>Elden Ring only got a 95 with countless paid reviews
>This gets a 96 during the most stacked year ever (2000)
Was it really that good?
Elden Ring only got a 95 with countless paid reviews
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Who cares what (((paid reviewers))) have to say about anything, nigger?
Hell no it wasn't.
It's better than Half Life by a wide margin and despite console limitations.
Nintendo bonus
Goldeneye was probably one of the most revolutionary games of all time. Perfect Dark just did the same thing but bigger and better. Yeah, it was good.
Still being copied to this day, so no, yes, was pretty good
EldenTranny exposing himself, journos hated Nintendo back then. Gaming was heavily biased towards PC gaming or fighters back then
Goldeneye was literally just the Perfect Dark beta
Perfect Dark was really good, it was the culmination of everything that made mid 90s Rare what they were: great tech, an extreme amount of gamemodes, options and variety and a very well put together game with memorable characters and a metric fuckton of weapons that were all very interesting to use and they all had alt firemodes too.
I miss mid 90s Rare Yea Forumsros ;_;
Perfect Dark is pretty good. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
>journos hated Nintendo back then
Yeah, it was really fucking good. Better than any game from the last 15 years
shut the hell your mouth
Yeah and it has one of my favorite trope
>Have hub world, filled with cool rooms and shortcuts
>Hub world is attacked
>You knowledge of the layout is key to finishing the mission
>Sick remix of the hub theme playing in the background
Love that shit
elden ring got a 96 though
also strange that you think fromsoft can somehow afford to pay reviewers and nintendo can't, despite nintendo being a much larger and richer company.
2000s rare (free radical) were better
Tranny pedo coping, it got 95, GTA V got 92
Nintendo bonus, faggot.
>Shooting range competitions
Fuck some of those golds are mind bogglingly hard.
>please shoot 52 targets with only 13 bullets in 7 seconds
It's true though, journos had a hard-on for more """"""serious""""" games that were on PC and PS1 and scorned Nintendo as old-fashioned. Come to think of it not much has changed.
>Snoy Pedophile schizophrenic conspiracies
There's a lot to unpack in this post.
>Still being copied to this day
I wish. How many games are there now where you can
>shoot out light bulbs to actively decrease AI detection radius
>shoot the gun out of an enemy's hand, causing them to surrender
>have enemies limp or move with different animations but continue to fight if they've been shot in the arm/leg
>have completely remixed maps and objectives on different difficulty levels
>destroy every desk, table, chair and computer terminal you encounter
It was easier to get high scores back in the day because of fewer reviewers
PD has 30 reviews, Elden Ring has 78
Those people wouldnt be reviewing Nintendo games in the first place
using a shitty controller no less
>its true though
Ah yeah?
I loved that hub world, as a kid I'd spend hours there. That's something I'd never do now, as an adult.
Snoy's outing themselves as underage
>That one mission where on difficulty you're a sniper and on the other you're the actual negotiator with no weapon to start
Fuck PD had alot of cool things going for it, honestly counter-ops would work online nowadays too, wasn't Doom Eternal supposed to do something like this?
tfw you can emulate this with mouselook
tendies have no business calling anyone a pedo lmao
>It's true though, journos had a hard-on for more """"""serious""""" games that were on PC and PS1 and scorned Nintendo as old-fashioned
imagine being this detached from reality, nintendo games always scored higher than their competitors. it was an open secret in the industry that nintendo and the press had an incestuous relationship.
I played it recently with mouse+keyboard but honestly Rare's shooters don't have what it takes to stay relevant outside of the reality they were released in.
I understand some fans playing to this day, there are lots of mods and hacks, but it's more a case of people who got used to a average game than a timeless game that will always be attracting new players.
Perfect Dark was the embodiment of that "drawing of a horse" meme, nobody seems to remember that the game went from terrific to absolute shit in the last two missions
yeah crysis did it too and it sucked there, but at least the music is lit
Perfect dark has literally never been topped as a shooter and you can see all the modern fucking army games, counterstrike, call of duty are all bullshit games that limit the imagination of the player.
The best feature of Perfect dark was the 2 different shooting modes of all the guns as well as the flavour of human weapons vs alien vs alien all having different philosophies.
Favourite gun to play with was 2x charged maulers.
You got a point, I don't even remember the 2nd last mission, was it on the Skedar ship?
Are you implying that Sega, Sony and Microsoft weren't bribing the press? Nintendo was the only one?
