Lorefags will defend this

lorefags will defend this

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did moviebob write that?

He has a point on religion, though.
If you're religious you should be classified as a schizophrenic and locked away until the brink of death.

We all know his magic wizard argument is against people that want to stop 10 year-olds from castrating themselves.

Just Try Me. Just Try All Of Us

They're not mentally ill, just indoctrinated and stupid. Lots of people have stupid non-religious beliefs for the same reasons, e.g. environmentalist hippies or pro-lifers. It happens due to a corrupt school system and bad parenting.

People post stuff like this and sit back because they’ve done all they can. Which in reality is nothing. They just complain about how everyone else should improve for their own benefit.

Religion is not just a belief. Most religious people think they're in a personal relationship and have personal interactions with God.

wow you sound Extremely Smart, want to watch Rick &(and) Morty with me?

god is just a tulpa, retards

yeah and anons think they have a personal relationship with their anime waifu. hippies think they have a strong emotional connection with animals that have peanut sized brains.

the sense of self importance, the overanalysis of every little thing and the invention of connection are just part of the human condition . Its because of low IQ imo, it only becomes mental illness if they veer to antisocial behaviours or start having fits

Without religion you get reddit groomers trying to castrate kids. You can act smug all you like but we all know you are freaks

>we've had so many atrocities in the last century
>nearly all of them were committed by people who agree with everything else he said

r/atheism is right over there

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circumcision. religion is the first and foremost dick cutter.

best video games where you play as the villain?

There's people making up genders, mental conditions, pedestalizing war criminals and failed philosophists, basing their self-worth and being around their sexuality, immolating themselves over shaky political beliefs but religion is too much for you?

There's also people gish galloping.

And cherry picking to epically own their parents as grown ass man.

Is this the average disney consumer?

If you take away religion from people all they do is replace it with more cancerous and self-destructive stuff. You actually would have to be braindead to look at the direction western society has gone in the last 20 years and still be thinking RELIGION BAD MKAY

You guys ever studied theology? Like biblical interpretation or stuff like Confucius. Some of the dumbest shit I've ever read/heard in my life.

Since then I've had trouble calling anyone a pseud outside of that context. It's the pinnacle of formal retardation.

>The (((rich)))
Why don't they ever name the jew?

>hurr why are people retarded durr
because people are retards, next question.

Agree. same with trans people and fags
lets start the age of logical thinking

500 bucks says someone from this board went onto reddit and made that post ironically but it got all those epic upvote points anyway

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how do religious people cope with all the other religions? shit is wrong, all of it, its that simple.

People make this stuff up and yours was made up too. There can be no other conclusion.

Pretty much this. The problem with religion is people, not religion. If you take it away then people have free reign to be even worse.

There are some regular theology threads on /pol/ and Yea Forums. Are you comfortable in saying you could go there right now and own everybody?

This post was written by a Google employee

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Retard doesn't understand how the real world works outside of his echo chamber and lacks the empathy to understand why things might be the way they are

Restart you mean? We already had the enlightenment. People are only beginning to stray because we became too successful at medicine/agriculture

>it's and
>why are you against
Literal NPCs with no self awareness

Oftentimes it’s because they are the jew

>magic wizard
Is this some euphoric fedoraposting about religion or is this actually about a game?

I'm betting they just discuss philosophy. Actual theology is indistinguishable from schizo babble.

>literally 99% of all the people that have ever lived believe variations of the same thing
>more than half of the remaining 1% are post modern trannys and edgelords
It's more accurate to compare atheists to flat earthers to be honest.

What the fuck is a "trans lesbian"? A straight dude playing dress up?

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>I can't understand, therefore it must not be
Literally the bottom of the barrel opinion, true ignorance. Men far greater and more accomplished than you could not shake off the existence of God.

People have been putting up with crazy religious fucks because of the threat of death for most of history yes.

Very few people are delusional enough to be 'devout', especially back then...people used to just die, all the time, for no good reason.

christcuck larping is so embarassing

>Atheist knows nothing about what he speaks

You know its fake otherwise you wouldn't have to force yourself to believe it. Its exactly like trans people flipping out if you say there's only two genders. Religion is an even worse version of that where you get everything wrong instead of just your gender.

>I'm betting
So you haven't even beet there. Feel free to do so if you are confident in your opinion.

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Yes. That is the most common type of tranny btw, by a huge margin
It's just mentally ill straight men. You fell for the propaganda if you lumped them with gays

That's some nonsensical cope right there. Blaise Pascal was smarter than everyone in this thread combined but keep trying to convince me that Rick and Morty is the peak of human religious discourse.

why are we ignoring the elephant in the room? cutting off foreskins so people feel less sexual pleasure is some of the most objectively evil shit in human history and some people still think its fine

whatever gender confusion you're worried about is peanuts compared to that

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>thinking religion is what's preventing people from being worse

but it's just the opposite, it's enabling them to be worse.

also known as AGP

>everything is Jewish
Cope. You want to chemically castrate and groom children

religions like christianity are universalist and replaced more genuine and valuable cultural and ethnic identities across the world and across Europe
it's no different than Marxism in it's purpouse to graft identities onto people in the pursuit of power and collectivism. complete retarded cancer

what you're saying is the total inverse. it is much better when people become defined purely by pragmatism rather than nonsensical ideas that inherently can never make sense on their own
that's why religion is the great unifying instrument. because you can never think your way out of it

The flat earther shit is always funny to me.
Some fucking weirdo just goes "Earth is flat" and a thousand people are ready to kill him.

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Projection, you want groomers take a look at the catholic church buddy. They even had castrato singers up till the 19th century!

>actualy /pol/shits come out to cry about OP's image

wew lads. so this is your brain on being a fucking retard

Based. Creationists are the original authoritarians. Fucking cancer that has to be stopped before it takes over.

RPing as a flat earther is fucking hilarious because you get so many angry responses but not one of them actually knows how to prove the earth is round
illiterate farmers in ancient greece could've proved the earth is round

Circumcision in America was started by Dr. Kellogg (of cereal fame) in an attempt to stop boys from fapping. The trauma is not just acknowledged, but deliberate.

Yeah that's why things have gotten much better in the world as people by large are becoming less religious. Oh wait no it's become terrible, you are a moron

>Haha wow you're so angry at my stupidity!
Nice cope bro

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nobody really believes Flat Earth.
They just pretend to do to get a reaction out of others

>He doesn't believe in magic wizards

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>every thing is Jewish
Remember when you fags cried online because you couldn't have secret sez conversations with 4 year old kids and couldn't groom them to chemically castrate? Oh yeah that was like 2 weeks ago

false, the bible is loaded with dick cutting and samson collecting the foreskins of his foes. Kellog didn't come up with this superstition himself. Stop trying to weasel out of acknowledging your mutilating torture religion's culpability in mutilations.

You're right and thank you for using the term "RP" properly instead of LARP.

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this very board was started because people kicked pedophiles out of their anime discussions, thats how hard you're projecting right now