Notch just gave you 500 million to create your dream game, post it
Notch just gave you 500 million to create your dream game, post it
Elden Ring 2
i'd make a shitty shmup in godot and pocket the money
Azur Lane but star wars
Give every cent to Chris Roberts
porn game but with actually fun gameplay and no cuck shit
I hire Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer to make it for me
dungeon crawler with punchout gameplay that is more of a hack n' slash with cool boss fights.
new jedi knight
Full remake of this series
make a game like ng2, but a lot shorter and focus a lot on enemy and level design, it would be 5 hours long but each second of those 5 hours would be the most polished and well designed thing in videogames. also make different difficulties, arrange modes and score modes to incentivize replayability
no in game unlockables though, you start the exact same way as you end, you just get better as a player by understanding the enemies and levels
a game where you shoot IDF soldiers and trannies. the bad guys are all scrawny but very rich kikes.
I'd make a werewolf: the forsaken game with mechanics that actually resemble the game and an actual good story
every porn game has good gameplay
i wish that were true user. i really do
arcadey racing game with licensed movie cars, I just want the ecto 1, bluesmobile, interceptor, delorean, truckster and all those in the same game
'Uprising' you murder Pfizer executives, Vanguard investors, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, xbox owners
Elden Ring, but with vampires, werewolves, vampire hunters and big and little towns!
i don't have a dream game so i'd embezzle the money and run
I'd just take all the elements from games I think did it the best and mash them together.
Story like x, gameplay like y, characters like z, etc.
An anime version of something like a fantasy total war, with dateable leaders and possibly generals, I know Rance exists and some other stuff but I want this to have proper gameplay.
You sound like the perfect hack for Ubisoft, you're hired
City of Heroes remake/sequel. Some ideas include:
>A further improved character creation system (obviously) taking the best elements of ESO, Champions, hero forge, and any other games or things with damn good character creation. Also ‘Taurian and sepentine body types and options for multiple arms.
>Personal storylines based around a story theme you pick for your character (street level hero/villain, cosmic, spy intrigue, mystical, etc.), zone storylines, main storylines based on your morality (hero, villain, rogue, vigilante. There’d be a decent amount of crossover/interweaving between them), and various random story arcs.
>improved AI that allies for various enemies to fight you with different tactics (Sky Raiders will try to keep airborne and shoot you from a distance, thugs will all cluster around you, 5th column will adopt formations if left alive long with melee surrounding you and ranged keeping back, etc)
And so much more I’d never fit it into one post.
>Tim Cain, a fat literal faggot from California who most recently made The Outer Worlds and was proud of it
>Josh Sawyer, a balance autist cuck SJW faggot also from California
It's a TESlike except you're a vampire and you can, if you would like, take over the whole region or just throw balls and fuck nobles or maybe you want to just groom pretty living people and add them to your family or maybe you just want to slaughter everybody.
Angry Goy III
Godhand 2
I'd probably do a game about incels trying and failing to touch grass and have sex.
A good Warhammer 40K game.
I don't trust Darktide.
small indie monster catching rpg with likeable artstyle, gameplay and balanced
i'd just get myself an affordable home and work on my own thing without having to stress about an income
open world 3D platformer, like bowsers fury but bigger and minimal repeated content
First person mech/Titanfall/space game where you play as some dude who gets flash frozen into the future when a spaceship mission goes wrong. You can play from a variety of classes, like standard fighter, techie, business/trader, etc. or make your own class.
Game has Titanfall mechs and you get to customize them, and the overarching story is that when you arrive in the future, you find a lot of warring alien factions across multiple planets and you can either side with one of them, or kill everything. There’ll be party members (2 at a time like ME) and they have their own faction mechs. also romance because I want my qt ayy lmao gf
Alt-history europe game where gnosticism became the norm, set in the 17th century. It plays like Sekiro, but you have a zweihander instead of a katana, and can swap stances/movesets on the fly.
