Why haven't you played VRChat yet?

Why are you still pointlessly grinding out stats in that dumb RPG or sitting through massive matchmaking load times just to get shot in the face and teabagged by hackers and other absolute dregs of society in that FPS game? Come play VRChat and make yourself some friends, engage in some healthy social bonding and practice developing your social cues! Hell, you might even get lucky and find a socially-awkward big tiddy goth mommy gf you thought didn't really exist outside of manyvids requests. (trust me, they definitely exist)

>b-b-but user VR is le GIMMICK!!!!1

Don't care. The gimmick is fun and games are supposed to be fun, not full time jobs where you waste our whole evening to hit LVL 200 and get 10,000 kills so you can finally unlock the golden penis skin.

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Other urls found in this thread:


My internet is too shit
Also I'm socially and literally retarded


I don't have a vr headset and I'm not a woman so I would just exist as an NPC

Because I am too busy making avatars for other people.

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I have, and it sucks. I got memed into trying it out when I first got my headset. Turns out it's filled with nothing but trannies.

No VR set.
>engage in some healthy social bonding
Also i can't get behind this, at least no in virtual form.

Fair enough if you have bad internet, but VRChat is very accommodating to those lacking in social awareness. You can improve slowly over time, I promise you.

This clip proves exactly 0, it's someone kissing someone else with no verbal dialogue. Internet pedophiles exist everywhere, idiot. Take your (You) and move on with your day.

I mean you could RP as an NPC if you like, and you don't need a headset whatsoever. In fact, Desktop users get to see the most high quality content (avatars, worlds, etc.)

Link your Gumroad user

Trannies abound, and that is unfortunate, but there are plenty of cool people to hang out with that don't care about gender identity bullshit. There are comedy clubs where you can talk shit about LGBT all you want and have a captive audience to listen to whatever flavor of edge you'd like to serve up.

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>Link your Gumroad user
I don't have gumroad, only my thread in the official chat.

>install VRchat
>spend 40 minutes installing external software to upload a custom avatar
>spend more time figuring how to upload it
>"lol you can't upload avatars yet, you aren't trusted"
that's why.

Yeah, you have to spend like 30 minutes playing first.

someone post the "Yes Yes Yes" clip of those two guys pretending to fuck.

tldr you're probably a pedo

I was told it was around 6-24 hours even if you are constantly adding and interacting with people.

VR chat is full of groomers and people who will literally masturbate to your voice and Avatar while making it completely known fuck off

Lol now try posting on a smart phone images become annoying to upload

Barrier to entry to cut down on people uploading crasher avatars and flood-the-world-with-gore-and-swastikas avatars. It sucks, but it's mostly effective.


Maybe 24 hours, I completely forgot at this point, I remember I spent a few hours for like 2-3 days and then I was good to go.

>no you
nice argument. Cope and dilate groomer

Over 1000 hours in VRChat and have experienced this exactly 0 times.

>Lol now try posting on a smart phone images become annoying to upload
I just don't get why these errors are popping, is it being worked on or what?

cant afford equipment or good enough laptop to run it.

I will never use voice chat. And I don't even use text chat anymore. I was a huge socialite online when I was 10-24, but I don't value it anymore. I used to think it was weird when guys in their 30s and 40s in games never talked or tried to make friends with anyone, but now I understand.

>accuse someone of being a pedo for playing a video game
>point out that you're likely projecting, unconsciously or otherwise

Get on VRChat and experience some positive interactions, man. You've got a lot of pent of insecurity, and that's ok. The first step is admitting you have a problem. It's not too late to get help, user. Good luck and godspeed.

I already do!
please let me back in tj i miss the comfy times so much

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It's because you gave up. You spent 14 years interacting with others but you didn't form 1 meaningful friendship at all? There might have been something off on your end man, I'm sorry to say.

I started to play a lot less when I made good and equally autistic friends outside of the game. Now we play everything together except vrchat
I still have a lot of precious memories with the game though. fun fact: in my 700 hours of playtime, people have attempted to groom me three times. Two of them being furries, no surprise. Everyone is literally able to see furhub on the most popular list of the worlds tab, there's no age restriction
The pedo furrys are real, and they will deny it in this thread. One of them was a /vrg/ user.

Exploring obscure worlds in vr will always be peak comfy though, give it a try if you haven't

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most people that play this are that unfunny kid from anime club in highschool that constantly spews out dated memes and who is also a deranged pedo. the only way to derive any enjoyment from this game is when you want to get drunk and verbally shitpost with degenerates. it's a convenient way to do so without having to go to a bar. but even then it's slim pickings due to the amount of socially retarded incels that play it. too many trannies too.

Been playing in Among Us Worlds. It's very fun.

There are a lot of women as well, and if you're older, be careful about adding people and what you say. Also a solid place to find insta-thots.

