What would you want in Civilization 7?
What would you want in Civilization 7?
That they fix the title typo in "Civilisation".
A list far too long to post. But most importantly, I want them to fire the woke Civ VI staff and either hire back the people who did Civ IV and V or hire a whole new staff.
Civ VII should also bring back all the good things from Brave New World that Civ VI threw out for no good reason. Civ V wasn't perfect and there's still dozens of things they could polish and improve. But that's what Civ VI should have done. Instead, Civ VI just threw out the things that were good about Civ V and kept the bad parts that needed fixing.
tl;dr We need a staff that recognizes all the ways Civ VI failed and not repeat it.
how do i get into civ
die brit
Yeah we really need that fucking global happiness mechanic back
Civ 5 is the perfect Civ game, both old fucks and zoomer fucks be seething about this fact.
>cherry picks one aspect of Civ V he dislikes
Having global happiness but removing the two dozen other shitty mechanics Civ VI added would be better. And Civ VII could remove all of those, dumbass.
I don't know. I stopped at Civ4 + BTS as I knew that would be the last great Civ game.
>Great set of features
>Great variety of civs and leaders
>Leonard Nimoy and Sid Meier doing the quotes
>Not woke
>Doesn't look like a fucking casual smartphone game
Combined with Realism Invictus mod, it's all I need.
Civ V just with more of the same good stuff, fuck all the dumb mechanics
Full moddability
Everything else does not matter since autists will be here to fix Firaxis' stupidity through mods
>Great set of features
>Great variety of civs and leaders
>Not woke
>Doesn't look like a fucking casual smartphone game
But enough about Civ 5.
I sincerely doubt they would ever add some depth to their mechanics
>troop morale
>actual economy management
>consequences of foreign religion or culture seeping in
>population revolts
>decaying resources
>post "earth" gameplay on the mars colony
>urban planning
>foreign population integration/extermination or enslavement
I only want one simple thing. A loading bar when the game starts to load, it's just so annoying listening ot the game load and not knowing if the game is broken or not
im a zoomer, this was the only civ game i played, i looked at 6 and it was total downgrade.
catherine was a really fucked up in real life like all rulers
One thing I have always wanted in games like this is an ability to walk around your cities in first person, like dungeon keeper.
>>post "earth" gameplay on the mars colony
it's there already, dumb fuck.
If only it was half as good as alpha centauri.
i wanted civ 5 in space, wasn't disappointed at all.
alpha centauri faggots are so goddamn cringe, holy shit.
Well, first of, they spelled Civilisation wrong. They made the same error with Dishonoured a few years back.
Video games are never going to be taken seriously if developers refuse to learn basic spelling and grammar. "Left 4 Dead 2", what is that, a fucking text message from 2003?
Go back to a less cartoony graphics style. I like Civ5 style so much more.
>t. learned history through memes
These kinds of games live or die on their UI. Civ V was the cleanest UI they had made in any Fraxis game (unless you count Sim Golf). Civ VI on the other hand is a mess of menus upon menus, terrible icons that all look the same, units that blend into the backdrop and land tiles which are not distinct. Civ V wasn't perfect. But at least you could look at a tile and tell it was grassland with iron on it. In Civ VI, you just have a mess of colors that clash with each other.
Civ VII doesn't need to go back to looking exactly like Civ V. It doesn't have to look realistic; it can be 'cartoony' if it wants. But they need to be far more conscious of colors and symbols if they go that cartoony route again. I mean, Beyond Earth also used the same semi realistic style Civ V did and had the same icon/color problems. So its clearly not a problem with the art style. It's the design and UI.
Maybe "all rulers" tend to suffer from having that thing called political enemies or resentful successors that make up slander about them
Certainly not Catherine though, whose very loving son had her de-crowned after her death
ITT: zoomers whose first Civ game was Civ 5 seething about Civ 6
The only thing worth keeping from 6 was the districts, basically take 5 and put in districts/adjacency bonuses. Get rid of the cartoon style and for the love of god either get rid of the mish-mashed leader/civ choices OR ACTUALLY LET US MIX AND MAX CIVS AND LEADERS, Actually I'm calling it now, mixed civs and leaders for 7. Wanna be Theodore Roosevelt in charge of the Zulu? You can! I could see that actually working
modding support like in Civ 4 but that's never gonna happend
if people that played civ 5 first are zoomers, what does that make you? lmao retard
More freedom to transfer yields between your own cities
I want a breadbasket city surrounded by farms pumping food out to otherwise-starved cities, and a city in the hills with no where to grow food in turn passing production back to them so they can actually build things in a reasonable amount of time
Credit where it's due, after a while I never needed resource icons on to tell what was what in 5. They did a terrific job of making all the difference resource models distinct and clear.
By far the worst game they've ever made, what a waste of everyone's time
cope more
make Civ 5 again
why does this screenshot look so satisfying? the menu, the tiles, etc... pure soul
Keep 6s map and hex system but go back to 5s, or a more realistic character design and map appearance. The cartoony look of 6 was ass.
Two tech trees were stupid, bring back the social policy system from 5, centralize the cities
Which civ game is the best for larping as a conqueror/super power?
I remember when everyone here hated V and loved IV. I also remember everyone hating IV and loving III.
>the most generic factions ever created by humans
its honestly impressive how bad BE was
any civ game really
I'll add on to this, make more systems so production isn't the most important thing. Maybe you're the first one to discover a tech, so you get a free building or at least a production boost. You're faith production is high enough you get a free melee unit, it's last gen but it's free. You improved 3 fish spots in one city, you get a free last gen naval unit. Stuff like that.
