Pretends to deliver your steam deck but then steals it instead

>pretends to deliver your steam deck but then steals it instead
pssh... nothing personnel...

Attached: Fed_Ex_Driver_Steals_SteamDeck._Confirmed_u5p78o.webm (640x408, 2.3M)

If you knew you wouldn't be caught or punished, I'm sure you would do all sorts of illegal/morally bad things.

Attached: shopping cart theory.jpg (694x1200, 106.04K)

>skin color
hmmmmmm... :-)

Damn hope this nigger went to federal pound me in the ass jail

FedEx tracking marked my Deck as available for pickup (they absolutely never try to deliver ever and are easily the worst service in my city, making you go across the city to go and pick up your package), but then an hour later and said it was delayed. I went over the next day and they had it despite the tracking saying that it was no longer available for pick up. Do you think they were trying to gaslight me into not coming so that they could claim it for themselves?

fedex is absolute shit.
when I worked there the residential trucks were "losing" like 300 packages a week

Bro how stupid do you have to be to try and do this to an electronics autist, when fedex literally personally labels you as the delivery person for this package?

Imagine not knowing most homes have cameras lmao

Is there a single country left without niggers? Even china and japan has them now

>tfw always return the cart to the proper location

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Meanwhile in Germany

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don't want to help fuel anyone's paranoid delusions but honestly m8 kinda sounds like it

America is weird. You have to answer the door and sign for shit like that in most places.

>sees camera
>still walks off

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You can find those in Alde here in America as well.

>that smirk at the end
lmao based dabbing on pctrannies


>walk into aldes to buy cheap shit for food drive
>see carts with coin slots
>carry ten cans in my hands to cashier
nothing personnel

2nd least intelligent post i've seen today

Which one are you?

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They literally do not have the prefrontal cortex for abstract thinking
Why do people still ask these questions? Have been answered millions of times

G*rmany still has the insert coin thing? Damn Didnt know g*rmutts are still feral

I always return my shopping carts and the other day I even prevented an abandoned cart from rolling into someone's car.

Imagine hiring niggers to deliver expensive stuff while unsupervised lmao.

What the fuck did you expect?
Niggers have underdeveloped pre-frontal lobes, meaning they literally cannot process the consequences of their actions. Niggers always pass the lie detector machine because if in *that* moment are not committing a crime, they are innocent in their minds.

Linguists have studied lots of nigger tribes, and most of them had no words equivalent to "promise" or "oath", because niggers can't process the future.

The few niggers who can behave like human likely have some slave master DNA in them from when their grand-grand-grandma got raped. OG niggers have sub-retard IQ.


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Did he actually steal it or was no one home for a signature?

>coin slot

this was in st petersburg, what now?

Attached: WOOOOOW I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING.webm (960x720, 1.37M)

Im neutral good and chaotic game at times but I try and launch into the other trolleys so it still stacks.

I hate niggers so much it isn't even funny.

>dumb wyte cracker does not know he's checking address
>probably lives in the batshit nowhere country where numbers don't mix & match
you cant fucking afford a steam deck, user.

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Fed ex is by far the worst shipping service. I ordered a bike with an electric motor off of amazon and it ended up "out for delivery" for like 9 days.

Niggers are unironically the literal sole reason for postal service in muttland being absolute garbage.
There's no way your package will ever get delivered when niggers will steal it from the train or from your porch once it's "delivered", that is if the courier himself won't decide to steal it first.

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Valve isn't requiring signatures for it, he 100% stole it.

in costco here in Mexico there are people who help you to park and getting your stuff into your car, they also return the carts to their spots

FedEX and Valve themselves concluded it was stolen after an investigation.


Is it really that hard to just not steal? If you're gonna risk prison time it better be something expensive like a car

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Chaotic Good most of the time. Fuck Neutral Evil people.

I hate black people

Correct verb, "was".

Why do they hire these people?

Chaotic good, I want to return it to the corral but I also want to have a bit of fun.

Me at Aldi because I never use the jew cart

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Since when Florida is a part of Russia?

>t. cart narcs

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I went through a year long phase where I didn't give a fuck.
Then I decided to stop acting like a nigger and go back to putting the cart away.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 76.86K)

It's always niggers.

Which one is placing a bunch of carts around a parked car?

>american issues
We just have them require a coin to use, and then you need to put it back to get your coin back where I live.
I was baffled when I saw those videos of those annoying rats that sit in parkings 24/7 and slap stickers on people's cars while harassing them about shopping carts, and also about the fact that people don't put them back at all.

>Porch delivery
It's not entirely the niggers fault

lefty propaganda

I wonder why the thread was locked :thinking:

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He likely had a jammer and stupidly thought those things are still good.

wrong. God is always watching and there will come a day i will be judged for the deeds done in secret.

Russia is like a sub saharan African country in every aspect, even AIDS rates.

For the life of me I do not understand why he thought this was worth risking a relatively cush and high paying shop at FedEX. The absolute max he'd get scalping this is $2k.

