing at your lmao life
Keep seething, there a good reason why first starcraft has ideal rts balance even in this day
>bbbbut muh feeligns, muh special snowflake power, I must be isekai anime character
just play elder ring with such mindset, you obviously hate fun and higly competitive games
If you're getting shut down to a brain dead counter either you're not playing the game right or you're not playing the brain dead easy win.
Let's say Scissors & Paper are characters in a fighting game.
Scissors beats Paper.
How the fuck is that balanced?
just learn the matchup bro
never played wow.
How does it works that chart in that game?
Scissors are zoners, grapplers are paper.
Let's just say leg strike loses to grapple, but wins against strong hand hit
i'm sorry that picture makes you feel offended
you're a sorry faggot
Name me one good game with this type of design balance that isn't Pokemon.
>fire beats wolf
>wolf beats lightning
>he thinks i made the picture
Fire Emblem 7
>le schizo attacks
>you obviously hate fun and higly competitive games
most people don't find rts or highly competetive games fun.
And I'm sure starcraft's "ideal RPS balance" isn't the only reason people play it.
strategy games are so much more then "my pikemen beat your cavalry lol git gud"
how the fuck does paper beat rock
that shit would get teared in a sec
Overwatch was never rock-paper-scissor balanced. It was a Bastion beats everyone pipeline that led to Shields beat everyone and it never stopped.
Very hardpaper beats small rock
Scissors are able to break rock because Steel>Rock. Stop being an anal faggot.
Wolves ill like fire
x scissor is a bug type move, Rock>Bug.
I agree. Grapplers shouldn't exists and grapplers main shouldn't be playing fighting games.
The best way to balance your game is to not include PVP.
Well does air beat scissors?