How do we save her?!
Kat's franchise is dead!!!!
By letting her drink the cum right from my cock
I played the Vita demo and it was gimmicky shit. So, good riddance.
Sex with Kat.
kat sex...
licking her dirty hobo feet
Stop. Kat is not that kind of girl...
you sound filtered
Make her a guest character in a fighting game.
Like the next Tekken or some shit.
Literally by putting her games on the switch.
GR h-game.
It's the only way.
Hot zero-G scissoring with Raven!
gato sexo?
kats perky nipples...
I invite GR-only fags to play Toyama's other games, they're just as good.
She very much is.
she failed because she never showered.
b-but horror games scare me
Who's spine bends like that?
convince elon musk to buy her IP and license it to someone.
meme him enough on twitter and i'm sure he'd do it.
What's Uchikoshi doing there?
I can't believe they managed to slip them in the game.
>he dont know about the jackochallenge meme
anatomy fags are the worst.
>>he dont know
Why is it always the Gravity Rush threads that have third world ESL subhumans?
Is odd but because of the gimmicky nature of GR franchise, it feels more like a Nintendo game than the regular Sony IP. I was playing FE3H and art direction + Music feels similar to GR games
Maybe because is popular outside US? I mean Horizon Zero Dawn is more popular in burgerland.
>ywn get to licks kats sweaty body from head to toe...
just fucking end me
Make her regress into a loli for the whole game and give her a string bikini.
Oh shit, Genzoman. Haven't thought about that guy in a long-ass time.
We can't, Sony shut down her studio.
Spineless bitchtits.
It was a gathering for great games creators.
why are her nipples so big
>How do we save her?!
We can't, Sony killed her.
So they can fill my mouth up when I'm sucking on them.
Imagine the smell.
>Finally got a video game protagonist who is a sexy brown girl
>Studio making her games shuts down and dooms her to being from a dead franchise
God DAMN it. I just want more sexy brown girls in my vidya...
fuck you for fetishizing brown girls
Thank you for fetishizing brown girls.
Kat stinks.
not after i give her her daily tongue bath
And that's a good thing!
Weird, dude. Just weird.
Kat is officially a stinky hobo who live in the sewers with a cat. The game writer and staff are proud about it.
There's nothing wrong with it, user.
Cute hobos are good.
Hobos are still hobos.
the nipples in these fanarts are too small
you wouldn't see her nipples in these but I bet they're too small anyway
kats stinky armpits
Feet not dirty enough.
Cute hobos are still cute hobos.
I didn't mean that as a bad thing, just remaking the point of her smell as a canon part of the character trait/development. Is funny how Toyama and the staff wanted to make a funny character making it the opposite of US canon of a female superhero.
Gravity Boy
I always liked that she lived in the sewer, it was a fun quirk yet pretty cute at the same time.
Replace the shitty Gravity Rush title for the original Gravity Daze soul
It’s shit how Sony treated her but the unlimited pantsu shots you get with her added 2B outfit almost makes up for it
Sell the IP to Nintendo. With a gravity gimmick and touch screen this franchise would be revived faster than the stale gameplay Nintendo IP like F-Zero