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imagine getting filtered by this nigga instead of one of the act 3 fights

Ask me how I know you main ironclad.

Collector has to be the hardest of the act 2 bosses purely because of his mega debuff turn
Bronze Automaton's Hyper Beam can end runs, but it feels like it has enough turns for you to somehow deal with it
Champ is the easiest and is a barebones scaling check. And that is okay because he's an absolute monster in Downfall

I just started playing the game, I've only beaten the game once so far with the iron clad, I can manage every act 2 bosses except this FUCKING FAGGOT no matter what character I use, one bad hand on his GAYZER BEAM turn and you're pretty much fucked.

Should have taken those apparitions.

Beat him before he does the hyper beam then
It is ALWAYS after a set number of turns. Think it's turn 6?
Alternatively, find block solutions. Or become a ghost

Hit it with a bunch of status effects to get through the artifacts and then weaken.

Or kill it before that.

Does he summon them again if you kill them both? I was having a great run with the girl with the staff and one of these little shits stole my upgraded laser sword card.

Bronze Automaton(boss in OP's image) does not resummon
Collector however, does

>play Ironclad or Watcher
>freak bad luck or huge mistakes aside it just works

>play Silent or Defect
>it never works

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Okay thanks.

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Defect is power-spamming, and understanding restraint when you get the Awakened One
Then as you progress, Frost stacking tends to be the strongest
Lightning is super ass, and Claw is only good once in a blue moon

SIlent is probably the weakest class so that makes sense.

>Silent is probably the weakest class
She definitely starts out the weakest in act 1, but I'd hesitate to call her the weakest class
Feels like she requires the most brain power and thought out plays to make her work
Or you can just get multiple Nightmares, Wraith Form and After Image and just win

Get runic pyramid if you're playing Defect. Upgrade your Zap and then your Dualcast.

I would agree with him in the sense that Act 1 is the driver for how the run goes, and Silent is near objectively more likely to suffer or lose outright in Act 1
The comparison is only fair against Ironclad, because Defect and Watcher starting stacks are so unarguably better for Act 1

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Hi, I'm here to end your run.

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Don't draw bad hands, retard.

Second weakest, but you still can win the majority of runs, they're just not very fun to play.
Current world record winrates are something like
Watcher 95%+
Ironclad 81%
Silent 75%
Defect 68% or thereabouts

I'm not joking when I'd rather fight any of the Act 2 elites over this thing
What were they thinking, putting this in the common pool

he, nothing personnel... kid

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Silent is the only class I can win with consistently. Shiv + After Image is busted

I can,t win with Ironclad at all.

Fucking always this
>draw deck and spam card
>powercard spam
bird boss

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Again as it 's an RNG based game after A16,
you must have a winning hand by the middle of Act 2 or you will simply fail

For a shiv deck to win v. Time Eater, you need shiv boosters
Don't spam until each shiv hits hard

For a power spam deck to win against Awakened One, play only critical powers phase 1
You don't need that Hello World even if you think you do

i literally can't beat collector with ironclad anymore

He's fun to play as.

>i never beated A20

>just lost as silent a10
Fuck slavers, but I really needed some AOE I guess.

If you can't play 12 cards in one turn it's not a spam deck it's just a deck with some spam cards

>Pick Silent
>Get poison cards in act 1
>Never see poison again
I always end up with a shitty unfocused deck because of bad card rewards on Silent

If you've got reasonable defense shivs are actually good versus snail because that shit lets you play around the play limit.

For me the reason I get fucked by bird is the power cards clogging my draw. Guess I should always have at least three coolheaded.

Slavers is not an AoE check, but a front damage one. Knock the back one out and the other two are easily blocked.

sup nerd
give us your lunch money

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If I took that mask off would you die?

Claim your cardfu.

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The summoning nigger is harder

>Lightning is super ass
Lightning makes group fights a joke if you manage to get the power that makes it AoE. And in general it's useful against the first act's DPS check elites and bosses. Not to mention you start out with lightning stuff so it's easier to build early on, compared to something like Blizzard which can be awesome but requires other frost cards to do anything.

>no or little attack cards in hand when the enemy is about to defend
>no defensive cards in hand when i'm about to take a lot of damage

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>died being a fucking idiot on act 1 boss
>had a massive hand of unupgraded cards against slime with silent
>smith potion
>don't use it
I think it's time for a break.

I hate this faggot nigga like you wouldn't believe

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But hes the most fun character

Defect is kinda not great, but fun
Watcher is amazing, but not fun
Don't debate me

silent is easy, literally just get poison

>s. thitter

of course !
>you lose 23 gold

Attached: StormofSteel.png (678x874, 319.72K)

>It's a power deck
>mummified hand
>donu and deca

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I have a harem.

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This card is so bad in so many ways. It maybe allows you to squeeze out extra 4-8 damage out of your turn in act 1, but in later game you almost never want to play it.
Unless you have dead branch.

Stop making me want to play this game again, I already got all the cheevos

You did not forget to pick up some form of passive damage, right? You've had 2 acts to do it.

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Slay the spire is the least replayable roguelite why post this shit

easiest char for single relic cheevo?

Slay the spire is the most replayable roguelite

t. midwit


Fuck the RNG in this fight, just cost me a run.

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Watcher maybe, they're pretty busted in general.

>a20 heart
watcher is a girl

It would be extremely Weak on first turn

Lmao what a shitty opinion

Legitimately worse than the heart
I fucking despise this fight

What game?

Feed the Sneed

Slay the Spire

Pummel the Pole

Not the user who asked this, but if swapping your starting relic for a random boss relic at the start is allowed, I'd wager that the Silent would be the easiest. You could also do Ironclad and hope for Black Blood if the boss swap is allowed.

Finished a quick A10 run with defect, got echo form + apparition, so it was pretty smooth sailing.


That is all.

Boss swap on Watcher. Hope for Pandora, Astrolabe or Empty Cage and just go infinite.

Monster the Train