>My dream is to work at... le bing bing waHOO company!
>shocked and confused when a japanese company has subsaharian-tier working practices
Many such cases
My dream is to work at... le bing bing waHOO company!
I wonder if we will ever get a complain from an actual employee
Are they involved in game creation? Production? No, chances are they're a group of poisonous, talentless hacks who think they're entitled to everything.
Like the American branch of literally everything.
>thinking anyone gets past a Nintendo NDA
lmao, ask me how i know you've never come within half a world of working in the industry
>literally posting People: / People, Japan:
>contractors treated like contractors
>he thinks poisonous, talentless hacks are somehow not involved in game creation
yikes indeed.
america is cancer, accept it.
objectively the literal best country in the world by almost every metric
cope, seethe, and emigrate
It takes talent to create, dummy.
Even the people who made Birdemic are infinitely more talented than the armchair critics who mock it.
Welcome to working for literally any company.
This is why you should always be self-employed.
A country that promotes conformity, censorship, political correctness, degeneracy, division... It's a literal shithole.
First off, talent is not a real thing.
Second, you certainly don't need any creative skill for 99% of videogame roles. It's all grunt work.
I grew up wanting to work at Nintendo as a kid until I realized they do most of their game dev in Japan still. so i work at Sony now
I kind of figured that the creative talent gets to boss around the people who do a chunk of the actual work themselves desu
god damn it i didnt notice the typo
Is your dick still intact?
Stole software from white software developers in the early 90s and built an empire of their 3D platforms and never really improved unless more development was done outside their internal houses and became such old common software that they implemented it 10 years late.
nintendo has one (01) non-japanese developer.
japan is still racist and ultra conservative, especially in bigger companies
for now...there is a lot of propaganda unfortunately.
>so i work at Sony now
Is it true that Sony is actually pandering to trannies?
I live in America and you're absolutely fucking retarded if you think this place is the best
TLOU remake comes out in September. They don't tell us shit about the release strategy though. God of War is definitely coming out this year though. They are polishing it.
>nintendo has one (01) non-japanese developer
They have Next Level Games and Retro Studios you dumb faggot.
I've never seen that so no. It's more of you get newsletters saying its womens month, or its black month, pride pride pride kind of stuff. I could care less about it but they keep plastering it everywhere. Nothing on trannies though.
did i write nlg or retro studios you functionally illiterate goatfucker
i live here too and it objectively is the best
Couldn't, user. You couldn't care less.
Well good luck with the games with ugly women and keep your dick intact.
I always get that one mixed up.
He was pointing out they have two (02) non-japanese developers.
You Amerisharts complain about any kind of actual work. The very fact that you have a concept of NFSW web content is proof of that. Any browsing that isn't work-related is not safe for work. You're supposed to work, not idle around.
>>My dream is to work at... le bing bing waHOO company!
who are you quoting
this isn't 1995
I've sat in on a meeting where red badges complained a lot about how shit Nintendo's pay is and how there are a lot of useless middle managers because of it being a Japanese company. There was one guy who was window seated hard and did literally nothing for the nearly 3 years I was there until he retired. Despite not actually doing anything and having no power to approve or deny anything, work still had to flow through these people.
But it's true that a lot of contractors there complain constantly or feel super entitled because they're at Nintendo, so even being just tier 1 customer support must mean they're a big deal.
So is Japan, accept it.
They're fucking contractors. They are literally second class workers lol.
no feeling about it. they are second class workers
talent is a buzzword for people who think "creative" work is somehow different from any other skill. it can be trained and someone doesn't need to demonstrate that they're "talented" in order to produce valid criticism and someone creating dogshit "art" certainly doesn't separate them from the dregs of society in any meaningful way
anyway here's my mario fanart. i was inspired to give him a gun. you can only reply to this post if you produce your own mario fanart of greater or equal quality to my own
>feeling they're a big deal
bro you can get fired for just mentioning the word Union and higher up staff will actively fuck with you constantly to create scenarios that would get you fired.
People that work there long term as worse off than new hires in terms of pay too.
Sir, that's every single country ever, you just dont see it in the news because America is more prominent. I hate all of that shit but claiming that's only from America is stupid.
no those are studios. noj has one white dude working for them, he's listed in the credits of botw, and people found a forum post he made 15 years ago saying working at nintendo was his dream
fuck off.
>contractors feels like second class workers
That's literally what a contractor is. It's the reason most of Xbox's studios are comprised of contractors.
>Duude I'm gonna be a private contractor, you guys are fucking idiots. I can charge more than twice what you earn per hour. I'm telling ya, I will retire at 40 and buy a house in the hills while you wage away your life for pennies!
>W... What? I'm not allowed to complain or take part in the company benefits? But I worked so hard for you! You are a big company, why are you treating me WORSE than your permanent employees?! I FEEL LIKE A SECOND CLASS CITIZEN!
what the fuck do you expect? holy shit, these people are literally there to do their work and fuck off.
Unions had basically become as corrupt as the very thing they were created to fight against. It's hilarious to see people defending the right to unionize and at the same time complain about how cops/teachers/whatever get away with anything because of said unions.
I thought this was going to be a "make fun of this guy" image, not a good feels image
Hiring contractors instead of employees is still pretty widespread in the industry and it's really just a way for big companies to not give out benefits. It really should be illegal since its a full time job in all but name.
nope just a dude legitimately living the dream. and seemingly working on botw as his first game out of college? which is pretty impressive
To be a little fair, it's not like most people end up as contract workers in Washington because of a "I'm gonna be a private contractor and make a bunch of money" mentality. It's just that a lot of the companies out here hire a lot of their workers through contracting agency. I swear like 4/5 of Microsoft's workforce is contract workers.
NoA is staffed with subhumans
Contractors ARE second class workers. If you do contract work for 3 years then you have enough experience to get a fucking real job
I'm working as an engineering contractor on wind towers and let me tell it's wuote comfy. Lot less work, good pay, less responsabilities.
I'll probably look for a morr permanent contract when I'm done with this one tho, I want a bit more stability
>talk with buddy about yugioh
>buddy wants union carrier unbanned
>fired the next day
dogshit shithole full of niggers and spics and trannies and retards like yourself america should be nuked
Union Carrier is and rightfully should be banned
>People that work there long term as worse off than new hires in terms of pay too.
That's a union for you.
six gorillion years in mspaint
lol contractors. Get a real job.
Except contractors are suppose to be a temporary thing, and unless the company promises it will lead to a permanent position and doesn't deliver, then contractors aren't suppose to get benefit in exchange for more money not spent on said benefits.
They don't want a real job, that's why they want a union to do the nothing they're already doing.
>and it's really just a way for big companies to not give out benefits
Not really. It exists as a means to gain experience in a field and often its only part time.
Office work isn’t real it’s subsidies for people who are wastes.
Aren't there some tax benefits too?
Found the retard.
Creativity and talent are what separates the grunt from the artist.
No he's right. Look at the AAA industry. No creativity
No effort
No talent involved
But the games sell gangbusters anyway
only single indie devs with pirated assets who handle every aspect of development are talented, everyone else is a hack
Let's be absolutely honest here. Contractors are people that can't find a permanent job for whatever reason. Like the company that hires contractors, it's suppose to be a temporary thing. If at some point, they don't land a full-time position, then something has gone terribly wrong with their lives.
>for whatever reason
It's often because they're lazy. As someone who's first job was temporary but impressed enough for them to keep me on permanently it's not that hard to work up the ladder.