Can we have a Metroid thread without it being quickly deleted?
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Armor thread
Is it weird that I think metroid prime 3 is the worst prime game, yet also my favorite of the trilogy?
Next game, also, Nintendo is most likely making Metroid 6 in-house.
My only complaint about Dread is a lack of a Ridley fight but I guess Kraid was a subpar replacement for fanservice.
I think that Zero Mission does not make Metroid NES obsolete and both games are worth playing. Furthermore I think that NES Metroid is really underrated and everyone should play it.
Ridley is thankfully dead for good, if you want another Ridley fight, have one of his species appear, we don't need any more of the original. They ended that arc for a reason.
Yeah, I mostly just want a remix of the theme.
I played the a version of the NES game with a map (it's called Metroid Planets)
and it really gave me a better understanding of the techniques they tried to use at the time to make the mental burden of looking for secrets easier, by re-using secret rooms and configurations.
(Which unfortunately made navigation more difficult.)
But this means that secret, unmarket passages on the critical paths (like the Jaffe room) are integral part of the "identity" of Metroid. Something that you don't always find back in Metroidvanias.
The original Ridley already died in Super. Other M Ridley was a clone and Fusion Ridley was an X copy of the clone.
Like, reusing room patterns is their first idea,
and they re-used that idea in Return of Samus (Chozo room always have bombable floor).
But Return of Samus also had subtle tile-based hints that would become so prevalent in Super.
Super would do contextual clues, clues based on map-positionning, and locking you in a looping area until you find the secret.
Fusion continued the trend of locking you in successively bigger areas, but it also really put you in a completely closed room and tell you "figure it out", which made some people think they were stuck.
Dread continued the contextual clues (thin walls) but I found the secret design a little bit lacking compared to older games where it really challenged your ability to guess what the dev wants. However this might be more fitting to modern sensibilities. Nobody want Zelda 1's hidden burnable bushes-level of secrets anymore.
And that was already one too many Ridleys, even Nintendo is tired of sticking to the past with Metroid and is just pushing the 2D games forward now.
metroid blast was fun. I wish theyd bring it back
Yeah its the worst one.
Maybe don't start posting blacked shit for once
I'm ok with that
Why Metroid Zero Mission was linear? It only made it worse than the original. And why the space pirates ship wasn't the wrecked ship in Super Metroid? It would actually be a nice reference.
What's this from?
I can understand that. It has the clunkiest design, but a lot of cool areas and features.
One of the gallery images from Dread, this dude's in the background and doesn't resemble any known character in the game
I also want to know what's that from
You forgot to ask why the Zero Suit?
JK I don't want to dunk on it too much since it was a lot of people's favorite.
meant for
ZM was made linear to attract as many people as possible. But i agree with you, i like OG Metroid more.
I agree, I didn't really like either remakes.
Where's that pic from? Chibi metroid is cute
I liked the final part of Zero Mission, it even was the best part of it. My problem is with everything else. The first metroid wasn't linear, why would the remake be?
Unfortunately it was from a japanese twitter during the release of the game so it's probably lost to time.
So I've been thinking of saving up for a switch since there are a few games I want like dread
Is it worth getting. I see most people on Yea Forums shit on the switch a lot. But is the hate for the switch overblown?
Chibi Samus has a booty.
do you like super metroid/metroid in general? i put off buying a switch until dread came out and, while i haven't been playing it much since i finished it, i don't regret buying it. playing vidya in bed is comfier than i expected it to be
I haven't really tried out metroid games before, but I've been meaning to get to them.
I figure since a new one came out I give the series a shoot since I liked what I've seen from dread
It's a lot of shitposting as usual if you are not in a thread specifically to talk about a game.
Depends on how you view portability, because ports do take a resolution hit otherwise. And yeah, you better be a fan of Nintendo games because they are the supposed main draw, with the type of games with polished gameplay but light story and iconographic visuals. And yeah, it's not PC, it's mostly $60 games that rarely go down in price. "at least it's not $70" but still...
I don't frequent Yea Forums much, so i don't know if the Switch is hated here, but The it isn't really hated overall.
If you don't want to pay much, buy the Switch Lite.
Not him but is the Lite really worth the price difference though?
You completely lose the ability to output to a TV (the Lite doesn't have the necessary components). And that's kind of a big deal (being able to decide to play with a stable connection, or with a bit nicer visuals). Literally "switch"-less, for a slightly sleeker form factor.
do it, you probably won't be disappointed - it's also agood intro to the series (even if it is the last plot-wise). it's pure gameplay, and satisfying gameplay at that.
Last chibi I have
ZM is less linear than you might think. The Chozo statues make it seem like there's only one 'correct' route through the game, but if you apply some of the game's more advanced techniques you can get several items and areas far before you're 'supposed' to. You can even fight Ridley before Kraid:
The Wrecked Ship actually does show up in Chozodia as a hidden area; it's implied that the Pirate Mothership's explosion is what unearths it (along with creating Maridia).
Its worth the price difference if you don't care about about the hybrid aspect. Its 33% cheaper than the Switch, so it's a huge difference in price.
>ZM is less linear than you might think. The Chozo statues make it seem like there's only one 'correct' route through the game, but if you apply some of the game's more advanced techniques you can get several items and areas far before you're 'supposed' to. You can even fight Ridley before Kraid:
I know, but it much more linear than NES Metroid, and like you said, there's a ''supposed path''. I don't like that and i think it makes Zero Mission worse than the original.
Every metroid game is linear you ape
Its up to the player to break the linearity
>hot take
The dread armor in general
>Original Metroid on NES
>Super Metroid
>Also Linear
That's fair - I can see why someone who appreciated the original Metroid's design would dislike Zero Mission's attempt to bring the game closer to the rest of the series.
I actually liked Fusion, because it was intended to be linear, unlike ''Metroid 1''. What are your favorites user?
Metroid (NES)
>semi linear
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion
I got you, bro.
Also this one gathers a lot of decent art.
What’s the deal with Kraid, is he even sapient? That scene in Dread where Samus casually shot in the face while he was chained up seemed unnecessarily cruel.
Where would you put Dread?
Ridley might be gone from mainline games for good but you’re delusional if you don’t think he’ll be in Prime 4.
From what I gather, it's a bioweapon that makes tunnels and can also serve as admin/manager.
Sapience is relative when you can just build intelligent life forms
If the game gives the player the freedom to beat it however they want then it's not linear