Why are none of them cool or imposing?

Why are none of them cool or imposing?

Attached: saints-row-rebooted-01.jpg (1920x1080, 376.29K)

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Jews can be cool and imposing

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Making gangbangers look threatening is problematic.

Is the game still about gangs and organised crime?

>Saints Row got Watch_Dogs'd in your lifetime

But they don't want the goyim to be

umm, sweaty, that's what gangstas from the hood look like

>gay (he/him)
>poly trans(they/them)
>het cis male (he/him)
>lesbian female (she/her)

The one on the left is pretty imposing, but in a "oh no a gay, I hope he doesn't try to kiss me" kind of way

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oy vey!!!

Ten times more impsoing than the average /virgin.

Yes but they initially do it to pay off their student loans
I wish I were making this up
These two minutes are way more imposing and show more than we've ever seen from the new game. I still don't understand what Santo Ileseo is supposed to be

They're inclusive and witty, which is more important.

Gang members are actually LGBTQIAFP+ BIPOCs oppressed by the capitalistic patriarchal society.
This is their real representation, you're just being gaslighted by pejorative stereotypes.

If they're so inclusive where is the white man?

this isn't honestly how people dress in public right?

Please don't be racist.

because they're made by and for genderoids on twitter

Imagine admitting you're a basement dwelling NEET this hard

Part of me wishes SR1 wasn't still exclusive to the original Xbox. Even if it probably aged like milk.

All of me wishes it would get ported and that SR2 would be done justice

The devs said they want these to be the kind of characters you'd want to invite into your own home, so of course they aren't wild and dangerous gangsters but instead modeled on idealistic friends. I hate it.

So then dressing like a clown is normal for you?

Did they really say this?

I would rather invite the old Saints, they were actually funny while these new characters look stuck-up


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They all represent different eras of criminals but with a hipster spin on them
1. Gay Y2K era Cholo
2. 90s Sitcom Gangsta Bitch
3. Average black guy who was converted to Islam while serving prison time in the 1950s
4. Modern day millennial mary-sue self insert

Post the dislikes

devs are nothing but diversity token hires who live in a San Franshitco woke pod, eat bug paste, drink s01lates, take their mandatory monthly vaxx and larp as emviromentalist as they hook their rare earth rich electric cars into the coal fueled power grid

they know nothing of the real world and think that whatever clown outfit they bought on Amazon because Google told them it was trendy looks cool and bad ass

Dying from opioids while smoking meth is not the real world either, sir.

Just realized this jewish wrestler's name is literally Goldberg

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sorry i was on the public library computers

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Why is Urkel in a Saint's Row game?

I would unironically invite a thug nigga into my house over these faggots. Granted, I grew up near niggas and was poor growing up.

black gangster bad and stereotypical

The black dude with the bow tie sure but everything else is pretty par for the course for most young urbanites so

So there's your problem

The game is only being made to fill their quota for Blackrock.

That's some pretty faggy reasoning if true.

Because what's cool changes. The 90s abominations from SR2 didn't look cool, you underage faggots were just a bunch of gay 90s kids

City slickers always have an undeserved superiority complex

>thinks this shit is cool
troon moment

This reminds me of the "younger, edgy reboot" parody stargate SG-1 did on episode 200:

Black people have a complete aversion to dork shit, which is why they prefer playing anime games than shit you do

Hello Deep Silver employee!
You should actually go outside to a low-income neighborhood and see what it's like

Why would I want faggots in my home?

They don't look like the normal friend. They look like a group of hs theatre gays

He was pretty based

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so you can customize your character but not the others? so basically im gonna be a fucking gigachad surrounded by a bunch of skinny alphabet troons

Why do you think there is? Is there even a single character that behaves believably? A Hispanic woman is an expert driver? The chink has a waffle tattoo and speaks in Deadpool humor? The black guy is a refined silicon valley soiboy?

I think the studio determined that "gangs" and "gang activity" are too offputting in the world we live in. And maybe there is a conversation to be had about it, but it's really gay that they still opted to make a game about a gang where none of them are gang material and it feels like they go out of their way to not call it a gang.
>Me and my friends, we run kind of a supergroup or a coalition if you will. We're totally heckin robberypilled debtcels and are about to criminal mode!

They look more like stock Sims 4 characters.

I think it's a major stretch to say gangsta's are "cool" even if they think they are. What they don't look like is street wise, which is the major issue.

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They want the marvel audience.

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I forgot about Lin

>Somehow still look more like gangsters than the Saints Row reboot

>start to watch customization video
>queer shit and tranny flag stripes within the first twenty seconds

Yeah. Despite what I said, she's incredibly cool looking in that pic, though not exactly what I'd call "gangsta."

it's kinda shit but has the most charm out of all the games in the series.

i cant take you faggots seriously anymore all you have done is bitch about the most retarded shit hell the last thread you idiots where mad about the charters having purple cloths

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Purple is iconic to the Saints, retard

>reboot saints are just a bunch of gay college hipsters who use stealthy tactics to steal their rival's shit
>meanwhile these cold blooded killers don't think twice about just gunning down police officers, burning down drug farms via helicopter, shooting up casinos to rob them, blowing up buildings full of a gang's top members, stealing a shipment of weapons from a corporation who's appropriated them from another gang or just straight up assaulting said corporation and killing their CEOs

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yes and faggots in the threads where crying the characters had Purple on

I don't believe you

Where? Teal is far more hateable

>reboot saints are just a bunch of gay college hipsters who use stealthy tactics to steal their rival's shit
no all of them where part of other gangs you brain dead shithead

For me it's the prephop Saints

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I wanted nothing more than for that cockney-accented white dude from the previous games to crash through the wall in a monster truck, killing these zoomers instantly while Johnny Gat mowed the runners down with a minigun out the passenger window and Dushku Shaundi lazily smoked a joint in the backseat
Where the hell are the real Saints

the thread got delated but you had idiots going batshit about it saying its tranny colors

That wasn't purple, it was pastel pink and sky blue, tranny colors

you sound like a bitch

so blue is a tranny color now i think your brain is broken

Too be fair, other than Gat none of the old saints were cool or imposing either.

How convenient

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i am glad you can change how they look but you could not know you can do that Yea Forums likes to cry about the same shit over and over

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Yea, faggy "gangs" lol

You sound like you'd get run over by a monster truck and/or shot by Gat's minigun

you have one of the faggots here bitching about it

sky blue* focus, trannoid

are you 12?

let me ask why would Gat want to kill people to help make the saints better?

so the sky is a tranny now?

>are you 12?
You're the one who finds flamboyant retards like the Idols appealing.

who is the game is flamboyant 12 year old

Hate it

Deckers 2.0

the game is literally about building a gang from the ground up. None of them start off badass cuz the whole point of the story is how you turn from hippie out of touch millenials into real gangsters. They are literally creating the perfect setup with all these low expectations and they will blow it out of the park once the game comes out. believe me, saints row will make a COMEBACK like you've never seen before.

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It's shit, simple as
You got a bunch of adhominens but you can't actually defend the new design

how we have seen literally nothing from them

Cuz that would be a form of rape.

you are that mad about a skinny black guy and a girl?

its almost like the game has a character creator and you can make your character look how ever they want

>the game is literally about building a gang from the ground up.
Funny, that's what the first one was about and yet it manages to not be gay.

what is even the point of this thread? the game came and went and nobody cared.