Chaotic good chads
We do whats best for society, for no reason other than it is right
But we must also make the kart fly as hard as we possibly we can. For no reason other than we could

>melanin enriched individual
Really makes you think.

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shiiiiiiit, I can tell you exactly whose who..

elderly are all good, all 3 types, all 3 flavors
boomers & zoomers are neutrals
conservatives and blacks are chaotic

At most it would have somethings to do with the government. Stealing would make me feel like shit and I don't like hurting people.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. If the cart return is more than 7 cars away it's someone elses problem.

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is there a story to this or how does everyone know what's happening here?

Always nice when niggers and bad drivers cancel each other out.

There seems to be some sort of pattern with people who steal constantly? Has anyone else noticed this?


I would give it the benefit of doubt because he probably got the wrong house, but considering this happened in america, he actually stole it

>no stealing and selling it back to the store
cringe and not TPBpilled

Russians are the niggers, sweeite.
That's why they're called Snowniggers.

So they can lower the wages.
In the 50s mailmen would buy houses and raise 2 kids and an unemployed wife on a single salary.

Imagine believing in the "progress" meme lmao.

Chaotic good. The best part of food shopping is hurling the cart into the corral and smashing it into all the others.

Pretty sure it's even easier to steal at those pick up locations

spotted the self-loathing snownigger

We had those in the states too. I remember getting really excited about getting this little coin thing which you can use instead of a quarter.

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pretty much chaotic good and neutral good depending on the day.

FedEx is in dire need to compete so they don't hold drivers responsible for theft or damages

the second lawful good where i return it to a corral but also straighten up the carts and reorganize them if they're different sizes. i used to work a big ass parking lot so i know the workers appreciate it.

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>Thread locked

You're cool and your waifu is cool.

>that crashing sound they make when they collide

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I'm literally white, you clearly aren't boy

Cope and seethe, niggers

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He just lost a nice fucking job with mega cush bennies as well. Mega fucking stupid. Those doorbell cameras cost what now 75 - 100 dollars? Ppl in my ghetto ass apartment complex even have them.

How do you have such little life experience that you've never worked at any mail carrier or had to sign one of those dumbass handheld devices?

as a customer, lawful or neutral good
as a fulfillment worker, chaotic good or lawful evil

Doubt but I'll listen to your argument.

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Why is it that humans with that phenotype always still and commit crimes? It seems like it would be impossible to have a functioning society as long as humans woth that phenotype exist in it.

Reminder that the very concept of civilization involves not doing bad things even if you won't get caught, something low IQ brown people will never understand and the reason why their countries will be shitholes for the next 1000 years despite white people inventing things that could solve all their problems.

How many decades have you seen "Give Aid to Africa" marketing? Your entire life right? Did you know that they can't run electricity or water to most of the continent because people will literally just steal the wiring and plumbing?

Inshallah, Sergei!

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Chaotic good

you are no better than the savages described in that post if you need the threat of God's punishment to act morally.

Pretty stupid.
But then again I once ordered the same phone 4 times because it got stolen during delivery every time and that person had likely done this to other people as well so clearly it must take at least some time to confirm.

Ironically though, i was expect the guy in webm is going to be black, and turns out he is black.

St Petersburg FL is almost entirely ghettos full of black people with a few gated walled extremely small hyper rich top 0.00001% communities of gay old men who comb the beaches of Clearwater to find young boys. The only ghetto on par in the area is the outskirts of Ybor city in Tampa but it's a fraction of the size of St.Pete.

what compels a man to not return his cart?

He looked white for a second and I felt my entire worldview crashing down around me but then he lifted his head and I was at peace again.

Why are you RPing as a nigger on Yea Forums?

>St. Petersburg Florida
user, I...

any large country will have some, but that doesn't mean they have to pretend they're equal

Attached: black-people-banned-from-mcdonalds-china.jpg (750x465, 95.33K)

imo stealing from individuals is unforgivable, stealing from small businesses is bad, stealing from big corps is fine.

How? Their gibs costs us a lot of money

When that happens to me I report it as stolen even when I receive it so I get it for free.
Amazon in Europe doesn't even care, I got a free Xiami Poco and Samsung tablet this way.

Don't hire niggers next time!


lmfao, bruh how bout i just leave it by the door so people coming in can grab it. or leave it in the parking lot so someone can nab it on their way from the car to the store

can't believe Yea Forums acts like reddit when someone just baselessly claims what is right or wrong. it's like just him repeating it turns you all into brainless sheep

These fuckers would drive up, not even attempt to deliver it and then leave. Stayed home for my index and it got misdelivered for a while week.

And stealing from the government is a civil duty all righteous men must engage in

>be Spain
>nigs ""work"" for 600 euros
>get like 1200 on gibs, add 250 euros per kid they have

Chaotic good.

How is that ironic? It just means you are able to pick up on patterns. Wow!

>1 person
>Yea Forums