Post your [PROTOTYPE 3] dreams

Post your [PROTOTYPE 3] dreams.

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Way better gore. Like, I want gore that tops the shit in rdr2.

Not developed by Microsoft or a subsidiary

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Alex back.
Heller gone.

Prototype 1 but with more budget

Maybe being able to switch between different builds, like speed, power, stealth.
Environments with destructible buildings.
Some kind of bullet time people throwing skill where you can see the pure fear on their face as they splat into an enemy just because it'd be funny.

there was gore in rdr2? i dont remember that, and i jerk off to gore.

Yeah. It was really well done too. You could shoot people in the neck and watch em bleed out as they stumble around n shit.

Heller was fine, the combat was an improvement, even if running around felt like a slog.

I dont have dreams about video games im not a child

You're browsing Yea Forums in 2022 on a Friday so I doubt you're a well accomplished man of distinction and willpower

That's essentially all I want. Hell, I'd settle for a 1+2 remaster that's better than the dogshit PS4 one

>Prototype 1's hammer fists
>but with 2's combat and everything else
The first game's running/movement also felt better,

im a very depressive person

Put me in the game

1's movement was better overall but the jump chains in 2 felt good at times. I loved the weighty feeling in 1 of charging a jump as you were coming in for a landing and just being able to bound across the city. Also 1 still has the best-feeling helicopters of any game I've played.

But the games already have a Stupid Schizo or a Raging Retard, granted said retard is the jalopeno cheese 'n' crayon eating variety, but either way you should feel represented.

Fully destructible environments. Action game and third-person-shooter combat rather than the weird PS1-era brawler thing they were doing. Hell, I'd take proper musou combat over it.

Bring back the funky movement controls from Prototype 1. I'd much rather accidentally run 500MPH off a roof and jump 600 feet too high, it's fun to feel like you're too powerful to control and the skill is in reigning in your ability to shitfuck everything. Intuitive controls gives the sense that you understand your powers; it's way more fun if your powers are a mystery to you and you're having to learn how to handle being a human superweapon.

Fair point, I distinctly remember not enjoying 2's helicopter missions.

Alex Mercer bursts out of James Heller's chest like a chestburster and it turns out the events of 2 were all so Alex could raise an army against Pariah and prepare against him but James fucked that over. That's my headcanon and the dumb comic is noncanon

black mc

The engine and gameplay of 2 with the characters and writing of 1.

The engine of 2 was horrible, you felt less powerful than in 1 at the beginning and everything feels a lot less destructive.

Really? I don't recall any of that, but it's been years.

Dude, Prototype already topped Doom and RDR2 in gore, id argue its the most gorey game ever made without going into AO territory

Return of Mercer. Heller permanently killed off, or possibly even retconned to have never existed.

Doesn't matter, though. Radical was gutted after P2 missed expectations (although it did sell exceptionally well). There will never be another Prototype game made by the people who did the first two. You might get a Dead Space-esque remake of 1 at some point using a new studio, but that's as far as it'll go. I'll never give them money for it, either, no matter how good it is. They shot their shot, missed, and lost.

I feel like that's a little too subtle for Prototype's level of violence. An MGR-style system where people get dynamically sliced up in different sized and shaped pieces depending on what angle you swing your blade/claws from would be pretty cool.

It actually comes out.

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You say that, but the stealth consumes had a lot of neck snaps and surprise hugs

retcon prototype 2 and have the intended pariah vs alex fight.

That's pretty much my assessment as well. I think there's also some interesting ground to cover if Mercer ended up accidentally regenerating into multiple entities after the end of the first game, so the one in 2 was a rogue splinter and not the actual dude to the extent that Mercer himself was Mercer by the end 1

Bring back Greene.

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I liked Prototype for the most part but the missions near the end really started dropping in quality and the human supersoldiers were not fun to fight

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Prototype 3 has you take control of a young woman who is infected with a virus. Yeah, she gets powers, but unlike Heller or Mercer, the body horror aspects are way, way more apparent. It's a lot grosser and more disturbing, but also lowers the scale AND heightens the interactivity greatly.

Mercer meets Paraih. It was a god damn sequel hook In the first game and they completely ignored it

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Personally I'd want a redo of 2 with an Alex mercer that isn't a saturday morning cartoon villain. Seeing Alex's emo edge go up against Heller's almost sadistic hyper-agression would be sick.

Gmaeplay-wise I'd like a retooling of the melee combat. Powers should drain a resource like the bio-mass gauge that you use in 2 to use devastators. Which can be filled by consuming (and later on bu using hand to hand moves. Plus adding armor and a more diverse moveset for hand to hand would be a good start for making the combat system better.

Watching this reminds me how boring it was messing with the citizens. The disguised infected npcs from the sequel just passively roaming around would be a lot more interesting


My dude, no one deletes their post to specifically call out that they want a young woman in their body horror fantasy unless it's how they jerk off

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>and the human supersoldiers were not fun to fight
I mean... that's the idea. They are anti-Mercer

Bringing back Elizabeth Greene could actually solve a lot of problems. At the end of the second game, it's strongly hinted that Alex isn't dead, but dormant inside Heller. The same could easily be true for Greene.

If she was inside of Alex, subtly influencing him to continue her mission of spreading the infection, it would be an easy way to retcon his shitty characterization from the second game.

The third game could start with Heller sensing the presence of both Greene and Mercer trying to influence him, forcing him to regurgitate them both.

Something can have a justification within the fiction that is still unpleasant and uninteresting for the person consuming the media.

>enemies are not fun to fight
>that means you stop playing the game
>which means you no longer kill the enemies and thus they are the winners
I don't see what's wrong, if you don't play Prototype then Alex Mercer will never reach his goals

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>play as pariah
>escape from captivity
>your escape causes another outbreak
>confront Mercer over killing your mother
>decide whether to follow in your mother's footsteps and take control of and spread the virus
>or learn from Mercer that just because you're a sentient boiweapon doesn't mean you can't be a good person and help him stop the outbreak
>all the powers from 1 and 2
>new powers like a bio blaster that shoots concentrated biomass
>maybe wings
>maybe combining powers like the Whipfist and Hammerfist to create a meteorhammer

Fuck that comic

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that it happens

:( this all sounds cool

I felt I needed to elaborate.

Female protag

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Kill entire series.

*sign…no cool game made about Futanari superheroine.

or just do official Elfen Lied video games.

Witchblade like crossed gameplay?

Muscle mass.

playing a white character again

Asian characters (Iranic or Kurds)