Somebody explain to me the appeal of this series

Somebody explain to me the appeal of this series.

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Touhou, Jojo, Age of Empires, Animal Crossing, or Splatoon?

I love Sanae!

Or satanism?

Don't forget the Kirby

I dunno, I've always like Age of Empires, other historical strategy games didn't click with me as much as these ones.

It fun

age of mythology was superior and had the best fucking campaing

manly men doing manly things

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hiow do i get into age of empires

Why are their sheep so far out? What are those farms built around? why are there even farms when you still have sheep? Awful.

1: get aoe2. any version of it will do, either some old copy at a library, the aoe2HD version or the modern DE, any works
2: play campaigns or compstomps
3: you're in

Both 2 and 4 have tutorials, and advanced scenarios that teach you how to actually play the game at a higher level, complete with medals for how fast/well you do it.

Cave shooters for people on HRT

Fuck that vil challenge.
There's actual math to doing the timing, you can't just go 5 tc and spam

bugs bunny sticker on the right side of the desk

Step 1: Download Age of Ethanols
Step 2: Download the English patch for Age of Ethanols
Step 3: Buy Age of Empires 2

She better be pointing out that the sheep are way too far from the TC

AoM is the superior game

>Somebody explain to me the appeal of this series.

Age of Empires 2 is one of the best video game ever conceived and without competition the best online multiplayer experience on the market today.

Attached: Historically accurate AHEM.png (494x319, 338.38K)

1. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. Don't listen to that other retard. Age 2 DE is where all the new blood (and top level players are). It's the only version of the game with population down the entire skill curve.
2. Do the art of war tutorials on the first 15 villagers and fast castle
3. Pick online build order, I recommend a simple scout rush or archer rush. Then pick a civ that has bonuses for archers or cavalry based on the build order selected. The only civs you should be avoiding are Chinese because they have a unique start. Huns because you won't get in the habit of building houses otherwise. Cumans because of their weird feudal age. And Khmer because you won't get into the habit of building the right building to advance in age in time to age-up. Any other civs that diverge from the norm too hard are expansion pack civs
4. Practice maybe 5 times at most against computers (don't need to finish game, just reach end of your build order)
5. Go out there and give it a shot against other players. Start by banning Arena, and any other maps with prebuilt walls, as closed maps as they're called require different builds.
After 10 matches or less you will be playing the game.

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im so incredibly bad at RTS games that i couldnt even beat the first half of cpu campaigns in games like warcraft and starcraft no matter how hard i tried

should i still play this?

Is Animal Crossing that fun? What makes a person spends hours in that type of game?

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Go look up T90Official and catch a glimpse of his low elo legends series.

There are thousands of sub 1000 elo players who are worse than you could possibly be going out there and trying their hand at 1v1s every single day. Even if you're awful you'll have plenty of like-skilled competition to play with. And the thing you realize from watching low elo matches is that as long as the skill level is similar a match of Age of Empires 2 is pretty much enthralling at all skill levels. I've seen 300-600 level players put on legitimately exciting, intense, and close matches.

You'll find both similarly skilled players to learn on AND still have plenty of fun in low level matches.

the randomish map generation keeps it fresh unlike autismal war-/starcraft where the first few minutes of the game play out EXACTLY the same and there is nothing to think about or plan around
comfy history setting

well shit if its really that fun even for shitters i guess ill try it. usually when i tell people i was too shit to beat an RTS campaign they laugh and ask me if im being serious

If you really had a mind to you could simply learn nothing and eat shit on losses until you got down to like the 300 range which is where people solidly have next to zero game knowledge, or some other major issue with their gameplay they're probably intentionally not addressing because they like playing the way they play

I was more the Cossacks kinda guy.

I love CBT

I preffer AOE 3 over AOE 2
btw what a comfy imageOP

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this sort of detailed advice is great for telling people how to get into online matchmaking, but not for people who've barely touched RTS

so what advice would you give someone who barely touched rts


never stop building villagers

well, for touhou it's easy
>every character is a sexy flat chested loli except for a tiny amount of side characters like rinnosuke or unzan
it's a lolicon's paradise, nothing in the world has more lolis than touhou


What is a game where I can strategically run a bar?

Attached: Remilia Goes to Hollywood [].png (1588x1592, 2.57M)

just play campaign and other single-player modes yourself to see if you even like the genre before worrying about things like build orders

Stop posting this, I don't like it

Well I prefer AOM over either.

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How so?

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>Remillia goes to hollywood
>It's just midi ochestra that's not even her theme
>Picture makes her looks like she's a toddler

but user, the music references Frankie Goes to Hollywood, and Remilia is on the cover

Not Touhou



That's the main 2hu riff, ZUN uses it on like a billion songs

the light bulbs

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yes, but that's cause it's literally the intro, user...

you can never go back

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Generic sounding trash is what I call it


you're awful, user...

Attached: bleh.gif (412x412, 394.17K)

It's called having standards, sweaty

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but that picture isn't sweaty

It is when you get close to it

Who the fuck keeps a plant in their computer room?

you are gay

>5. Go out there and give it a shot against other players
That was pretty good advice. You've got to start somewhere. Once you see how people play you can start watching guides on youtube and learn. I don't see what difference it makes if he's played an RTS or not.

you must secretly want to fuck anime girls

yes and?

>i couldnt even beat the first half of cpu campaigns in games like warcraft and starcraft no matter how hard i tried
At what difficulty level? If you can't beat them on normal difficulty, it might be enough for you to just watch a couple of videos of how people play those missions and you'll get the general idea of what you're doing wrong.

>idiot bitch ain't got a mill

You're an argumentative little bitch.

Do you not?

No. It's a screensaver. It's popular among women, nintendies and other creatures who don't give a shit about video games. They just like pressing buttons and see cute pictures flashing and moving.

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I do.

>how to out yourself as a retard