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I know I shouldn't but since I was a kid I've always been utterly repulsed by downie retards and I don't know why.
>music production setup
That potato is probably smarter than OP
you are an ableist.
so in short: go fuck yourself
Oh fuck off, they just drool too much and I think it's disgusting.
This honestly. Also, they all look repulsive.
This kid looks like he's got more going for him than most of Yea Forums
If you think of downies like this you are unironically evil
I know someone with downs syndrome and I've never been disgusted with them
When I was a kid I didn't know retarded people existed and when I first met them I thought they were just acting
man I wish my tongue was that long
I can barely touch below my lower lip with mine
With rich parents anything's possible. I assure you no potato tard would make it past age 15 in poverty conditions. It would take a lot of money in special education to turn one of these into a semi functional being.
he looks pretty fucking based and happy. i wish that were me
I didn't know PokemonChallenges's tongue was that long
>My steam deck arrived.
He may have Down Syndrome, but you're the retard here.
troons and downs should be gassed
Sort of looks like me to be honest.
This, ish. Looking at the handicapped and feeling disgust is sociopathic, but I wouldn't say evil. Being unable to empathize with other people is a disorder that can only be overcome when it is recognized.
>If you think of downies like this you are unironically evil
Well boo fucking hoo, faggot. There is nothing wrong with eugenics.
I wish I had that mixing board. I have to rely on shitty OBS and have to put towels all over the place so I don't sound like im in a fucking tunnel
normies will make fun of retards but cry if you make a racist joke
I wish I was retarded instead of just a dumbass. Then I could get money and no one would expect anything from me.
Not sure where you from but it's definitely not socially acceptable to make fun of people with down's syndrome
Not even SJW, you could go back 200 years and it wasn't funny to make fun of mentally disabled people
I live next to a downs assisted living apartment complex. They're all very nice and interacting with them brightens my day.
Edgelords please kys. You're the actual dead weight of society.
You're lacking a part of the brain if you don't get repulsed by obese drooling retards that act off. Moreso, you're a fucking monster for if you think they should be allowed to breed.
>order still processing
How long does this shit fucking take
Zoomers are a different breed my friend
This is literally me, I stopped making a song to come shitpost in this thread
Nobody's making fun of them, we're just saying being too close to them makes us uncomfortable. If you're too retarded to understand basic hygiene (such as keeping saliva in your mouth as previously stated) then I just don't wanna be near you. I don't hate them or anything, I understand it's a genetic fuck up just like the rest of us Yea Forumsirgins except to a much larger scale, I simply don't wanna be near them and that's it...
Retards > Trannies > Niggers
imagine a gay retard sucking your dick
fuck you, burn in hell
Take your moral aggrandizing somewhere else, stupid faggot.
Same but for me it's because most retarded retards behave erratically and unexpectedly, they might go violent in a second
It's sort of an uncanny valley thing I think from the facial appearance. Something about people makes them uncomfortable with deformity or asymmetry in others. I've never really been uncomfortable with retards but I think there's some weird evolutionary thing where a heavily abnormal appearance makes people uncomfortable.
Unless they stab you in the eye with a pencil out of nowhere there is no reason why you couldn't overpower a potato, user.
I can't believe he killed the steam servers bros...
Aren't they like crazy strong ? Like chimps ?
But strength means nothing if you don't know how to use it.
It's a STR vs DEX thing, except STR is using a very broken controller.
i grew out of that when i was pretty young. most retards are genuinely nice people. they just need caretakers but a lot of them work, do volunteer stuff, live fulfilled lives for what they can comprehend.
It's natural to be, your perception is very good at freaking out whenever you detect something visually abnormal. It's why so much good food gets thrown away and the only food allowed in retailers has to look visually processed and clean even if the steps to do so are more unhealthy than the natural way it looks.
People with downs syndrome and autism look and sound off, through no fault of their own.
Worked in a group home for like 4 years. It all depends on their upbringing and severity of downs. I've met some incredibly high functioning downs that are completely independent and live on their own, and others that will shit themselves on the spot if you say they can't have 50 cookies. If you treat them like actual retard babies their entire life they will never have a chance at living a fulfilling life.
Your disgusted of yourself?
>If you treat them like actual retard babies their entire life they will never have a chance at living a fulfilling life.
this goes for autists/social retards too.
But don't they feel no pain nor fear ? That would be like an high poise STR build, you could just never escape this barrage of fist, tears and drool.
>and others that will shit themselves on the spot if you say they can't have 50 cookies
Holy fuck lmao
It triggers the same response that seeing a very sick person does. You instinctually feel that this person is going to harm the well-being of the tribe, by infecting others with whatever the hell it is that made them like that.
Why couldn't he be using a bo staff so I could call him Downatello
As a social retard, this.
There was one in my middle school who would stand up in the middle of class, pull down his pants, wave his penis around and shout at the teacher that he had to go to the bathroom.
He would also stand in front of the urinal and pull his pants completely and lift his shirt as high as he could to pee. Most of the time there was piss all over the floor.
I fucking hate retards because of this. I think they're all disgusting subhumans who should be put down. Nate if you are somehow reading this, I hope you're fucking dead you piece of shit.
Spot's already taken by Niggatello
Instead he's Downelangelo.
>if you are somehow reading this, I hope you're fucking dead
Back in my primary school for normal non-retarded children we had a little bit of an incident happen. Out of nowhere a retard kid decided to come in with a backpack full of his father's tools, go into one of the toilets during lessons, disconnect a urinal, pack it into his backpack and leave.
The next day his father came in with the urinal apologizing for the inconvenience.
>He has a productive hobby and you don't
>He has a family that supports him and you don't
>He, although blissfully ignorant, enjoys life to the fullest and you don't
Admit it, you wish you were him
>disconnect a urinal, pack it into his backpack and leave
How the fuck even? Lmao
The females are absolute HORN dogs. They will latch on to any normie male.
His dad was a plumber. Hence the tools. He learned by watching I guess? I have no idea.
i work with them there are people that literally cannot be around people like that for more than a minute and they can somewhat read faces so its kinda sad
No nigga, how the fuck do you fit a urinal into a backpack? Kek
I spent about a month on summer when I was 15 on a camp with 50/50 people with special needs.
>inb4 "Were you one of the retarded ones?"
You kind of get over your anxiety about them after the first week. They were all very nice and fun, but of course not very intelligent and needed help with most things.
Since then I have never had problems being around or interacting with people with disabilities, most of them are pretty chill, but can sometimes be kids in adult bodies, with the pros and cons.
Sounds like you're just a shallow cunt.