Discuss the new gameplay we saw of Splatoon 3
>customizable banners
>end of match accolades
>new hitscan sub that marks the enemy
>new instrike special - throw 3 projectiles to call down 3 successive ink strikes
>new vacuum special - suck up all incoming shots from the direction you are facing and fire an explosive shot as the special charge ends
We also learned some smaller things like the the bow leaving smalls explosives where the shot lands if charged. Impressions? All looks great to me, though this map looks a little flat/not very climbable for my tastes
Discuss the new gameplay we saw of Splatoon 3
same game
Gotta say the spectator mode is pretty snazzy. It looks like that .96 gal at 2:50 was doing some new squid jump maneuver? Still don't know what makes the bow unique but it looks cool.
>no more spawn camping
What the fuck Nintendo
Yeah, there are dodge rolls now. You can also do a vertical dodge roll esque jump when climbing a wall. Looks fun
New specials look a lot better to me.
Bow looks pretty fun.
Excited to play in September.
That's cool. I hope there's more vertical mobility at least as a sub weapon.
have they announced a testfire yet?
Surprised it released this early, didn't they say 2023 before?
Squid grapple looks lile it'll be OP as fuck because mobility is always king
Definitely looks like the best iterations of specials. They look useful but need to be used intelligently and none look meta centralizing. Even if some are stronger than others, none seems too strong or multifaceted to the point where you build your team around them
>lasts for 3 seconds and then sends you back to where you started
okay but imagine that kind of Ult with a weapon like the Dynamo Roller that can just throw down their whole ink tank real quick. I can already see some disgusting ideas regarding it.
They said summer 2022
It certainly seems built for flanking with inkbrush or roller for sure. Could be really fun in rainmaker in particular.
Bow looks like a mini bomb-launcher.
So you can get a max of two kills if the enemies have half a brainstem and aren’t huddled together? It doesn’t look OP at all. It looks like it’s on the weaker end of the specials, but still useful for its niche
this, nintendo's very own CoD
They don't look too overbearing either. Splatoon 2 is fun but a lot of the specials felt a bit too impactful for me.
Do you guys think Callie still has her Octarian brand?
I’m particularly happy that none are “I just instantly, absentmindedly buffed my entire team all across the map” style shit. Bubbler and Ink Armor spam were absolute garbage that made individual confrontations
Looks nice.
Love the new UI, the new victory animations, the banners and stuff.
Didn't like the map though. Looked very boring and not very unique.
And I've never been fond of specials being able to be charged so quickly. At least they seem more fun to use though.
Also, I don't know if it's common opinion but did anyone else vastly prefer S1 maps over 2?
I think it's related to the color palette but in 1 they used to stand out so much. I can barely remember 2's maps.
>Voted chaos because I thought we'd get an apocalyptic wasteland and just have "Fallout but the guns shoot ink"
>Instead the city and stages just look like slums
I was hoping we'd have stages that took place in ruined buildings from the human age.
I would've voted Order if I knew they were gonna half-ass it
I think the maps were roughly on par between the two, with two having a few more duds. I think the reason it seems worse than it is is because they brought over some of the crappier maps from 1 (Piranha and Ancho-V) and left out the best ones (Mahi and Flounder). But 2 does have its own standouts like Wahoo and Mako
No split screen = no buy
No split screen = no buy
No split screen = no buy
No split screen = no buy
Splatoon fans be like
>Is that a new killcam and victory screen? Take my 60 bucks!
>he thinks split screen can survive in the all online era
lmao even
>it literally looks like more of the same
Am i missing something here?
All the specials are different which completely alters the metagame and feel but nope same game nothing to miss here.
New weapons + new specials + new victory screen + new killcam + you're white + that'll be 60 bucks
Still looks too similar to Splatoon 2 to justify spending another 60 bucks, if the campaign is Octo Expansion tier I might bite
a lot of nuanced differences so to the casual eye it's going to look about the same
New supers look great, especially the splatling hook and spider mech.
