Explain to me how Shroud is not cheating in the first clip of this video, all I want is to read one good argument

Explain to me how Shroud is not cheating in the first clip of this video, all I want is to read one good argument.


Attached: competitive gaming.png (900x450, 633.32K)

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Aren't these at tournaments where all the players are using tournament machines?
How could he manage to get an aimbot running?

If only he was running some sort of computer camera setup so we could see where he was during this clip, I guess we'll never know

I think it's cheating.
That said, you can see his hand move the mouse slightly when he flicks onto the guy's head, so it could be that he flicked so quickly that it happened in 1/60 of a second and seemed instant on stream.

You can literally hear a sound right before his crosshair locks on the enemy's head and he doesn't even move his mouse and after he kills him he wiggles his mouse around to presumably disengage his softlock, this has to be his most suspicious clip ever.

Surprise, sports in any kind of form always involve cheats and drugs.

It's widely known that all pros cheat.

omg Shroud is a skeetless NN legit with skill issue? Say it aint so.

Attached: 6f78bd0.png (739x620, 433.72K)

Its not cheating. I actually think once you reach a level like this you actually get magical powers. I am not joking. You get shit like ESP, enhanced luck. I 100 percent believe it. No other way to explain the impossible bullshit I have seen.

I don't care much about this guy. Out of the entire video I could maybe one or two instance where it's not really understood what's going on. That's not enough to prove he's cheating. Play faceit for a few years, you'll understand who's cheating and who isn't immediately. I've seen kids twice Shroud's age land shots not even humans are are able to and they weren't cheating.

Here's him at the launch event for Modern Warfare, he's using the company's computer and peripherals, notice how his aim fucking sucks for some reason (4:25 - 4:35 is a good example)


This, except boxing, of course.


I love the whole premise that not only is shroud cheating, but that he has done it so consistently for an entire career and has thousands of hours streamed where he does this shit in multiple competitive and non-competitive games including some that barely even have mods let alone aimbots and he somehow never got caught even with spergs putting a million combined schizo hours to even try to find a single shred of conclusive evidence that he is cheating.


I just found conclusive evidence that he is cheating, just watch first 20 seconds of the video I posted.

the ""hacker"" community is funny
things like NN are a term when you're all 15 year old script kiddies paying monthly subs for your shit lmao

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should add on and say it's mostly the zoomers.
this NN shit is new. you're all no names.

Anyone who has played CS for more than an hour knows and understands the autistic recoil patterns.

Jannies, put this thread in the /trash/ with the other gay shit..


why are you deflecting his point? the video is clearly not about recoil or good aim but how his crosshair appears to stop at regular intervals at where enemies are located, even beyond the walls, helped by the batvision spectator mode shite.

So you're just going to ignore that his aim literally teleports to the guy's head? Also what does the clip has to do with recoil patterns? He headshots the guy with his first bullet, did you even watch the clip?

Yes, it called crosshair control. I swear you are the gayest cunt out, hey.

but its not about possible locations where enemies are excpected to be, its completed random shit even in the midst of a wall, and it has nothing to do with control because those are supposed to be involutary movement inbetween the places where you actually want your crosshair to be.

Yes. In fact, I am going to go as far to ignore this whole thread because I don't have schizophrenia. Have fun.

I literally am obsessed with this, do you even know how much money this guy made playing video games? Can you imagine how many times he got his dick sucked because he is le EPIC famous esports fag? I want justice.

I like how the people who believe this are also dumb enough to make vague descriptions about a 41 minute long video.
Says everything you need to know.

>Having any sense of skepticism is being a schizoid.
Go back to work, golem.

>a game with a max possibility of 4-5 angles to hold
>kills a guy
>flicks to a different angle to anticipate enemies
>then simple smaller flicks to targets

Yes user, Im sure these gamers who have played counter strike for 15 years and 10000+ hours are alll cheating because you cant move your arm fast.

