Hunter Schafer considered to play Zelda Live action movie
Holy shit that's Zelda but REAL?!
That looks like a Sheik
his name's Link ffs
jaw a bit too big, but has the regal look
Surprising it's not mystery meat cast instead
Is that a bad thing? It'd be great if she could do both roles.
A LoZ movie would suck balls anyways.
Link should unironically be played by a cross dressing female.
Only if Zelda can play as Link
>fan cast
i would
Hunter schafer is the tranny who played in euphoria right? Isn't the tranny dating some brown dude irl
ugh, this thread is nothing but pure unadulterated degeneracyplease do continue
American goblin wants to play a beatuy? You could cast a black women, same effect
>Autistic psychotic man would like to be zelda character
Yeah no shit, get in line, right behind chris chan.
>"fan-cast" in the URL
kill yourself
Slowly starting to understand the chaser mindset.
it's complicated
>Zelda live action movie
>Link is black and trans
If they do cast hunter as zelda then zelda will be played by a literal mtf lmao
I wholeheartedly support this just because of the shitstorm it would cause. Can I sign a petition to make this happen or something?
He has a massive cock.
Did you know? I mean he has to tuck it up his lower back.
Great, now who will play The King?
>fan cast
Fuck live action adaptations and fuck western media.
Kill yourself op.
I dunno who that is, but she cute
Yeah. She'd be awesome as Zelda/Sheik. Tbh, she'd make a good twink Link too.
Was the NDS linker named after Link?
>actor resembles character
>that means they're perfect for the role
I hate this stupid notion so much
Willem Dafoe
Gilgamesh is Idris Elba.
Link is Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Zelda is Zendaya.
Yes yes we know, you're very proud of your work on Netflix's The Witcher series.
gilbert gottfried, he’s just the right person for it
>Live action movie
>video game movie
just stop
>noooo they didn't hire victoria's secret models for yennefer and triss
>get manjaw western white bitch to play round faced asian girl
Why do they keep doing this?
Hunter Schafer has a manjaw Because they literally were a man before they transitioned pre-puberty
/lgbt/ worships this actor for some reason
>open article
>When asked about the fan-casting by Entertainment Tonight, she seemed up for it.
>Unfortunately for Schafer, a Legend of Zelda movie isn’t on the cards just yet
OP, you nigger.
>Zelda is a round faced asian girl
Homie, are you blind?
There is no transition from male genetic to female.
>round faced asian girl
idk bro
You can transition from a male to female gender identity :^)
Either way he took HRT before puberty and now plays in some lgbt show called euphoria
0 People claim this please take your meds sir
She definitely has that Twilight Princess Zelda resting bitch face
find me a white girl with a jaw that narrow and round.
i would very much like to stop seeing this faggot crossdresser's face in the catalogue on Yea Forums
so it would be nice if you didn't bring it here either
She certainly has the elf ears
this, he is and will always be a man
>videogame movie
And an elf cock
Her jaw is tapered and pointed in that pic. What are you on about?
They claim to be women, they made you legally unable to say they're men, they do their best to lie about their sex.
You are transparent. and will never, ever, be a woman.
You disgusting troon.
Yes she has a narrow chin, but everthing else is soft and rounded. Contrast that with your average crimson chin-esque white bitch.
So now the Hunter fags from Yea Forums are raiding Yea Forums?
Even Emiru is a better Link that this piece of garbage.
>this is your brain on yellow fever
Seth MacFarlane
You will literally never ever be a women no matter how much you cry bigot. Biology trumps your retarded self image 100% of the time.
Should i feel insulted, faggot?
>She has the hairier balls i ever seen!
Your presence is enough to traumatise children.
Once you talk it gets worse.
Keep schizoposting you ugly incels this shit is entertaining
Stop posting and go play in traffic, scumbag.
You don't have to ask. I do it because i enjoy it too.
>A troon telling a normal person to take meds.
Oh the irony
Meet you fate, "proud" delusional troon.