Post you're Elden Ring charactertoonfashion

Post you're Elden Ring character\toon\fashion
r8 h8 masturb8 ofc

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Yeah what's about it?

tf does toon even mean

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looks like a female face was slapped on a guy

Really cool.

You don't know Yea Forums lingo? Yeesh...

That's the best UNGA BUNGA I've ever seen

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Big Bonk

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Damn, Aloy looks rough in the next Horizon.


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Spooky squad.

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went with a thulsa doom inspired hairdo
ultrawide support when from?

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exile head and chest
banished hands and feet
redmane greatshield
nightrider glaive

i havent really found something i like more than this look

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Kinda hard making a heavy armor mage get up in the game for some reason. No hood actually looks good with heavy armor.

just been loving that aristocrat headband personally, also the haima glintstone crown works pretty well for me on my str/int guy too.

purely on fashion how about the altered eccentrics helm too?

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I really don't like the armour sets in the game.

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achieved with mods?


Spooky hunter reporting, where are my hunter chads at?

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This chest piece often makes you look like you have no neck.

I noticed the other day that the Confessor's Hood is an outlier compared to most others in that the shoulder cloth overwrites the usual tucked in look most hoods with capes or helms with "hair" get on some larger chest pieces. The Confessor's Hood cloth actually removed the shoulders from the armor I'm wearing here completely and if it weren't for the cape already on the armor, would have been my go-to instead of Fia's hood (which matches the cape pretty well).

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My Str/Int

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No mods aside from bootleg reshade and camera mod to zoom.

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stop posting your shitty tranny


Jesus christ those eyes, bug person
My current character I'm playing through, still trying to find weapons I like.

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Updated my journal/10

This is good, but wearing gauntlets and greaves with no cuirass feels like a mismatch. It is absolutely criminal that this game doesn't allow you to wear some sort of fashionable tunic over your armor, outside of the generic surcoats.

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>wearing Nepheli's armor
Cute troon.

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It's the hero starting class armor and its only the chest piece, normally wear bandits mask but Im proud of the face.


Another Elden shit thread

ooga booga

Attached: Elden Ring Screenshot 2022.04.22 - (2057x1438, 1020.89K)

>racism is funny xD

Now this is actual digital blackface.

Current fashion is:
Crimson Hood
Sanguine Noble Robe
Lionel Gauntlets
Lionel Greaves

I just went with something like the vigilants of Stendarr in Skyrim for now, robe + heavy gauntlets and greaves.

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Just go touch grace user!

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Gold mask is the height of Elden Ring fashion and no one can convince me otherwise. It doesn't matter what build, what weapon, what else I'm wearing, I always come back to the mask.

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What armor


halfmoon, spear of the church

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