I really don't understand you and like 4 other poster's obsession with pointing out that pedos exist in the game. BREAKING NEWS ALERT: PEDOPHILE PLAYS VIDEO GAME

Nobody condones this bullshit. You're accomplishing essentially nothing by incessantly pointing it out on Yea Forums. You're not hip & you're not clever. This issue has existed as long as the internet has existed. The game has moderators and admins, if you see a pedo (and have evidence) you are encouraged to record them & report them. Stop making it out like it's some pedophile paradise free for all, you edgelord. Children play the game because they got a fucking Quest 2 for xmas or whatever. Point me to the world in VRChat that says "PEDOS WELCOME HERE!". It doesn't exist for fucks sake. If you enjoy "verbally shitposting with degenerates" on the one hand and on the other hand harbor resentment for them being trannies or whatever, that sounds like a personal problem. You're misusing the platform to externalize your own insecure bullshit. Enough with the /pol/ bullshit already, I swear to god that board is the worst thing to happen to this site.

Look man I just don't know how to talk to people

I'm an extrovert and I have zero social skills

And even if I'm a degenerate talking to other degens makes me uncomfortable

I know like 5 people who play VRChat and they're all fucked up too

Just wouldn't know what to talk about this kinds of people man

I just spent like $2500 on a new PC setup and am not eager to throw down another $300+ for something I'm not even sure I'd enjoy.

There are literally worlds for people to do that “little self” shit. If it’s that deep, then yes there are pedos son.

We could talk about Pataphysics user kun, we could talk about anything really, all you have to do is engage.

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did not ask, /pol/yp

No, because guess what, I talk to people for hours at a time every now and again about all sorts of cool shit and you know what they do? They just ignore me come the next day. That's what human nature is, I do it too. So having to live through that shit in VRchat would kill me.

Like imagine the arguments people get into on VRchat once they fucking get past the barrier of staring at anime diaper lolis. There's what, 20 different YT channels dedicated to trauma release in specifically VRchat? What the fuck is that shit? Why not go to a church confessional?

I'm rambling but you get what I mean, if I want to be made aware of how shitty humans are I'd just browse here.

Nobody said pedophiles did not exist in VRChat, troll. The one time I saw someone in that type of world, they said it was a "safe for work age regression world.", which is a statement that I assume carries some level of truth to it, although I did still block that person because that shit creeps me out. If pedophiles are using that world specifically to act like a child, then it's not hurting anyone as long as they're not doing it with a child.

Don't do it if you think you won't be into it. I play Mechwarrior 5 religiously. Headset just adds to my immersion so it was worth a buy, that's not even mentioning the porn, which either is, or isn't a big deal depending on how fucked up and lonely you are. There are other games that I would call fun but that isn't important. If you don't know what you want, you don't need it.

>Why not go to a church confessional?

Maybe they're trying to get help instead of networking with other pedos who believe Sky Daddy will make everything OK

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Where can i find a brap avatar

Fair enough, that is a perfectly reasonable outlook to have because it's based on truth. I have run into some of the weirdest cult shit on VR. Not just vrchat. Personally, I find it fascinating, but that fascination is something like a boy using magnifying glass to burn ants under the sun. Sadistic but harmless. I also enjoy watching lolcows so it's probably an extension of that.

I'm in the same boat as him except I have 1 friend that I still play with daily I met 13 years ago on xfire and some other people I met probably 5 years ago. Other than that I dont talk anywhere near as much to randoms. I remember back when I played mabi I would talk to fucking everyone and have tons of groups that I knew and was actively apart of. But as I've grown older I dont try to meet new people at all. I play xiv all the time and have only really communicated with like 5 people outside of a static. Sometimes I wish I could go back to how I was but have no idea why I stopped in the first place. Ty for reading my blog.

It's much better to have a few good friends than a bunch of nobody friends, that's for sure. If you're any sort of content creator though you definitely need to drive engagement.

vrchat nowadays is basically 18 year old eboys and thots, too normie for me

I've heard this frequently. What game has the oldest user base? I thought it was Pavlov for a while but I'm not so sure anymore.

I am not good at socializing. One reason I liked multiplayer vidya so much was it gave people something to do together other than just talk. So you could play and talk about what you were playing. Like old mmos you had a guild and there was that whole context that gave you to talk about game related shit in. Or playing CS people would talk shit but there was always the actual game going on. With VRchat it's JUST TALKING and I have no idea how to do that for long periods of time.

I cant make my own 3D models so I dont see any point and cant be bothered learning how to 3D model.

I always get way too drunk and start calling people the n word

I'm not one, it is weird though. As much as I want to randomly talk to people in xiv like I used to in mabi I just can't. Either we talk for a bit and it get awkward or I instantly find them cringe or more often than that I just can't bother to even start talking to them. Its weird.

