How many hours did you play before you burned out? What did you move to?

How many hours did you play before you burned out? What did you move to?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>make new character
>beat magic castle witch boss
>move on the northern map or doom land
>loose interest and take a break
>come back a week later
>can't get back into old character
>make a new one
done this three times so far, played for almost 50 hours
never going to complete this game

think i hit 90h in total across 4 characters.
beat the game with one then wanted to try maining a different weapon, but then i thought about all the shit bosses, the meaningless dungeons, the absolute slog of it all.
moved onto factorio and nioh 2, having way more fun

I got tires of the horse riding in the first two hours. I got tired of the game after about 20 but I tried different builds until I dropped the game

didn't get burnt out. only got more excited as I tried out new builds

200 hours, going back to Hitman III

god I miss Midir

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>beat Elden Beast a month ago
>don't want to "finish" the game so don't mend any rune (total playingtime: 150h)
>decide to take a month of gaming celibacy
>today, launch ER
>play 1min and close it
>launch Bloodborne
>play for 2min and close it (total playingtime: 2hours)
>launch Sekiro
>play for 5min and close it (total playingtime: 20min)
>launch Dark Souls 2
>play for 2hours and enjoy it quite a bit (total playing time: 2h)
>feel like giving ER a try again
>play for 30min, clearing dungeons I've not cleared and getting the last two Deathroots
>dunno what to do now, don't want to make a new char nor NG+
>would love to pvp but it's terrible (please, just release Arena already From..)
Fuck this, DS2 is more fun right now (despite the jankyness)

Im about to move onto Horizon. Ive put 180hrs into this shit, im on ng+ and im bored as fuck. Everything is a breeze to kill, nothing new to see or unlock and I dont feel like making builds just to trick myself into thinking I wanna play this shit again. Friends are gonna be butthurt cause I suddenly dropped this shit but fuck em.

My whole first playthrough was a bit of a drag. The game is very centered around 'the right' equipment. When I got to Redmane castle I kinda hated it. When I got to Leyndell I started enjoying it again.

Im about to go back to nioh 2 as well. The combat system is ass to the wall, but damn if it doesnt have better replay value and I can be an actual god in that game.

160 hours. Got filtered by Maliketh and dropped the piece of shit.

i finished my second build this morning. 130 hours now. might keep playing on and off but now it's time to move on until dlc. another excellent fromsoft game

40, though I stuck it out for twice that in hopes the game would stop repeating itaelf and show me something new.
it didn't happen, and after beating the game I ended up playing Demon's Souls to wash the stale taste out if my mouth

Should I just reroll my guy? I usually play as a jack of all trades, with heavy investments into INT and Faith so i can use the right tools as I need, but this game seems to seriously frown on that. Seems like you gotta choose a playstyle and then just go all in. In past games, I could get by with just melee and some good kiting to get through mobs, and then save my magic for bosses and use melee to mop them up, but in this one, I'm barely doing any damage. In caria manor right now, and giants are still taking me a good minute or so to beat, and if two of the giant hand spiders aggro at once, I'm screwed.

My Mage 100% full playthrough finished at around 95 hours. I started a faith character and then also an Unga bunga, but after 10 more hours of each I decided I was done. I did the cloud save trick to get all the endings so I have all the cheevos and no urge to play anymore.

Playing through DS2 again, hadn't since launch. It's such a leisurely experience after the ADHD spastic enemies of ER.

It's just starting to happen around 110 hours in. I'm in the consecrated snowlands or mountaintop idfk just beat that Commander.

I have not had a single serious struggle on the bosses in this game. But Im just kinda bored of exploring and the bosses dont feel as rewarding as other titles. Plus now I still have Mogwhyn palace, Mohg if I want, Malenia, Malikteth, the Giant, and whatever the fuck happens at endgame...also Godwyn? I mean jesus thats a shitton of stuff left

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think I kinda fucked myself by autistically exploiring everything I saw. Now I just want to beeline

Try better to shill ds2

Burnt out at around 70 hours I think so my money wasn't wasted. Still forced myself to beat it and my first playthrough was 96 hours.

I'm at like 200 and have stopped playing frequently. But it started much sooner than that.

I played once. Beat every single boss possible. Sold the game on Canadian craglist.
Bretty fun.

Not trying to shill it, I honestly started playing it for the first time today (aside from the 5mins I spent 10mins I spent playing it like 3months ago).

70 hours for me. I feel ill just debating to play more, which is a good sign to stop.

still missing 2 endings and plat but meh

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200+ hours in and I still have to beat the game once because I suck

Around 70+ hours on my mage, got to the Miquella, burned her with a laser beam and realized I was not enjoying myself.
Not in a "YOU DID NOT BEAT IT NU UH" sort of way, I just felt like I was avoiding 90% of the gameplay by just staying at range and having the AI summon fight instead.
So I've restarted and I'm 35 hours in and enjoying my melee unga bunga with colossal weapons and no summons a lot more.
So around 100+ and still playing.

160 or so hours. i had my fun but i have too many small gripes that pile up. like why did they remove innate kicks and turn it into a shitty ash? why is the kick so bad in a game so much quicker, why couldn't it be a quick kick with some forward momentum or something? also one-handing feels very mediocre and i like off handing light weapons but there is no reason to do stuff like pocket spear with a dagger or rapier with a colossal greatsword. r1s are so bad in this game

>How many hours did you play before you burned out?
I haven't even done the full NG+ as I have come to realise most big boss are a race to kill them and you must do exactly the same shit no matter what weapon you use. There is just no variety of fun attached to weapon.
With all previous DS games I did multiple runs with different weapons and all of them felt different but this is not true for ER.
A shame.