Go ahead then, you're clearly too much of a pussy to come up with a decent counter argument anyway.

you can very clearly see in that entire clip that his webcam is slightly delayed and mouse movements happen a bit afterwords, and that also happens in that clip. this video is so low IQ i cant believe it has so much traffic filled with retarded jealous retards.

I was in the HvH scene since hl2hook in 2005. The only CSS hvh player on the planet rn. Polak (aimware OG) made millions, moved to swissland from poland and lives rich. and everyone else moved-on and grew-up/went to prison (bolo)/ or died (some of myg0t)

everything is pay2win hack/cfg/lua's its fucking lame and there's no community anymore.

I mean i thought it was pretty clear that he uses cheats. There are too many clips out there where he locks onto someones head straight trough walls. But it helps that he is decent enough at fps, so people tend to believe that its pure skill.
He is just smart enough not to go too ham on cheating.

>crosshair control
>trough walls
>on the heads of invisible enemies
Yea, much controll.... fucking neck yourself.

>crosshair literally teleports to the guy's head after you hear a suspicious key pressing sound in the background
Never in my fucking life have I seen someone moving a crosshair at the speed of light and locking it on someone's head without even moving the mouse. I guess Shroud is literally god himself, it's the only plausible explanation.

Explain the key pressing sound then, which key is he pressing?

OP, you will not see a single person who could explain to you why someone would automatically stop on the heads of enemies when he does not see them. Especially when its not at spots where you wait for them to peek. Everyone will just start throwing buzzwords at you, about completely unrelated shit, from spray patterns, to flick aiming, to just coincidences. Its because they don't want their baby boy being labeled as a cheater, since for some reason they are that invested into this random dude.

>video is 30fps
>flick is max 5% of screenspace
>you can clearly see Shrouds hand movement

It looks fast because it is fast. You having the reaction time and motor functions of an 80 year old doesnt make him a cheater.

Here, a 60fps clip of a one frame flick


Not an argument.

You are literally braindead lmao
Nobody can gather anything from your post. Post a timestamp.

You have to be a child.

doesnt take a genius to figure out most in this thread are talking about the very first clip in the video because no one is going to watch a 41 minute highlight reel when the first clip is already conclusive enough

Of all the people in the game to accuse of cheating why would it be shroud? He was quite honestly not that good as a cs pro and constantly choked in matches.
Also you can probably find videos like this made for any good cs player where they seem to be locking on to people or whatever.
They have thousands of hours over a decade playing the same maps. It's not hard to predict where people will be or have insane muscle memory and being able to snap to heads.
And if he is cheating, then literally everyone else is because they shit on him with ease back when he was competing.

I already said it's the first clip you actual retard.

>play fps games professionally for 15+ years
>retards who play 4 hours a week still call you a cheater

Attached: dies-from-cringe-killer-bean.gif (498x227, 2.48M)

In the video he moves his mouse really slowly compared to how fast the "flick" was, you're actually retarded if you can't see that.

some boxers have been caught putting weights in their gloves to hit harder.

Why does his aim fucking suck in non-competitive settings then? You can see it whenever he's playing cod or brs that his aim is fucking below average but when it's time to play competitive suddenly he's a pro player.

this would be true if he landed on expected positions for people to be but he does it at completely random position in the midst of a wall

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Even if you play video games professionally for 50 years you still wont be able to teleport your crosshair to someone's head like that.

Like I said, you could probably find the same type of clips from any good cs player, it could just be him adjusting his mouse.
I remember years ago everyone thought flusha was cheating because of the exact same thing.

Please do watch the twitch clip posted in this thread.
And yes, you can one frame flick. Shrouds flick is max 5% of screenspace, he doesnt need to move his entire wrist or arm. Fingertip correction is all he needed there and you think someone with tens of thousands of practice flicks/matches/kills isnt capable of that?

