How many hours did you play before you burned out? What did you move to?

How many hours did you play before you burned out? What did you move to?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>make new character
>beat magic castle witch boss
>move on the northern map or doom land
>loose interest and take a break
>come back a week later
>can't get back into old character
>make a new one
done this three times so far, played for almost 50 hours
never going to complete this game

think i hit 90h in total across 4 characters.
beat the game with one then wanted to try maining a different weapon, but then i thought about all the shit bosses, the meaningless dungeons, the absolute slog of it all.
moved onto factorio and nioh 2, having way more fun

I got tires of the horse riding in the first two hours. I got tired of the game after about 20 but I tried different builds until I dropped the game

didn't get burnt out. only got more excited as I tried out new builds

200 hours, going back to Hitman III

god I miss Midir

Attached: Decaying-Cunt.jpg (700x400, 86.49K)

>beat Elden Beast a month ago
>don't want to "finish" the game so don't mend any rune (total playingtime: 150h)
>decide to take a month of gaming celibacy
>today, launch ER
>play 1min and close it
>launch Bloodborne
>play for 2min and close it (total playingtime: 2hours)
>launch Sekiro
>play for 5min and close it (total playingtime: 20min)
>launch Dark Souls 2
>play for 2hours and enjoy it quite a bit (total playing time: 2h)
>feel like giving ER a try again
>play for 30min, clearing dungeons I've not cleared and getting the last two Deathroots
>dunno what to do now, don't want to make a new char nor NG+
>would love to pvp but it's terrible (please, just release Arena already From..)
Fuck this, DS2 is more fun right now (despite the jankyness)

Im about to move onto Horizon. Ive put 180hrs into this shit, im on ng+ and im bored as fuck. Everything is a breeze to kill, nothing new to see or unlock and I dont feel like making builds just to trick myself into thinking I wanna play this shit again. Friends are gonna be butthurt cause I suddenly dropped this shit but fuck em.

My whole first playthrough was a bit of a drag. The game is very centered around 'the right' equipment. When I got to Redmane castle I kinda hated it. When I got to Leyndell I started enjoying it again.