Not sure what that sub-weapon was that left trails in the air that dissipated after a second? Some kinda mini-stingray?
At 2:49 it kinda looks like that gal gun does a duelie dash out of the ink, not sure if that's a universal mechanic.
I guess the new launching in to spawn mechanic is to make it harder to spawn camp, that should ease up some limitations on their map design.
Overall looks fun af
>At 2:49 it kinda looks like that gal gun does a duelie dash out of the ink, not sure if that's a universal mechanic.
OK I see this has been answered
>and none look meta centralizing
I'm sure one of them will be broken at launch, kek. But I agree they look better. Wonder which one will be the defensive go-to option for snipers.
Is this still a 4v4 max game? Jesus christ Tendiebabbies really will dump $60 on the same shit. I might've had a semblance of interest if they made it 10v10 at least. Sad!
So is S1 and S2 dead now or what?
S1 yes, 2 is currently doing all right, will prolly be more active leading up into 3 because of people getting back into it to practice for 3. That being said it will prolly be dead a month after 3 comes out since everyone will have moved over.
>anyone else vastly prefer S1 maps over 2?
Yeah Splatoon 2’s maps are much more forgettable both in layout and visual design if you ask me
I could be totally off base but it could be because they were pandering to e-sport faggots around that time.
Splatoon 1 is still alive?
Splatoon 2 will go strong for awhile yet I'm sure.
I want to see the Amazon Octolings with the mammalian/Judd hair. They'll probably be cute.
They still feel like they're holding back a lot of information, especially since we've only seen Turf War
It looks the same as the others and I wasn't interested in it even when it was on the Wii U.
>Why are you here
Because you said to discuss it. For someone like me, this looks exactly like the others.
>They still feel like they're holding back a lot of information
whoa... i think you're on to something here, Einstein.
So nothing for normal players then. God, fuck competitive trannies
You’re off base and retarded, yes
the same people made AC New Horizons, don't get your hopes up
Probably. Not sure how they'll stop them from just looking like humans with a little facepaint though. Maybe they'll have some fur.
bruh, 3 of the 5 basic modes are ranked only.
>Her spats have a seam
Oh lord...
You can still find people playing Splatoon 1 online
let me use the y-axis on stick with gyro pls thx
AC was the B team
jk game development doesn't really work that way. But AC's post-launch support got fucked by covid and it does seem clear that the team is more interested in Splatoon games at the moment.
It's basically the same game. if it's just going to be balance tweaks and maps, then yeah I'll be mad for drawing the playerbase away from spla2n.
The main complain about AC was that it didn’t bring back enough of the old stuff. It had huge mechanical changes. AC is fucked because the audience for it is a bunch of autists that will demand everything always returns, which bloats dev time and limits what you can do. You’re stupid, these situations are not comparable.
The AC/Splatoon team favors Splatoon so much it's not even funny.
And that's a good thing!
Good, filters out all the shit teammates
Would it not be possible that the reason AC:NH didn't get as much support as it could have is BECAUSE of Splatoon 3 needing more people?
That's what I was hinting at. Now it's Splatoon's time to suffer, they're probably already working on the next AC.
Will they increase the tickrate?
user... the specials being different affects all modes that use them including Turf Wars as seen in the gameplay trailer. You have to play differently to handle spider crab vs baller in Splatoon 2 or Kraken in Splatoon. It'll change the feel and metagame of Splatoon not just Ranked.
How the fuck do you get turned on by a seam?
lol. lmao even
>But AC's post-launch support got fucked by covid
swimming was released in the same release year
they got 30+ million sales due the same period
>make perfection
>change random shit just because sequel
This is how you get shit sequels
>new gameplay
"new" is a strong word. But then again what should I expect from the company behind "New" Super Mario Bros.
This is literally the only thing I hope for.
every time I played S2 I just got mad at all the mutual kills.
Nothing felt like my reaction time made a difference.