It's very strange. All these different kinds of weapon and spells and incantations and shit but due to ai behavior the gameplay usually plays out the same.

Fuck me I was about to add exactly this.
Glad is not just me.
It is fucking strange because It is hard to pinpoint what is wrong with how the bosses are designed but it definitely fells odd and not satisfying at all. Like a chore instead of a challenge.

I'm only 2 hours in and I'm getting bored of it. Way too much open space with nothing of interest.

>Travel on horse for 5 minutes
>See small mob
>Fight mob
>Travel for 5 more minutes
> See / Fight mob

Does it get better?

Probably 70ish hours. I took like two weeks off and then came back and finished it. I didn’t really explore any catacomb/cave/extra shit past the Altus plateau but I did beat Malenia


Malenia is a revolutionary boss in ER because you can stagger her sometimes

the design space is incredibly limited for Souls bosses


>120 hours in
>mountain top of giants
>already know there are more bs bosses to slog through
>already know there are a few more zones to slog through
>just want to finish the game
>but it's a fucking chore

>revolutionary boss in ER because you can stagger her

after my first playthrough, so like 50 hours. I just went back to playing the games I usually play

>stagger malenia
>half the time she just ignores the fact she was just staggered and goes postal
all bosses can be staggered you retard - I have a build where I can stagger all the bosses in 2-3 hits

NG+ wasn't as fun as NG because I combed the entire map in NG. Maybe it would've been nice if I had to hunt for the map fragments again in NG+. Right now I'm beelining towards the ending because I messed up Goldmask's quest. Other than that, I'll shelf Elden Ring and will do another NG in preparation for the DLCs.

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>the design space is incredibly limited for Souls bosses
Well That is FromSoftware problem. They should git gud.
I fell They have gone with make a single mistake or deviate a single mm from what we want you to fight the boss and you will get fucked.
How far we have come from the simplest addition of cutting the tail of a boss to get a weapon mechanic.
Such a simple thing and yet how rewarding.
Can you imagine the same with ER bosses?. Unthinkable. They are so reactive/active you basically have zero input into the way the fight evolves.

it's pretty obvious she has less poise than all the other bosses in the game.

90h, never touching this shit again

125h, all achievements
moved to Yakuza 0, 1 and beating 2

is this pasta or are anti ER shills really this obvious in their attempt
this whole thread reeks of shills

>invasions are basically twink or run Rob and win
Nah this game is fucked for now until some balance stuff gets fixed

Everything after the Capital was a fucking slog. I found myself just rushing through everything in the snowy mountaintop area and Haligtree. I cannot believe they thought this much copy and pasting was okay.

300. Playing Triangle Strategy now.

Going on 400 hours, mostly doing pvp and I don't see myself stopping until invasions dry up. Nothing else to play.

>so many cool weapons and spells
>will never get to try any of them
>because i need to hit 40 vig for normal mode
sure is fun only using weapons and spells requiring less than 15 points

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>40 vig
you mean 50

why go beyond the softcap?

50h but I kept playing for another 150h because so many shills insisted it gets better.
It didn't, Elden Cringe is fillerfest with trash combat. How did they manage to make the camera system worse? Why does my input get constantly eaten? Why is the input buffer still so huge and why do enemies constantly read it to roll catch me? Playing ER melee is miserable and using summons is boring as fuck.
It's a shame so many people got their first taste of Souls with the worst FROM has to offer. It's DS2 all over again.

it's worth going past the first softcap because it's still a ~20% health bonus, especially if you're not a caster and need to eat hits sometimes.

Some enemies can instakill you with 49 vigor, so.

Currently at 220 hours and haven't beat the game yet. I don't get how people get sub 100 hours "complete" playthroughs. I'm not even having trouble or anything, on the contrary, I find the game much easier than dark souls, I one shotted many bosses.

theres 2 softcaps, 60 is still in 2-3 shot territory cause fromsoft cant numbers

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you know there's fast travel and a horse, right?

You should save scum for them so you can dig into other more fun things.

Patchwork Heroes was probably my favourite PSP game.

>People can’t into EHP


>mattering past the capitol

I don't get this meme, I have 40 vigor and literally nothing, not even Malenia's waterfowl, can oneshot me. I'm wearing Radhan's armor, but I doubt it makes that much of a difference

I felt a bit burned out by the mountaintops but I pushed through to the end. Final playtime was about 155 hours

40VIG is totally acceptable, not sure where all these "50 minimum" retards came from
just press the dodge button lol

post a video of facetanking her entire combo

50-60 vigor user is a serial shitposter that spergs out when anybody brings up the retarded damage spikes late game

both armor and poise can and will save your life in multiple occasions
I don't understand this meme about the being useless

>I have 40 vigor and literally nothing, not even Malenia's waterfowl, can oneshot me.

With ironjar aromatic, crab, dragoncrest greatshield talisman and lord's divine fortification, right?

With 50 VIG and 40% DR, half of it(dodging the first flurry but not the rest) kills me from full health.

>poise can and will save your life

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200+ hours and still playing.
Mostly messing around in NG+ and doing sidequests that I missed in the first run.
Boc is so precious

~45-50 hours. Got to Mountaintop and just couldn't care anymore. Figured it might have been my build so spent another 10-15 making another character grabbing some cheesy shit upfront, only to get right before Godrick and just lost all interest.
Moved over to other ARPGs and some indie shit. Pretty tired of the Soulsborne model.

>50 minimum
60 is mandatory

about 150


Malenia's waterfowl one shots you at 99 vigor you fucking liar

poise is the worst it has ever been, same with armor.

nice meme