Double Phoenix on explosive rounds mode here, tanked the FPS though
Nothing wrong with being underage, faggot. There are zoomer ecelebs who know more about the 90s than people who lived through it.
Yeah it was good.
PVP specially was good.
Snoys are deranged trannies, sony never made a relevant game which is why they were never rated high. Same with tranny ring only having a 95.
The real Gamergate which no one talks about was when IGN's Nintendo reviewer was married to someone who works for Nintendo
These kind of things are details, not things that define the game's gameplay, which is quite limited. Unless you tell me it's a core gameplay element to turn off lights and disable soldiers by shooting into their hands, which it isn't, then I won't change my mind. In the end, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark's combat are super shallow with no room for interesting approaches.
Remember most of the objectives are more complex and often have fail states as well.
Hacking a car to use it as a distraction for the murder bot, car can blow up.
Using limited amount of explosive to destroy things, can run out of bombs.
Carrington Villa level where on hard you are the decoy yourself
Escorting the it tech to decode a computer for you but he can die and will try to run off
Taking the necklace from lady by killing her is a mission fail
Having to use drones in high radiation areas
There's a lot going on in the game where it looks simple from on the surface but when implemented in gameplay give it another level.
i hated the more scifi guns. ruined the multiplayer for me. faggot friends wante dto fight bots instead of each other too. ruined multiplayer.
They put a gun with wallhack, aimbot and one hit kill in the actual game lol
And yet they're both timeless classics. Funny how that works.
They did. Nonstop hate in magazines and early online for them over no cds and just on and on about muh polygons and muh fmvs. If it didnt have shitty fmvs, the game was trash and cartridges couldnt handle it, so constantly shitting on them for it.
Yeah, having to escape from a cell and knife fight a big alien, I liked it.
And the last mission where they give you loads of high tech gadgets and you just murder your way through their homeworld.
You can only really use it with cheat codes
Mario bros didn’t get a single award
Reading old magazines it's amazing how hard people's dicks used to be for FMV, nothing has aged worse
Shit was fun I remember crouching in a corner sniping friends, loved that shit lol
yeah it was exactly the same as it is now, game journos applauding video games being less like video games. Game journos just want people to take video games serial!
Perfect Dark is unironically the 3rd best FPS of all time.
It's basically what everyone says Goldeneye is like. And then better.
>Skedar ruins on perfect agent
It was bullshit, atleast there was coop.
Unrivaled to this day
Boomers had lower standards.
It's the most fun you can have at 5fps.
games are rated based on the industry when they released.
when perfect dark came out, it was the 96 of its time. it isnt a better game than elden ring just because it has a better score. its a sliding scale.
Every review i saw penalized perfect dark for being too expensive while saying it was the best game of all time
They did. Sony was the new kid on the block and were "less restrictive than Nintendo" back then so people started gravitating over to Sony.
They didn't adopt CDs when everyone was moving on to them, among other things that made journos mad.
lmao just run faster than the aimbot and leave proxy mines around where it spawns
Perfectly balanced weapon I promise
If you care about game reviews past the age of graduating middle school you are NGMI
>just run faster than the aimbot
This actually worked, the aimbot moved like Clarence going "nanananana" in Robocop
I miss mission based levels, the checkpoint system nowadays is good for games where it's incredibly long levels or open world, but the tight level design really captured that special agent feel.
Hmmmmmmmmmm maaayyyyyybbeeeeee becauseITDIDN'TDESERVEONE????????
>Revolutionary fps talked about decades after it’s release
>Irrelevant tranny game sold by celebrity name value alone
Cope it’s why no game developer respects FromReddit
Games don't age and there's no such thing as score inflation. A 96 then is a 96 now, cope.
>Badass womanizing, suave motherfucker protagonist replaced by some woman who don't need no man
>Every male character is either a total dork nerd who needs to be rescued, or is comically evil. None of them are competent.
>American president is black
>Evil genocidal aliens take human form as blonde-haired blue-eyed white guys
Yea Forums would hate perfect dark if it were released today
>break every last bottle of wine in Carrington's basement before you rescue him
>it triggers a special audio cue where he gets mad
I love how Rare KNEW people would do this after they noticed a couple bottles get broken during the shootout with the guards
>tranny game
Just because you beat off to trannies, doesn't mean you need to make it our problem with every post you make, faggot.
>inb4 "n-no u"
You brought up trannies first, nigger.
So they predicted the future perfectly?