GOG has announced a Period Days policy >“It fosters inclusiveness by accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace,” Culture and Communication Manager Gabriela Siemienkowicz said. “By giving such additional days off, we acknowledge these symptoms are real. >We shared the same view on this matter and would appreciate the possibility to simply lay down and take most of the day off without sacrificing one of the regular paid absence days we have available throughout the year.
letting women vote and work allowed western society to be subverted in just a century
Connor Ross
>>“It fosters inclusiveness by accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace,” trannysisters... it's fucking OVER
Wyatt Gomez
cant wait for women to abuse this and say they have a period multiple times a month whenever they want a day off. the company can not ask for proof of a period. so now all the males are going to have to work extra just to cover there asses plus the men dont get any extra days off i fucking hate this life
Jaxon Collins
based gog btfod trannies
Joshua Jackson
women shouldn't be working anyways
Nathan Robinson
>by accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace so dont hire women
Nicholas Scott
Uhhhhhhh polkasisters? When did you get so woke???
Did Zelensky’s semen poison your brain??
Jonathan Johnson
Can I have medical leave for diarrhea and migraines now please
I see nothing wrong with this. >women are annoying during their period >they often sync up and bitch together >barely contribute any real work to any projects >normally just get angry and beg you to do their work for them Then: >women get period time off >the sync makes them all take off the same week >get to work with the bros >do more work in the 1 week the women take off than you get done in 1 year >games finally released on schedule >no more need for Unreal Engine 5 since bros can program >no more office complaints about stupid social media level shit >bros will finish job in a few days so the last 2 days of period week will be spend chilling and gaming
once a month vacation from retarded females would be a good thing.
Ok. Its a private company they can do what they think is best.
Oliver Hill
wtf terf GOG goated???
Michael Wilson
I agree but only if they're paid less.
Julian Evans
>I thought women tended to hate female bosses because they don't give a shit about the period excuse for being absent. Huh? My gf gets migraines and goes home from work early all the time and her boss (a woman) doesn't care. Her previous boss never let her leave work and that was a dude. If anything I think women bosses sympathize more with period pain.
Levi Thomas
As long as they give me free games I'm okay
Robert Stewart
What about erection leave for male employees?
Blake Watson
>Wheel-reinventer retard has to make a thread about holes exploiting workplace policies about fucking game engines Show me your 2D engine with player input and basic audio/raster-based video output. No SDL, no LibGDX, no handholding framework libraries full stop. Only then do you get to shit on Unreal and Unity.
I fear Xe has never heard about dilating days, Pippin.
Joseph Foster
To be clear, I don't think they don't exist or anything. I can totally believe there are women bosses out there who shit on people that have difficulty with periods.
Benjamin Jenkins
Man here. I live with chronic headaches, and I'm always in a bad mood. But I always go to work and I'm kind to people, trying to do my best not to let my personal problems interfere with the workplace. I never called to have my day off unless I was in extreme pain. I hate women so fucking much it's unreal. Not only do they behave themselves like absolute SHIT at work, but now they'll slowly get this Period Days bullshit.
Based. Lol. Unreal Engine is for people that can't code. Its a cookie cutter engine that takes premade assets and puts them into a visual scriptor. o3de is more complex, hell, even CryEngine encourages programming. People that defend Unreal probably grew up playing with sponges instead of legos.
Angel Sullivan
Then men can just start taking period days off. What are they going to do, claim you aren't a woman and that men can't have periods like fucking bigots?
Thomas Taylor
So they admit there are biological differences.
Anthony Allen
>{{{Siemienkowicz}}} Polacks are retarded, news at 11.
Jackson Nelson
This is really interesting. This will be an absolute shitstorm if they don't give those days to trannies.
Bentley Nguyen
>i suffer so everyone else should be forced to What an odd take. Shouldn't you be happy that companies are starting to make shifts towards allowing people like you the ability to take breaks from work and be treated fairly? If anything you should be excited that this helps to pave the way for you to receive those same benefits.
Jacob Kelly
don't care, still pirating their games
Hudson Ramirez
>women demand the same jobs as men >they don't come to work because women stuff
Good. This will make the company lose money for hiring women.