I can't even talk to people in non-VR. Also I'd probably have to upgrade on top of buying the headset

You could go play the "blockchain based" (lmao) game Somnium Space if you like. I'm sure you'd love to experience the worst of both VRChat & Metaverse while also having to interact with crypto shitheads.

>VRchat it's JUST TALKING and I have no idea how to do that for long periods of time.
Feels like I'm in a bar, but there are less rules. Or maybe I'm going to all the wrong bar IRL.

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avoid any game with quest crossplay. the answer is probably sim shit like iracing or DCS

If anything it sounds like fun way to waste time arguing with "people" and scammers. Thanks for recc.

>>not a woman

But you can be

Yeah but the problem is that the gameplay discourages meaningful social interaction. The community in games like CSGO or Overwatch or Valorant can be likened to the Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl in that it's an instantaneous lethal dose of toxicity. In VRChat there is no pressure to play the objective or get gud, you just chill and have fun conversations (ideally). I wouldn't mind if every 3rd human being I ever spoke to in every Multiplayer FPS game got sent off to a human slaughterhouse to be harvested, packaged, and shipped off to China to feed the workers producing all the plastic gadgets and necessities I take advantage of.

VRchat turned two of my friends gay

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They were always gay, user.

>First time invited into VRChat by my friend
>"Hey user! You'd be perfect for it! You have just the right type of humor that I know they'd all love!"
>Download it
>Put on headset
>Controls are dogshit at first, Fiddling around for about half an hour to make it comfortable
>Add friend on VRC
>"(Friend) has invited you to join them!"
>Load in and hear 5 kids screaming with mumble garbage playing from someone in the corner in a black weeb skin
>Friend walks up to me
>"Hey user! I know you're kinda a furry! So I found you this avatar you may like!"
(For context I am partial furfag, I only like the concept of anthro's and shit, And I sincerely dislike the porn and hate fursuiters entirely)
>Switches to an avatar of a black/white husky in bondage gear doing an ahegao face
>"Hope you like it user!"
>T... Thanks...
>I switch to it so he didn't get upset or anything
>Walk around for a little bit until this burly sounding dude in a protogen avatar walks up to me
>"I'm sorry, But I just wanted to say your avatar is so adorable!!"
>Uh.... Thanks?
>"I have to have my boyfriend see this! Wait here!!!"
>Stand around until a protegen dude that is dressed like a guardsmen from 40k shows up
>Guardsman protogen looks visibly pissed and starts yelling at the other dude
>Guardsman protogen sounds 15
>First burly dude hides his face and says "N... Nya... I'm sorry masterrrr... I'm so sillyyyy..."
>Completely fucking lost at this point
>Guardsman protogen says "When I'm done, You're getting a spanking tonight!"
(I am at the point of dying from cringe btw)
>My friend comes over
>"user! You gotta see this! There's an avatar of Obama with George Floyed's face over here!!"
>Uh... Nah. I'm fine, Hey uh... I'll see you later okay?
>"Alright user! See ya! :D"

>Uninstall and never touch it again

I was actually so close to puking.
I felt sick to my stomach for about half an hour.

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Shit, he probably groomed them.

I feel you man, that's why I said "liked". If you missed out on old community servers and old mmos it's no wonder you feel this way. Finding a chill server where you can focus on playing whatever game/mod together and not take shit seriously while having that sense of tight knit community was great. I'm just saying I need the game to be there as scaffolding for socializing. With nothing going on and no shared topic that's essentially forced on you by the game I can't do socializing for very long.

post the vket webms to save this shit thread

I ususally do on the weekend. Even though I don't have a headset it's still pretty fun. Only real issue is that socialising I do feel like is kind of hard. Now that the popularity has died down everyone has their own little groups and the only ones who hang out in public are the more weird ones. Despite adding people to my friends list I maybe talk to one person. Also sucks that each head set is different. I really want to get a head set but I don't want to lose my avatars and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to check what is cross platform or not.

They were milsimfags who hated anime

I'm waiting for the new physics update

i jerk off to the most degenerate shit imaginable and it still pales in comparison the fucking weirdos who inhabit vrchat
go back to your containment thread groomer

why does pointing out that this game has pedos upset you so much, user? you're not making a convincing argument by acting like an unironic shill and equating people who hate pedos and don't like trannies to being /pol/ schizos. regardless, i think your post does a good job at summing-up the kind of atmosphere you'll be stepping in when you decide to play this game.

>why does pointing out that this website has pedos upset you so much, user? you're not making a convincing argument by acting like an unironic shill and equating people who hate pedos and don't like trannies to being /pol/ schizos. regardless, i think your post does a good job at summing-up the kind of atmosphere you'll be stepping in when you decide to use 4channel

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