Game features a carry weight mechanic

>game features a carry weight mechanic

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Name 12 games

>game features a popularity mechanic

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>game features a crime prevention mechanic
>game features an adult teasing mechanic

Attached: randoseru buzzer.png (348x325, 9.83K)

the 12 amendments

>game features a mini game with different controls out of nowhere

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Demon Souls
Death Stranding

there's two now

this is now the hmofa thread

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Thanks for the list carry weight mechanics in video games.

>game feautres a carry volume mechanic

Resident evil

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>weight and volume
name a more based carry mechanic system

are Japs actually that much of a bunch pedos that kids need a rape privation alarm?

Which system do you prefer?

Items take up a different amount of space in a bag that has limited volume

Only the item weight matters, space is unlimited

>Grid + Weight
a combination of both

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Brilliant idea, user. Mods leave cunny threads alone pretending that they don't exist, so you can post here unimpeded

>game features grandma bonding mechanics

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>little girl features puffy vulva

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die tranny

>game features a mechanic
god i hate video games

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wouldnt be surprise if jannoids actively browse these threads without deleting them
but im not a tranny. i hate them

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>game is designed to appeal to the largest audience

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>game lets you romance your party members

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>are Japs actually that much of a bunch pedos that kids need a rape privation alarm?
No, not really, but kids in Japan tend to be taught how to be more autonomous from a very early age, walk alone, do shopping, etc. To exemplify, most of the kids in primary school usually go to school on foot alone or with their friends. That and the Randoserus, the bag in OP pic, are really expensive, so buying an alarm for it isn't that weird to do.

the thread?

>game has potions for buffs/heals
why cant they be more creative..

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huh I never knew that. Neat

Get the rope pedo

..... uoohh


I wonder who can be behind this post?

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die tranny

Grid. I unironically enjoy the inventory tetris. Though it seems like it's a deprecated system since it goes against the current UI/UX design memes

Seethe, mald, cope and dilate

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based but you accidentally tagged me at the end there. thats not pedo, just a potion seller

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pedos need to be skinned alive

oh noooo im shitting up your pedo thread
next time post vidya then

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why do you want to ERP with user

die tranny


you don't want the sauce


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>anticunny fags are literally furries

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Because user cute&funny :3

>one side wants to fuck children
>the other is into fucking animals

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more like anti-off-topic-spam

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t. ironic lolicon

Kids in Western countries could walk to school alone too before Western countries stopped being White countries.

furries are globohomo puppets so it was always pretty obvious. One of their own literally created the pfitzer death vax

>Dude I'm not a pedophile. I like 2D lolicon art only, and I don't sexualize them. They are pure and meant to be protected.

What happened?

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Are you actually surprise?

tale as old as time

Real. Never ironic.

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>this is your average pedophile
oh no no no no pedosis- i mean pedobros what can we do..

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Nice thread.

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I like the combination, games like Marauder and 7.62 HC even go further and have differences for the various storage spaces like pockets, backpack, ammo poches etc.

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This thread off topic where are you?


>Pedos getting mad that off topic pics being posted in their off topic thread

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Why am I getting aroused from a backpack

Dios mio...

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Who said anything about rape?

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Why do garbage artists put watermarks on their art? It's even worse when they put it on memes.

>off-topic on Yea Forums
you must be new

latex/leather fetish

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It's not the's what attached to the backpack

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It turns out that masturbating to the concept of molesting and raping children creates some completely unexpected conditioning in the brain
Or It's because there are a bunch of groomer trannies on the site now, trying to push their poison ideologies.

you must also think furfags are also Yea Forums culture

Just round them up, drop them in a remote island somewhere with knives and be done with it

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>gamedevs apply the golden ratio to every character in the game

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>tfw you will never

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Wow I really did expect that pic.

>I mod it out
Problem solved

>pedophiles are autistic
explains everything

And of course pedos started to post CP.

Yes. I enjoy both.

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trannies lost this thread mean a drawing?

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furchads would definitely win
theres a large portion of them who are big into fitness so they can look like the buff furries they draw
pedos are just all fat and sedentary

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I need cunny!
Any chat apps, anons?

Can the anti-lolis explain why they get so angry at loli or is it just a mindless kneejerk reaction to screech at social taboos?

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what is the drawing of?

Why is Yea Forums suddenly full of pedophiles now?

I have never been the same since

yep, the pedotroons lost. (which is based)

>Yea Forums

Ok someone wants the thread gone.

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Wanna know how i can tell you are a Brit or Aussie?