Other urls found in this thread:
yoship not looking so good after the massive success known as the dragonflight announcement...
troon game
i'm the only person in this game who isn't a mentally ill shitbag
Asmon liked it, cope
He also likes Amazon's failed turd and Amazons' Korean pay to win gamblefest.
He's a piece of trash sellout and it's clear as day.
Why is that thing so ugly holy shit, who is this for
*roars and lands on thread* Times almost up XIVfags. Asmongold has already had it with this tranny game and soon he will return to Azeroth to soar the skies with draconic wings. It's pretty sad seeing you all celebrate your "conquest" over World of Warcraft, knowing that your dreams will be crushed underfoot soon. Who knows? Maybe you'll keep half of your playerbase. lmao like that'd ever happen. *raised claw and checks the time* Oh look, it's raiding time. Not something you guys would know since you didn't have a raid in what, a quarter of a year? See you guys soon, when you've finally had enough and made an account on the superior game. *shits on thread and flies away*
I fucking kneel
XIVbros it's over, we're finished... dragonflight is just looking too good...
I can't tell if you're talking about whatever the fuck that thing is on the left or the face 4 Au Ra.
Please, stay there. Don't come back.
>Asmon cope
Yes we know, he's a grifting shitter. Don't you have gold to grind so that he can say your name live?
Whats with people bringing Asmon to every single mmo talk? Are you people retarded or can’t see when people overreacts to everything for viewers???
The guy is the most fake youtuber I had seen in my life. His WOAH face is always the same
You will see his horseface plastered all over every thread and you will like it.
does xv-sperg ever sleep
Wowtads' main hobbies are playing wow or watching other people play wow. E-celeb worship is inevitable.
If you saw this picture you like men now.
>crackhead lieks crack
Myths of the Realm will reveal that the Aetherial Sea is only half of the afterlife and that the Twelve were made to regulate and stabilize the Phantom Realm, which is the other half that formed after the Sundering.
Deryk is a spirit picked by Oschon to find (You) and bring you to the Twelve so they can make sure (You) can look after the world without their intervention. Also some of them just want to fight you.
The series will end Oschon wanting to give you a 'gift'. The gift will be a small meeting with Venat's spirit, where you can tell her it all worked out in the end, and she gives (You) a hug. Oshon will have dialogue afterwards stating it was as much a gift to her as it was to (You).
Nophica's tits are accurate to her art.
it's over...
the nightmare is over bros.. its fucking over
Why is everyone using rdm for pvp now???
post em
>uses a modded au ra
xiv troons are pathetic lol
i need to breed gaia
>xiv troons are pathetic lol
Who are you quoting?
this one was cute
dmc is gay
what is even modded in that picture besides reshade? that looks like a normal face 4 au ra
Cute but the ending of Endwalker makes it pretty clear Venat already knows it all worked out.
FFsisters.... 9.3 is looking so good.... how will we compete?
It's got a good kit just look at it.
>aoe cc
>dives and peels
>backline filler to wait for when you're ready to burst
one of the hardest jobs to deal with is a WHM that knows good positioning and RDM is a good counterplay to that.
Yeah but she would be happy to hear it from us.
Why can redditors only think of Vergil when they see a katana?
This is so unfathomably cringe I can't even put it into words.
>Get a Nice job! spammer WHM
>Next game they're on the opposite team
>Focus them and /sweep on their corpse for the entire duration of their respawn
>Next match, they're on my team again
>They RP walk doing nothing for like the first minute of the game while we clean the enemy team and they don't use a single Quick Chat again
Holy shit I could tell this guy was beyond mad
Because he's literally a reddit character. Same with Raiden (MGR).
Aymeric stop fucking around and do your job.
DRG damage with WAR utility.
Fucking newfags.
I unironically love off model pictures, they're fun.
>soiling TF2's name with soulless WoWclone PvP with ERPcards, holy shit. I dont get how XIVfags or WoWfags think theyre better than each other when youre the same filth.
Who are you quoting?
The Vergil obsession only started after DMCV came out. Don't pretend to be an oldfag you bandwagoning reddit nigger.
>getting cringe from one of the most vanilla lewds ever posted
>Whats with people bringing Asmon to every single mmo talk?
Retards latched onto him when he started playing FFXIV to "dunk on WoW". When he started focusing mainly on WoW again he got dumped and accused of just being a WoWfag thing but the reality is these retards got hooked like a hooker on crack.
>newfag thinks green text is exclusively for quotes
Go back
imagine thinking that was a greentext
>alisaie not flat and not in diapers
Off model trash
back to your general groomer.
you're fitting in great sweetie, tf2's honor is defended
>OMEGATRONIC has joined the game
>OMEGATRONIC : Fucking MMOfags!
Lol you are so mad
Reminder that any alisaie diaper posts are made by one guy trying to force a meme.
He will never be Poopy Joe, no matter how hard he tries
UMMMMMMMMMM........ are you gonna push the crystal????????
What coat is this?
Hasnt that shit been around since Stormblood? Though could swear ice seen more Krile diaper shit pop up this time.
the devs went out of their way to make classes that are heavily cucked by others in pve the pvp gods, meaning you're going to see a cascade of people playing war/whm/rdm/sam/mch both from people who just want to win but also people who wish they were better in pve and want that power fantasy
Yes, it's just some Alisaiefag trying to cope.
>off model faggot thinking his opinion matters
>fetish associated with retarded raid character since HW isnt a meme its one guy
Nah, as a diaperfag even I know who has gotten art of her before. You'd be amazed how many people think she's the perfect "Little/Brat". Only Gaia has taken some spotlight from her thanks to FloofnFloof liking Goth girls.
Friend is live!
>out of curiosity
>try watching
>it's in japanese
wtf um bros where are the american subtitles