WoW is saved bros. You have no reason not to resub
WoW is saved bros. You have no reason not to resub
>WoW is saved bros. You have no reason not to resub
>WoW is saved
Stormforge's wotlk private server is out?
I’m not resubbing until scarlet crusade/defias horde human expansion
I have no reason to sub either
Non opus est ergo soleo
I do not need to therefore I wont
Furfags run the game/company now.
Never going back.
The community is crap.
pokemon battles were a clear sign for me weebs will ruin the game. japan should be nuked again
>he had to wait until pokemon battles
MoP announcement was already enough.
I'll just play warmane
maybe to classic
>think about resubbing
>remember that all the realms my characters are on are now low population and struggling
>the cost of changing to the one faction people actually play and transferring to the few realms with a stable population is more than the cost of multiple full priced games
As far as I can see they still haven't announced anything to actually address realm populations or the faction imbalance, which remains the biggest blocker for me.
wow has always had furfags and weebs. those types just trend as more mentally ill so they're the same addicted whales keeping the game alive. why wouldn't blizzard pander to them?
nah fuck retail wow
will most likely play classic for a month tho
that's alright piggy, you go ahead and empty your bank for them, I won't stop you :)
wow is it 2011 again?
Why has there still been no MMO to dethrone WoW? Everyone knows they just push slop and that the golden age is over, so what gives?
It's not like they could make a sequel either since everyone and everything that defined WoW is gone... Seems like the perfect time to take advantage of that.
they were warhammerboos and everquestboos in the beginning. when they switched to kawaii chink shit they lost their base
And thus the cycle continues.
The amount of seethe this game causes in incels is insane.
play games insex
this cannot be real
this cannot be the guy in charge of the lore
i want to wake up
How ironic.
Not playing WoW until the Microsoft deal is complete. Yes I'm the same person posting this everywhere for weeks.
>it's real
Is wow finished?
Because the market proportion for MMOs is smaller than ever. There is far too much media competing for someone's time these days. Alot of people do not want to give a single game most of their free time anymore.
In short, the world has changed.
It all started with Tauren Paladins.
Also WoW has already been dethroned. If throned is being indisputably the most successful mmo, then that isn't WoW, but it isn't any other mmo either.
>Thinking Microsoft will change anything at all.
Because every MMO that tried to "dethrone" WoW has been a shitty a shitty knoickoff of WoW. Why would someone play a shitty clone when they've already invested a ton of time and money in WoW itself?
not resubbing until they give us playable mantid with big fucken bug titties
until then fuck off and stop shilling
Your demands are shit.
wow dethroned itself dude. there is no throne to rob anymore
don't care
user, wow has already died
Everyone is playing something else
Playing WoW is a very draining and depressing experience. I honestly think people still playing this shit are mentally ill.
Make it free to play. Your shitty game isn't worth my money
>WoW is saved
>Dragon lanklets instead of giga chad Sethrak
more like it's ruined since this confirms Sethrak will never be playable.
Gay and sneed
You're right, it's not real. Yea Forumschuds just love to invent made-up thing to get aggravated by.
Women are the focus of all Blizzard lore and there is NOTHING you chuds can do about it
>tfw girlboss
WoW was long dethroned, it just wasn’t dethroned by a different MMO.
How can one man make me constantly livid?
a good thread died for this one. kys op.
come back to the game, user
I did, playing on a Warmane server.
>core millennial boomers unsub in droves between 2016 and 2022
>blizzard starts tailoring the game to the people who are actually subbed (furries and degens)
>millennials who don't play the game anymore start yelling about how it's ruined
Give me
>native controller support
>offline mode
>customizable NPC party that I can gear and control
Then I'll come back. The idea of interacting with the WoW community prevents me from ever coming back to WoW.
If they were catering to Degens we'd have more skimpy outfits.
Post more then.
is ok to let it go user is over
they manage to poss that company so hard its a mockery of what used to be
cant use nude mods or model altering mods anymore so whats the point is full of copium lost people.
Fuck off Blizzard marketing. WE KNOW you shills are paid Blizzard employees or contractors shitting up this board. Yea Forums does not play World of Trannycraft or any other Blizzard shit games. So fuck off.
Its more fun to talk about WoW than actually play it.
The revamp to professions tempts me, simply because I love being an innawoods hunter who spends all his time crafting shit.
But MMOs rarely reward that anymore
>revamp to professions
how are they changing them?
no thanks, i'm having fun on my own private wotlk server.