Shit on postal 3 for more than ten years

>shit on postal 3 for more than ten years
>make a game that is gameplay-wise, story-wise, comedically, technically, graphically and relevantly inferior to jank shit built on source engine by alcoholics
>release it without even finishing it
why did they do it bros ?
not to mention its not offensive in the slightest, not to anyone

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vince desi is a trumptard scam artist always looking for a quick buck

I think that they took out the edgy shit and made it primarily toilet humor to be able to get it onto consoles for maximum profits.

it's a postal game that's trying not to offend the woke retards in the west.

its getting there slowly, I got it back in the 'early janky build' days about a week atfer it launched way back & its come a long way since then, you have to remeber its not a big team working on it so yes things are going to be slower than the big dev's, the towns npc's still dont always react like they would Postal 2 for example, but it gets a bit better with each build & now the biggest issues are sorted (for the most part) then can teack & add bits to get more of that P2 feel. If you dont want to wait of course you can always fire up P2 again, hell I go back from time to time for a laugh, well more than from time to time really, No Regerts is well on itsway o giveing much the same feel & fun.
Opinions entirely my own & may differ from other & thats just fine, everyones got their own

you mean bidet humor?

Hi Vince! Are you planning to add more boomertuber references ? Maybe i can shill this game on my channel.

> (You)
>Hi Vince!
not Vince, or Mike before you say it, just a guy that likes Postal games, except the one that doesnt exist of course

>see tower when leaving the bum camp
>see pipes clogged with shit in the sewers

Because RWS has always been a trash company that got moderately lucky.
They peaked almost 20 years ago.

A postal game without offensive content has no value and adds nothing to vidya.
/ourguy/ already shitting on it

>except the one that doesn't exist of course xDDD

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was extremely dissapointed in the trailer and threw it in the trash bin in my mind. thats NOT postal

Is this guys entire gimmick just being dissapointed and depressed the entire time?

I didn't think postal 4 would be as janky as unpatched postal 2 but here we are. At least it crashes less.

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he really is /ourguy/

I like it but I think it's comical that they put the game out officially while acknowledging that it isn't even really finished yet
on one hand I trust RWS considering how they pulled postal 2 out of the ashes out of fucking nowhere and put a bunch of love into it but on the other hand what the fuck?

not only that but they hired youtubers to work on it.

it was doomed from the start.

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Postal games were never good. People play them to feel like they're edgy.

Yes, hence

civvie is the only reason why ANYONE gives a fuck about the postal series this day in age.

he's supposed to force himself on Yea Forums, of course he's going to act like a faggot.

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postal 2 is fun as fuck and chock full of content

i will never forgive them for changing it

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ci who?
i picked postal 2 on steam as a promo and like the stupid fun of it, some anons calling postal 4 literally neutered postal 2 are right, if they kept the same edgy humor from postal 2 and built on top of it then the game would be fine.

also machete is really the best melee weapon.

postal 2's humor was just as lame during its time. making fun of muslims and laughing at dildos was mainstream humor in the 9/11 years.


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You will never have a chin.

yeah so much content you can shoot civilians and uh pee on civilians and uh do errands and uh shoot civilians

Ah, so you're the one of those people that if something isn't trending it doesn't exist, gotcha.

But fat boomer shooter man told me to play it to own the chuds

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I have no idea why, but a walking vagina just isn't as funny as a walking cock and balls.


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>37 minute "review" about postal 4
Does Yea Forums really...?

i love how he got all impressed by the 'unique assets' when its clear they're just generic buildings they got from the unity store.

the fuck are you talking about? there's two weeks worth of missions and an entire city to explore that changes throughout the events of the game and it's like 20 hours long with all the DLC, have you even played it?

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with a pimp accent my dear user.
with a pimp accent!

Ignore all e-celeb shills.

>leaving in shortcuts for speedrunners is bad

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kind of agree
the writing isn't clever by any stretch of the imagination but the actual gameplay is fun in a mindless fun way
Yea Forums just loves postal because the devs were pandering to Yea Forums hard as fuck when they initially brought postal 2
then Yea Forums did a 180 when RWS put a reddit achievement in

It has no offensive stuff? All I saw when I looked up stuff ages ago was a bit where the dude does some graffiti in spanish and as two mexican guys calmly saying "ah don't worry I'll spray over it later" only for some white girl with dyed hair to run them over and is mad at the dude's "cultural appropriation" of their culture and tells the "guys gals and others" to "get their triggered fingers ready."
Bit mild for Postal but still was something, is it mainly just "lol poop" humor?

does the 1.0 version still have items placed in spots you can't physically reach

why don't they just make a sequel to Postal 1
and i don't mean Hatred fuck off

I bet Yea Forums doesn't know the game has an in universe radio.

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You don't get it bro he's based because he puts wojaks in the thumbnail and is just a miserable cunt, he's /ourguy/!

nice headcanon

You can't talk about the President like that

t. new

Postal 1 is too much kino for modern audiences.

I think one of the kunny dolls (on a phonebox) can't be reached. Plus the game lets you just walk out of bounds lol.

>yeah so much content you can shoot civilians and uh pee on civilians and uh do errands and uh shoot civilians

yeah its kino

i watched your video on invidious so you didn't get a view, i just wanted you to know that

>synthreddit man
stop shilling your channel fag

everything you said is just a fantasy, 4 sucks because it would rather pander to ecelebs than make a cool sandbox like 2 was

GTA 5 sold millions on shooting NPCs yes.

>being racist is my personality so any game with racism is soul

what will your next superficial personality be?

i mean regular ass items like guns and pickups. i was just wandering around random houses and would regularly find items on tables or in random corners that couldn't be picked up because the objects around them had fucked up collision.


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is this game good for someone who put a lot of hours in 2 or what

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Why does this look like the fucking survivalist games that are zombie games made by one guy?

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if you put hours on 2 for the shooting, maybe yes.
if you put hours on 2 for the soul? nope.

piss in postal 2 is extremely important to pacifist runs.

it's alright, i guess

>if you put hours on 2 for the soul?

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is there any hope towards getting some sort of apocalypse weekend 2.0?
is there any hope towards apocalypse weekend 2.0 being slightly edgier than base postal 4?