All of your save data for the last game you played has just been erased

All of your save data for the last game you played has just been erased
How upset are you?

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no it didn't fag

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Does this include the stuff backed to hard drives?

>tower of trample
Hehe ooh noooo


>All of my Destiny save data gone

Considering i was playing league im set free
Free to do as i please in the real world
Might touch grass for kicks
See you kid

Fuck, Dark Souls 2 is a long game

>Weird West
Eh, no big deal

I just started a game of FireRed so I'm really not concerned.

>Elden Ring
Jokes on you I autistically back up my saves every time I quit

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another excuse to install 10k mods again

>all of my men
>all of my fobs

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Man I picked the wrong day to check on my Animal Crossing island.

Ha saves are like blades of grass to me you fool!
I've started from the beginning more times then you could imagine!

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Faggot Ive lost saves from the gameboy color era. You dipshits have cloud backups now. You dont know what true fucking loss is.

>starting fire emblem 6 on hard from the beginning again
I would be mad and drop it for a few years since i'm replaying it already and don't feel like dealing with the early game again.

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>pokemon sword
i wasted 35 hours into it but i guess its not the first time i wasted my time

>My save I made in a Japanese visual novel after the second text line just to test if saving was working after my install.
I am impervious to your schemes, OP!

>my lvl 11 blood elf warlock gets deleted
I wouldn't care because my sub expires tomorrow

>Elden Ring

I just do the dungeons where I can get items specifically catering to my build and I also uninstall the game and install it from my disc to use an old glitch to farm runes.
I love Elden Ring. It's such a flexible game.

FF13, not upset at all since I've been practicing speedruns and it would take me like 20 hours to get back everything I had, which I've already planned for anyway.

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The only time I was mad about losing a save was when I lost my gameboy with pokemon blue after getting 150. That was 24 years ago.

Now it's just easier to start over or move on, who cares, it's a dumb video game.

My 500 hour saves for pokemon blue and polemon silver were lost years ago. I no longer truly care.

>Ultimate Doom
Eh, I can always play again

Bitch nigger this is nothing compared to losing your memory card. Especially big ones with augmented capacity.
My dad beat the shit out of me when our memory card disappeared because of Gran Turismo. I fucking hate GranTurismo. More like Gay Autismo.

Mildly annoyed. Last game I played was booting up Viscera Cleanup Detail for five minutes to get it running okay before I start playing it. I'd lose a few minutes of fiddling with settings and that's it

You should already be upset for playing a shitty corridor with an unbearable story.

>Dragons Dogma
>Only just started Duke's quests
Not that mad, I still wouldn't play the game for a while. Luckily I've only lost save data to corruption once but I went back to that game after years, I don't know how someone could go back right away

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lol filtered

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When a gameboy save fucked up, it fucked the whole game you retarded niggerfaggot. To the point the cartridge could of been damaged. A fucking memory card is just a physical cloud save you retard, especially in an era where games with memory cards had cheats up the vagina and ass to get you back to where you were.

>A fucking memory card is just a physical cloud save

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>Kemoshota adventure 2 (Klonoa 2)
It was the very start of the game so no problem

>A physical cloud save

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>Eh, I'll just play for like, another 2 hours and get it all back

If online games counts
I would be fucking mad, because i have a high level badge and a lot of hats
but if offline games only then
>Half life 2
who cares, I'm only replaying it for the achievements anyway

>Elden Ring
Eh... the game honestly sucked so not upset.

>Red Dead Redemption 2
It's okay. It's on the Cloud™

>binding of Isaac
>go to stats menu and press alt+f2 to get everything back because I have all the achievements
wow so hard

i hope you die, im serious


Meh, I was only on episode 2.

>all my ultimate clears
>all my glamours
>all my gil
>all my levels
>all my side content cleared
>my large plot house on ward 1 which is literally impossible to get again with housing changes
>all 4 days before next ultimate is released

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>When a gameboy save fucked up, it fucked the whole game

You're a fucking idiot, aren't you?
How, exactly, would an SRAM chip be able to damage a Mask ROM?
Mind you, a Mask Rom is a piece of silicon with the data PHYSICALLY ETCHED into it, attached to gold bond wire, and encased in ceramic.
The ONLY way to damage a Mask ROM is by putting enough electricity into it to burn up the gold bond wires or destroying the ceramic casing and shattering the silicon crystal.

I don't get upset about video games.

>a physical memory card which you can own
>a cloud system which is hosted through a provider via internet which is owned by a corporation

The idea of a save between both concepts are similar, the methods aren't even close. Stop being a retard.

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save files aren't video games, they're a data written on your pc, retard


>only did the first tutorial mission in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
The game doesn't even save until you do all of the tutorial missions lmao

>just pretending.jpeg

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>risk of rain 2
oh no i have to spend 1 second installing the unlockall mod to get it back how horrible

>Red Alert 2 mod
I'm safe, you can just pick the missions and play them straight from a list.


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>armored core silent line
i get to try out a new build so thats pretty cool

don't you have a discord to go dilate in?

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>a physical cloud save

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Yes. I will now go dilate. *kills you* now what, bitch?

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I'm on my sixth playthrough of Elden Ring because I wanted to try different builds, and I haven't even finished the game with my first character so I wouldn't give a shit. Although some of my characters are cute and I wouldn't like to spend 7+ hours on the character creation menu again like a retard.

+30h Red Dead Redemption 2
oh boy I'd be sad

N-no senpai, please don't touch me there with your r-roleplay.

>100% FF7 remake save, 110 hours played
I’d be pretty pissed

>45 hours in Dark Souls
I'd kms

The only thing that matters is that the factory grows
A new beginning means the most growth
I'll even install a new mod for the next playthrough

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