You just have a slow brain.

as someone who was once top 0.1-.2% player this is normal especially on a different setup, I went to a convention and they had razer booths setup and had csgo, I wanted to show off and even when I changed my sensitivity my aim was trash. I still think him mousing over people through walls like he does is v suspicious, the flicks aren't though

What the fuck are you talking about? Flicking? How can he flick onto heads of enemies he can not see? Are you legitimately retarded? Did fapping too much burn out your brain?
Why does his mouse repeatadly stop on the heads of enemies he can not see. Not only stop, but slow down and readjusts to their heads behind walls. Noone gives a shit at the kill, that kill could be a fluke, but why do you keep ignoring the 2 headlocks in a row before that? TROUGH A WALL ONTO AN INVISIBLE ENEMY?

People are talking about wall hacks, not aimbots.

His dpi and sensitivity is way too low for that to be a "fingertip correction", he would have to at least move his wrist to hit that shot.

are way too low*

CSGO is a game with very small player counts, very small maps, and very little action per match. If he kills an enemy, he needs to immediately flick to another angle to hold it, because its very uncommon for players to stack behind one another because team killing is a thing.

CSGO maps also have max 3-4 lanes or angles that you need to consider. If he kills an enemy in lane 1, he needs to check lane 2. Since he already checked the middle of the courtyard and the back tunnel, he flicks to the left to hold the wider courtyard but also the backstreet.

This isnt fucking rocket science. Its absolute fucking basics of FPS games that if you dont see immediate threats in lane 1 or lane 2, check lane 3.
This is true for hundreds of FPS games but especially small-team games like CSGO.

Youre just bad.
You have no game sense and no knowledge of how the game is actually played.
You dont even know that its advantageous to hold an angle on the wall, instead of beyond it. A pushing enemy can come either left or right from the wall, and by holding the middle he can choose to flick left or right with less distance needed.

This guy is probably also cheating, just watch his other clips.

Ok so why does his crosshair lock on to people's heads through walls in literally the second clip of OP's video

Yeah just ignore the mouse cam I guess.

>an ugly jew cheats to get ahead
>and jew companies allow it to happen
What a surprise

Yes, you flick straight to the middle of the wall right on top of an enemy head several times in a row. I played fucking CS go from 1.6 and you flick to the points where you expect someone to peek or jump out, edges of boxes, walls doors etc. You don't randomly flick to the middle of a blank fucking wall and lock onto someones head you fucking retard.

It doesn't even matter when he could very well be pressing his aimlock key while simultaneously flicking his mouse to make the clip more convincing.

Yeah it's very strange how a lot of these pro players, specially ex-cloud9 players are mostly jewish, what a strange coincidence!

First clip guy peeks from behind the pillar he moves to the left to see if the guy comes from that direction then sees the guy moving towards the right so he already expects him, not only that but he already has the crosshair was perfectly set to aim for the head, if anything that looks like an exceptional level of skill hence why he is a professional player.

>no fps players are actually just good
>nobody who played the same series for over 10 fucking years could possibly be good
This is just cringe at this point.

Everyone cheats in CS:GO, why is Shroud the only one that has to take flack for this? It's literally common practice in high rankings for CS:GO.

Being good =/= pressing an aimlock key.

the aim looks cheaty and that's all we know. I don't see him pressing any special buttons though. you can only see his mouse in the cam view.

nope. this is a mix of PR and fan copes. players literally bring their own USB devices (mice, keyboards, headphones) to every tournament where supposedly these devices are "checked"... sometimes. in other words anybody can cheat on LAN without being found out. the only thing that matters is that it looks human enough that no organizer or opposing teams become utterly convinced you're cheating. or you can go the forsaken (indian former pro) route and open a file called word.exe on your desktop while admins are watching kek

yeah, there's no real evidence. he's obviously cheating and we all know it. but is there evidence? no.
the sound from that clip could be any button or even something like a dangling cable hitting something.
the only way to prove that somebody is cheating is to find the software.

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>completely ignoring the part where you hear a strange sound right when his aim locks on the ct's head.