I don't want to be around anymore
I don't want to be around anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
I do not care who makes a game. You could be a whole team of the craziest group of mutilations and monsters ever. The problem is that said group will not make a good game which is the problem.
Less than 2 years ago the world was a completely different place
she was awfully cute before video games made her get fat
then perish.
These people don't have any ideas. They are excited to have careers.
Imagine calling picrel "inspiring" from an environment design perspective.
Yeah I know how you feel OP. Some days, you just feel tired of it all and just can't wait to go to sleep forever.
I miss MDE.
Golem of Flesh.
Don't you guys have phones?
>tfw you never got into WoW
You've probably saved a good amount of money and heartache.
A good tree can only make good fruit, but an evil tree can only make evil fruit. A evil tree cannot make good fruit. So no, I disagree, I do care who makes a game, because only good people can make a good game.
>0$ for jewzzard
btw, only CoD its keeping that pozhole alive
What is the point of playing WOW? League of Legends gives the same raid experience without any filler.
That is what I pretty much said. The group will not make a good game.
If you're still playing WoW in 2022 you might have brain problems
I even pointed out where I disagreed, I do care who makes a good game.
>4 players its the same as 20 players
You need better reading comprehension.
I'm still not 100% sure this is a real female. Most NA whores look god awful so you never know.
They don't want you to be around either.
Oh I’m sorry, a mother fucker apologist didn’t like being caught and corrected tolerating their aborted offspring. I think I will let this slide and let you complain that we were the ones that were just mistaken. God bless.
There is also enthusiast/wagie dichotomy. Those people aren't interested in quality of the end product. It's just a job for them.
>W Team
Looks more than an L to me, my man.
Truly, truly rent free.
She cute,
I prefer to call it marketing hype. Like Minecraft, now they no longer make Minecraft, it’s all about marketing something with Minecraft themes.
this guy understands essence. rot propagates itself.
I don't understand the rent free thing. Are you overweight?
Not my fault when you run around like a blind fish in your own shithole of a country.
How many trans people even exist in the USA? What are the odds that so many trans people work in the upper echelons of creative corporations and colleges?
imagine trying to actually focus in a meeting and get something done, when all you can do is stare at this disgusting troon and think 'if i say he i'm getting fired'
no wonder blizzard fucking sucks now
>Satania poster
>is retarded
Every time
It's obviously used during a presentation for "diversity" and inclusion. So far in my life I've known 5 trans people, its not that unlikely to find them. 3:2 FtM:MtF
I mean, their old crew probably misgendered him on a daily basis.
>These First Ones built the universe, but their intentions are unknown.
Apparently, they did it to fuck female co-workers.
what did he mean by this?
From left to right:
>Chad McPussygrab
>Feline-kin Morningdew
>Tran Stan
>Midlee F. Crisis
So I'm supposed to believe that this girl that looks like she (unsuccessfully) puts more effort into her looks and this mom that looks like she'd have no idea how to even use a computer managed to rise above all the autistic men and bag a high ranking position in the company? Yeah, no. Not buying it for one second
Oh wait, I take that back. This explain why vidya is so soulless. Women don't know vidya soul and they definitely don't have any vision to pull away from corporate garbage. They didn't grow up spending every waking hour playing vidya and so they have no historical point of reference and experience as to what a good game is
>All women have dyed hair
Welcome to California
I think I can explain why WoW died.
I can imagine it:
>OG Staff in the break room having a coffee
>xe/xer walks in
>"Sup, Dude"
>xe looks on the ground and walks out fast
>can hear the room burst into laughter just before the door closes
Only ever played private servers, suck it blizzard
>All women
But the 3rd one's a troon?
They really took some liberties with the face smoothing tool huh
Ive only seen 2 trannies in my life 1 of them at a bar I worked at in university and 1 working at bestbuy when I was returning a defective monitor. There was a multiple decade gap between these two occurances. Also I'm pretty sure the one I saw at the bar was a prostitute
>So many
Captcha: XOKYS
Please do
Then kill yourself so there's one less autistic incel on the board to deal with
the fragility in this thread is laughable
I'd argue the whole child rape thing is worse but yeah they make some bad games too
>forsen boys in chat
L to the M to the A to the O
How did these freaks manage to take over the entire video game industry?
not one of them can fuck
have you looked in a mirror? just about everyone except you is laughing, thats for sure