Gamefreak what the fuck

gamefreak what the fuck

Attached: mamamiltankcomparison.png (1277x575, 276.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

miltank tf

>this and the drink too much milk and you'll be like a miltank
ok who in gf has a miltank tf fetish?

>people are surprised when Gamefreak has always stuck tf implications and bait in games and the anime

It's another translation schizo thread

refresh my memory i only remember bill being turned into a pokemon and the entire mystery dungeon series.

why? the translations are basically the same
not that it would stop the fuckers

No you don't understand, wanting to be a miltank's child is the objectively correct translation. Wanting your mom to be a miltank is pozzed fanfic shit thrown in by the trannylator.

I understand your complaint. I don't want my mom to be a fat cow. The nuance is different between the languages.

surely there are more egregious mistranslations than this literal nothingburger you brainbroken schizo

I don't get it

The translation changes aren't the point.

There was a Johto episode where Ash turns into a pikachu because of a witch/magician and there was a movie that had some Pokémon switch bodies with trainers for a bit.

what's the point then?

>god i wish this was my mom

Attached: 120px-Miltank_EpEc.gif (120x117, 397.29K)

>mil tank
>milk tank


still waiting to hear what the "actual point" of this schizo thread was

Milf tank.


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You do remeber that Bill turns himself into a pokemon in RBY right?

I think the point is:
>ywn be Miltank's child

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>A good translation
I'm kind of shocked

>become a miltank cattle
>turn your mom into a miltank

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brain broken

its like that become Bayonetta shoes miiverse post

Could milhouse still be alive???

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Many such cases!

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>melony miltank

is this hentai

Fuck off user, I bet you're one of those idiots that think Pliskin is Solid Snake

milhouse is not a meme

milhouse is not a meme is a meme

It's another shit eating, braindead high school dropout comment.

some weirdo at GF wants to turn people into this

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tfw no miltank motherwife

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>miltank making burgers

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You read it wrong, she's saying he won't have to eat a burger because she made him a lunch. She likely was using "greasy burger" as a general stand-in for any fast food.

>Mother miltank milf

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God I wish she used rollout on me

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Thread theme

I understand this can be difficult for the severely autistic, but they mean the exact same thing

if they actually meant the exact same thing then evolved humans wouldn't have a problem with it

That second sentence is sadly accurate for what you expect to see in such threads

a gif older than most of Yea Forums

>military tank

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Fucked up how gamefreak would make me go through the trauma of knowing my mom will never be a miltank.

>miltank mommy
>drink fresh milk every single day
>directly from the tap
i wish

I want to turn into this

Bait trying to make sure people can't criticize the actual shitty examples when they come up

This is autism of a severe form.

A daring synthesis

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>evolved humans wouldn't have a problem with it
Or you know.. it's just a different way to say the same exact thing. You know, like 99% of the English fucking language?
>Can't be fucked
>Can't be assed
>Can't be bothered
>Don't want to do it
>Not worth my time
>It's not worth it
>No point right now
I could literally go on for 50000 more lines that all mean THE SAME EXACT THING.

The only live action Pokemon movie has a plot involving people becoming Pokemon.

I want you to turn into this
and then I will capture you

God I want to suck on Miltanks nipples

Pretty much, the only difference is that one implies you’d also be a miltank while the other is more ambiguous.