How is it fair that engineer only has 200 metal?
it is not even enough to build sentry and dispenser on one life baka.
How is it fair that engineer only has 200 metal?
Grab the ammo packs you retard
this is an embedded porn thread
>doesn't even look at the embed
Based retard
>build dispenser
>get metal
>build sentry
I don't get why I can't see it
I should add I have all the needful installed
It's a text message, not an image, maybe you're blind.
>upgrade sentry
>get more metal
>upgrade dispenser
Oh. I was wondering why it was outlined purple pink.
>upgrade sentry again
>upgrade dispenser again
why doesn't the toggle hide/show it? it just stays permanently there for me
>sentry gets sapped
dispenser gets sapped
>pyro saves them
>wrecks spy
>repair sentry
>repair dispenser
>laugh at spies getting pyro'd
Heavy should have won instead of Pyro. He needed the update more.
Heavy is just boring but functional
Pyro was outright broken
muffled m𝘢ni𝘢c𝘢l l𝘢ugh
It's below the image now, below the white dotted line. I didn't see it at first either.
Screenshot and how do I see this?
At least the banana is a good secondary
Bullshit how do I see this?
Pyro should have more flanking options honestly.
try this
They should add mini dispensers and telies already.
And why do you think Pyro got fixed by Jungle Inferno? He got three shitty meme weapons and the Dragon's Fury, which he largely didn't need
nice theme, can i have it?
What practical use would they serve?
>single use teleporter
>25 metal
It's one of the OneeChan themes.
Too bad thermal thruster is slow as molasses, so impractical and super telegraphed I never once found myself seriously using it.
damn, this looks good
thanks user
How would mini-teleporters even work? Just have an extremely long wind-up?
>uses ammo
>3 uses before it has to be reloaded or rebuilt
>between level 2 and level 3 charge rate
>muh heavy update
>muh [class] update
>meanwhile the entire fucking game is filled with bots and unplayable
>f2ps cut from having any experience at all, let alone communicate with people
>>what can we as the TF2 Dev team do to make our playerbase happy?
>>oh i know!
>snakes added to snakewater xdddd get it guys? we are just like you!!! buy more useless and ugly cosmetics from the community workshop creators (trust me they're different and not corrupt this time!)
It's hard to see whats more pathetic, the community or the devs.
This. Detonator jumps are unironically more useful.
I didnt say he was fixed lmao
>tfw playing on the same vanilla map rotation community server with the same sweaty people for like 8 years.
>tfw still experience the bliss of peak tf2.
What server?
>tfw only play 24/7 2fort community servers
>never see a bot
Good feelin
why even bother
even your own post is a canned response
there is no discussion you can have about vanilla TF2 that hasn't had been had a million times already
The Furry Pound #4
Thanks, I am still trying to figure out what the colours mean because they seem sorta inconsistent
pink means text and yellow mean picture? What about green then
there's been tf2 cunny threads?
What the fuck are you on about?
this thread is stinky
pink means there's one file embedded in the file in post
yellow means it comes from the filename (md5 or a catbox link in the filename)
blue means there are multiples of any of those
green means it found something and is loading.
Thank you, you are a shining light in an otherwise bleak world
Ignore him, he forgot to take his meds
the banana is a total sidegrade to the sandvich, infinitely more useful when you're solo
> build sentry
> suicide bind
> walk back from spawn
> build teleporter exit
> suicide bind again
> walk back from spawn
> build dispenser
> suicide bind yet again
> walk back from spawn
> upgrade dispenser to level 2
> execute kill_self.exe to replenish glorious metal
> walk back from spawn
> upgrade dispenser to level 3
> kurt_cobains_microphone.mp3
> walk from spawn
> upgrade sentry to almost level 2 (it's fired a few times since)
> suicide
> back from spawn
> upgrade sentry level 2, almost 3
> gotta suicide yet another time for more metal
> come back from spawn
> upgrade sentry to level 3
> make self dead bind
> walk back from spawn
> upgrade tele exit to level 2
> glorious suicide key
> walk back from spawn
> upgrade tele exit to level 3
> suicide
> build teleporter entrance at spawn
> fuck the resupply cabinet, hit that like and subscribe and suicide button
> respawn
> walk right past the teleporter on the route to your nest
I'll have you all know I won gold division
Mannconomy killed TF2.
why do comp trannies always try to deflect their fault at killing this game
minisentry erotic
>the porn discord raids are now working over tf2 threads
Medic wearing VR goggles.
Because Mannconomy killed TF2.
>what is airblast and flame particles
I'll tell you what they aren't: things that required an entire dedicated class update to fix
>Ignore him, he forgot to take his-ack!
i miss pre-gun mettle tf2
>pyro wins
>new flamer thrower is actually decent
>oops it being good is a glitch lmao *nerfs*
>jetpack is a meme and noob trap
>hot hand is tied with the volcano fragment for worst pyro melee
>heavy's second banana is a straight upgrade to his best consumable
>no one even remembers the gas passer was a part of the update
Olivia Mann erotic
Don't forget that the patch with snakes was also the one which wiped sprays for your computer and disabled them by default, almost as if they wanted a funny distraction from the inevitable backlash.
nobody cares about the gas passer except tacofags.
They only did that because some of the bots started using cp sprays. Of course the real solution should have been stopping the bots but they're too stupid to do that.
That was a rumor started by a furry twitter personality and is literally impossible because Valve servers have always manually blocked spray file uploads.
kys pedo