John Baker
>by accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace You could do a lot of trolling based on that line. Some twitter outrage about how this is thinly veiled sexism, how dare you assume just because I'm a WOMYXN, I get my period? yadda yadda
Jose Stewart
>Shouldn't you be happy that companies are starting to make shifts towards allowing people like you >like me >straight white male lol
Christopher Smith
>I hate women so fucking much it's unreal. Maybe you wouldn't be such a bitch if you'd just take a day off now and then
Jaxon Jones
I was referring to people that have debilitating medical conditions such as chronic migraines / headaches which is what was said in that post.
Kayden Lopez
I see no problem for this if it is unpaid and offered to men with health issues. same with smokers. if they get extra breaks, I'm also getting them.
Liam Long
If you openly identify as autistic then these companies give you nearly as much preferential treatment as any minority group you could imagine.
Brayden Peterson
user, have you ever worked with women, or -- god forbid -- had a woman with authority over you?
Kayden Morales
>identify as autistic you've spent too much time on /r/aspergers and /r/autism
Jason Ortiz
>so now all the males are going to have to work extra just to cover there asses
this is true in literally any work place with women, even if they arent getting extra time off.
Daniel James
I wouldn't say it's that debilitating. It's certainly doable if you take meds, although some days can be worse than others.
Jose Gomez
I have a mother, yeah.
Isaac Phillips
well if the new movement is about equity, not equality, then feminists should 100% be behind this policy extending to men.
because its not about what people need or dont need, it about achieving the same result, yes?
Nicholas Turner
>Have diagnosis >Say "yeah I'm autistic" >Get treated well What's the problem
Chase Powell
>feminists should 100% be behind this policy extending to men. That's why I'll never understand people that bitch about this shit. Most of the people I know pushing for more maternal leave ALSO push for paternal leave as well. Yet you have people fucking bitching and whining that people get time off. FUCKING RETARDS IT BENEFITS EVERYONE
Henry Garcia
>not abusing established precedence for your own gain
Lucas Wood
i'm this fucking close to just changing the pronouns on my driver's license just for the bennies
Robert Baker
>not abusing established precedence for your own gain I also recommend lying and saying you have kids for every new job you start. I've used that as an excuse in the past two jobs and it's the fucking best. >Oh shit sorry boss, I have to leave early to pick my kid up >Oh I have to work from home today, my kid is super sick... >Oh I had to take a super long lunch break because my kid had to go to the doctor, sorry boss. Every time.
Carson Morris
Not the user you're replying to, but my current boss (global company) is a black South African woman and by far the best boss I've ever had. Much better than her predecessor in the role who was a male Brit.
Nolan Ward
Working at a hospital I can safely say that men bosses oscillate between cool gurus and gruff guys who'll bark orders at you and act disappointed when you fuck up the tinniest thing. Women bosses oscillate from making you feel like a goddamn king from their constant praise to insufferably condescending and sexist sacks of shit who'll try to put you down for the slighest mistake to feel better at themselves.
If you TRULY want to hate women, have them work under you. I fucking cannot stand female nurses my fucking god, there's not a single way of approaching them and give them an order that won't make you want to punch them square in the jaw, unless they find you attractive, and even STILL they're annoying.
Nolan Wright
I try not to openly lie, since it can blow up in your face down the line in the future. However I will squeeze in everything I can reasonably get away with without resorting to falsehoods.
That's the worst part. I wasn't black but lived in a black area.
Grayson Bennett
Periods aren't some mystical forbidden knowledge that cannot be acquired by men. It's just a fucking biological function.
Jaxson Robinson
All good, I'm black and grew up around whites. As long as we can joke about it, its all in good fun.
Ryder Reed
This has nothing to do with video games. Please just ban all /pol/fags.
Dominic Foster
Female nurses aren't that bad, sometimes you get some bitchy ones, but they still do what they're told. Male nurses on the other hand range from normal people that just want their shift to be over to insufferable faggots that you don't ever want to talk to.
Jordan Torres
GOG is a video gaming company, I wouldn't say it has "nothing" to do with video games.