Yo what happened to the Star Fox thread? Literally got deleted for no reason? Go back and look, we were on topic...

Yo what happened to the Star Fox thread? Literally got deleted for no reason? Go back and look, we were on topic. No furry porn or any of that crap was being posted.
Like seriously why?

Attached: AFIS Fox What.png (720x720, 99.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not Yea Forums enough

You pissed off the butthurt tranny mod who warns people for racism.

Imagine having your furry thread deleted on a furry moderated board. That's how shit you are at it.

Janny nuked a whole thread full of on-topic discussion because there were some gay pics. That's pretty sad, and I'm not even a fag.

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Reminder that Krystal is not a Starfox character, was never intended to be a Starfox character, and now symbolizes the decline of the series as a whole.

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this is why we have so many vidya butts threads

Thing is there were barely any, and most of them got deleted anyways. But go back and look at the last bunch of posts and its genuine discussion.
Like what the heck man?

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Reminder that the first ever SF64 romhack is available.


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What's wrong with purging a thread full of faggotry?
>inb4 there where only a few gay pics
The well was already poisoned at that point, it had to burn. This is strictly a /hmofa/ board.

You just listed the reasons it was deleted.

Any pre patched roms?


Like don't get me wrong I hate the furry crap that gets posted too, but just delete those posts don't nuke the thread.

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Don't Post Gay global rule.

So how is Adventure? I know it's different and not really a Star Fox game, but is it any good?

Complaining/protesting/making a thread about a thread removal or a decision made by a moderator, or admin is a bannable offense.

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Nigga the guy who basically created the Star Fox universe and characters thought she was a good fit and wanted to keep her around when Rare was just thinking of tossing her out altogether.

You sound like one of those people that think Star Fox is supposed to only be a plain old rail-shooter series when again one of the leading creatives behind the series thinks otherwise, see pic related

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Forgot the link to the interview regarding Imamura and Krystal: shmuplations.com/starfoxadventures/

I just want a new Star Fox game bros...

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same happen with Sonic threads apparently, least according to I'm starting to see a trend there... Oh well not vidya enough enjoy your 12 Elden Ring threads instead lol

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If metroid can come back from the dead more than once. So can starfox!

Haven't seen any. I can't patch it myself because the programs don't work.

This. Not to mention, Star Fox had a console game more recently than Metroid did, even if it was Zero.

That should be enforced.

mods and jannies are gay and trannies

Soon user, soon. It's been six years since Zero. They can't ignore Star Fox forever.

Yes they can, just look at f-zero


Amen to that. I think Fire Emblem is another example.
Absolute miserable pile of garbage series. Failure after failure that should not have been allowed to persist as long as it did.
Then in a last ditch attempt to revive it, they just went balls to the wall with it. And (Sadly) it paid off. Now Fire Emblem is (Sadly) not going to be seen again on the chopping block anytime soon.
If THAT series can go from Zero to Hero or whatever, surely Star Fox can.
Star Fox just needs it's "Awakening" game to come along with a balls-to-the-wall "Let's bring this series back" approach.

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They were just horny for her. Nothing about her being a genuinely good fit as a character or chemistry with the team

Fire Emblem is kind of a bad example as it's not really a series designed in house. Intelligent Systems kept trying to make it work because they didn't really have any other long standing properties of their own

It's talking about Yea Forums, Hiro has allowed those threads.

Here's your (You) worthless nigger spic kill all jews and niggers

Next episode of AFIS when?

How can Nintendo save Star Fox bros?

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Make another one that focuses on Arwing combat, and has decent controls and a good amount of content

will a Fox in Space ever be finished?

They would need a game that is either low budget but can still appeal to veteran fans or they would have to come up with away that can rake in money from casuals as well.

episode 2 out next year

your degenerate AIDS ridden asses need to get the fuck off our videogames board right now you good for nothing furry fuck

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Go be racist on red boards. I'm glad mods are banning fo racism and bigotted comments like yours. Stop using those words and calling someone you dislike a t-slur That alone is already offensive and you should be banned for using those words.

Keep reposting that and staying buttmad

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hello again bro


Ah yes, the liberal meme from ancient times

I thought only lefty memes were supposed to be overly verbose

I accept your concession

Yiff in hell furfags. Also your games are shit KEK

I honestly want to say the No Man's Sky route with more focus on Arwing-orbital combat scenarios but I know we've got to move away from open world so I gotta do my part and talk shit about them too

I hate jannies but they're entirely justified in taking down these threads. It's the same faggot OP every time using Star Fox as a platform to post off topic furry shit. You've never played a Star Fox game before in your life, and your incredibly braindead and simple opinions on the franchise prove it.

Mount & Blade but in space. Well that's what I'd play anyways.

Assault 2 with online lobbies. Let the Splatoon team do it after 3 is out of the gate.

Remaster star fox zero on switch or its successor

>your games are shit KEK
Finally, we are in agreement

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What this guy said

A Star Fox and F-Zero crossover game.
>Several Star Fox characters have appeared in F-Zero and vice-versa, without any explanation
>Several Star Fox games hint at multiverse travel
>Star Fox Zero hints that James McCloud actually isn't dead, since Andross was able to see him. Previously, only Fox was able to see his dad when he appeared on screen.
>Coincidentally, James McCloud has been a playable character in F-Zero since its inception and shares a nearly identical backstory
Just give both franchises one last hurrah with a single game by combining what made them both enjoyable. Make Star Fox: Grand Prix.

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The executives who propose that and get it approved would be shot on sight.

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Never mind that shit what happened to a fox in space?
Dude not only deleted his twitter but also his tumblr account as well
It's like he's basically trying to avoid the thing altogether

Shot himself in the back of the balls 47 times
very sad

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Honestly, if that team could nail the on-rails Arwing gameplay, I think they could do Star Fox justice.
They've obviously got on-foot down. Their approach to Splatoon's storytelling would go well with Star Fox, where it's deep, but not in your face.
And Star Fox NEEDS online multiplayer. If Splatoon can thrive, surely Star Fox can find its place as well.

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Those have been gone for a long time now. He posts updates on his youtube channel


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kill yourself nigger faggot tranny jew goblin

Which is exactly why both franchises are in the state that they're in. Nintendo is perfectly fine with innovating other franchises, but for some reason, F-Zero and Star Fox need "gimmicks".
Nintendo should be striking the crossover iron while it's hot, and these two franchises are literally already fucking connected.

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I didn't mean by the staff or higher-ups.

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