Currently no matter what win you're going for, other than faith, you'll need production first and then whatever you're trying to win. They could change things around that production isn't #1 all the time.
Also steal endless legend/humankinds minor faction stuff. And their civics system. And maybe their city buildings system, though I like civ6s districts.
There was nothing goof about civ v
6, since the AI won't fight back
seethe more nigger
>custom civs (sort of like humankind's, but taking what worked & learning from their mistakes) with customizable leaders & voice lines that you can use online
>make late game war with a lot of units less tedious feeling
>make gilgamesh's chest at least 25% more beefy
>make the AI do something interesting with religion, better AI in general even on lower difficulties would be nice
>an good ios port again, maybe ios crossbuy somehow but I don't think thats ever been done
I find late game civ tedious in general a lot of times, I don't know if thats something that can/needs to be fixed or if thats just me getting bored
A millenial? Idk, my first civ was 4.
sure it was, larper faggot
yeah, 6 got all the goof.
Even the districts could be improved. There were a lot of dumb restrictions for placing them and illogical adjacency bonuses. And because it would be too game breaking if you were penalized by having districts without bonuses, you basically didn't even need any of the adjacency bonuses. Which means if you did place them well, you became overpowered very easily.
Compare this to a game like Endless Legend. Which also has a form of districts. But with much lower adjacency bonuses and no forced tile restrictions. While I don't want Civ to copy Endless Legend in most ways, it would do better to have "regions" like Endless Legend did. Rather than individual cities and districts.
What went so wrong?
Go woke, go broke.
2-3 fully fleshed out future eras
If a game needs ot pay people to play it then there is something wrong with the game. The amount of streamers that were sponsored by this was ludacris, perhaps they couldve used that money to make a game with some distinct characteristics or something. Civ has a pretty distinct aesthetic, which sets it apart from alot of 4X games or example.
Nope, it made profit fine
>still havent made a game better than alpha centauri
less gay ass niggers from shit countries no one has ever heard about
>mixed reviews
>no humankind 2
uh huh
the series needs to SIGINIFICANTLY dial back the increasing focus on "keeping" high-XP military units throughout the game, exacerbated by how long it takes to build new units as the game goes on. this may require abandoning the 1UPT too. while all those things are good in theory (and maybe some ideas from them can survive) the series lost its charm about warfare. civ2 may be dated now but i miss the style of warfare where out producing your opponent and logistically moving your units to the front was a bigger factor in winning a war than simply "hurr durr i farmed barbs with my units and then abused the horrid AI with my ranged units". id argue that this is partially what turns the recent title lategames into "click next turn" fests, since lategame warfare is more trouble than its worth in most of the new titles.
I want 1UPT to die. Just allow simultaneous attacks from multiple tiles and people will make actual front lines instead of death stacks
it had really interesting ideas but it just didn't grab me like civ 6 did initially. I bought it for full price on release and kind of regret it, but I'm hoping in like a year I'm gonna open it and have a good time with it after they make some changes
no try hard diversity leaders
>white female viking holding hands wih black science man
I couldn't think of a more pozzed cover. It almost seems like satire with how on the nose it is.
>historic world leaders from everywhere on the globe
>but without diversity
>Improved AI
>Art style similar to the V environment skin for VI released by V's art director
>Terrain features have greater strategic significance: rivers facilitate trade and unit movement; mountains can be occupied by units for a defensive bonus, but units in mountains can't initiate combat
>A mercenary system, using VI's barbarian clans mechanic as a template; rent or loan units to or from other civilizations, even unique units
>A colony system, using VI's vampire castles as a template: establish strategic colonies that occupy a smaller space than cities, cannot expand their borders, and cannot be micro-managed. Colonies funnel their tile yields to cities that are trading with them
>Makes monopolies and corporations a baseline system
Basically just take the extra game modes they added late in development and make them more grounded. A lot of them have potential.
Beyond Earth is ok, but it's no SMAC/SMAX, the pinnacle of 4x.
what's wrong with 1upt?
Civ VI but
>they do more with alternate leaders
>with better base game leader selection
>with better quote selection
>with war music
>with better ai (the civ 5 community patch noticeably improved the ai so no copes here about how it’s too hard or something)
I like Civ VI’s art style, I find it easier on the eyes over time compared to V. I also like districts
dont bother, a lot of kiddies apparently couldnt care less than the new civ games are mechanically trash as long as there are no nigs. its the kind of mental degradation you can expect from spending formative years wasted on /pol/ instead of having sex
I think he means filling a quota. Replacing a famous male leader with a much less known female leader just to fill a female quota for example. Which the developers of Civ VI stated in interviews they were specifically doing that.
>what I want
Civ 3 city mechanics with Civ 2 + 4 combat and Civ 5 civic system.
>new features
Metros take up 2 tile spaces, but in addition to the bonus commerce also give a production and science boost, Megopolises being massive population cities that take up three whole tiles.
To support this, inter empire trade systems, where you can import and export food. Production tied to local resources, but you can also import/export minor resources, to differentiate a production city from a supporting city. Like in real life, sorta.
Also in support of this, increased map size, the newer civ games are so small, you're "big" if you have a measly ten cities now. Boo.
AI that isn't schizophrenic.
Long term culture, and things like independence movements and the creation of puppet states rather than the game beginning and ending at conquest where the protests for conquering a city are short lived.
This is easily the most disappointing 4x I've ever played.
>no sequel
It's been like a year
>Y-yeah you made millions of dollars but...REVIEWS!
lots of words just to call someone an incel
cry more nigger lover
Less pozzed shit, more civ 4 developers.
Not buying it either way, I haven't bought a civ game since civ 4, civ 5 was already too pozzed for me.