A stealth rpg game where you play as an assassin caught in the middle of a holy war between two neighboring countries. You can choose to side with either one of them, or play both sides and take whatever job you want. the game would have multiple ways to complete each level, but the games AI would make see what playstyle you choose and make it harder in future levels. You like sneaking through vents and elevator shafts and getting your target from the shadows? the vents are booby trapped and cameras are more widespread. Like to slaughter every enemy and work your way to your target leaving behind a sea of blood? The enemies get harder to kill and increase in number. Do you like to take a far away vantage point and snipe your target from a safe distance? The vantage points are guarded and targets are kept in areas where you can't get a good angle without getting closer. Do you use poison? Items get check for it before their handed to your target. use disguises? IDs start getting required where ever you go, and people are more likely to notice someone who isn't one of them. do you use magic? anti magic guards become more frequent.
panty stocking and garterbelt the game
(it's made in flash)
Use 5mil to pay Vanillaware to port ALL their shit to PC.
Pocket the remaining moolah.
Bill Gates is based though.
I'd make the best shmup ever on a custom engine
Disco Elysium but with actual gameplay
Interesting premise, but never has a game made me miss actual video games more.
I was BEGGING for gameplay.
Couldn't finish it.
im curious, how would you add gameplay to disco elysium?
I split it, half towards a Venom game by the Prototype team and half towards Ape Escape 4
Venom can either be played straight or with a custom symbiote builder
make it fallout lmao
there's a reasons those games are popular and nobody but autists complete bookgames
why would i make a game, i have 500 million dollars
Quake 1
In a web browser
With ranked matchmaking
2m 30s minute matches
Rivet girlfriend VR eroge
>no cuckshit
>game lets you customize your avatar and will block you if you pick dark skin
Unironically Crystal Project was my dream game, so I don't know
I'd make some dinky python GUI game and keep the rest
Fuck off.
FPS hardcore stealth game set in France, i'll do it even without the 500 millions
Then do it.
one of those shitty NPC sex games you can find on f95, but 3d and with zelda girls
it's hard, i'm mentally sedated by my surroundings
Something about the Allied and Central powers teaming up to fight the hordes of undead in WW1.
Slightly like the WW1 segment in Death Stranding.
>a fallout game with the Quest and Dialogue style of 3/NV
>the shooting of 4
>the story is you're an apprentice of a caravan that's stopping in New Orleans when the tyrannical dictator of the "sovereign territory of New Orleans" orders the ring around the city to be shut off, you decide to go off and do something about it
>option 1: The People's Resistance of New Orleans
>the quests revolve around fully assembling different little areas and supplying them with communications and weapons
>you stomp out the other factions
>you overthrow the government at the ruins of the mayors office with an army led by the different heads you meet across the game
>you now either leave with the caravan from the start or stay and rule.
>option 2: The New French Empire
>you are contacted as a potential ally for someone referred to as "the rightful heir"
>you go to a secret bunker in the french quarter of New Orleans
>It's "The Empire of France" ran by a protectron calling himself Napoleon who believes himself to be embedded with the spirit of Napoleon Bonaparte
>the quests consist of recruiting independent people
>spreading propaganda and small-scale attacks on the government
>you progress until you hit the right hand man of Napoleon
>last two bits of the first group except with the French army
>you leave your caravan full time as a high ranking member of the French Empire
Option 3: Escape
>Meet with a few members of the caravan and some residents trying to break the lock-down
>go on missions either by yourself or with others to de-stablise the government
>go on missions to destroy communications between bases
>cut off shipments
>raid a gate of the ring and escape with your caravan
Option 4: Sovereign territory of New Orleans
>apply for position in the military
>be given small-time policing jobs
>advance to helping stations with supplies and comms
>then move up to taking on the others
>kill the leaders of the towns
>kill Napoleon and all frenchies
idk just ideas
The original Versus XIII
Triple AAA open world rpg adventure Pirates of Dark Water game.
Jet Set Radio Past
>set in medieval times
>soundtrack by medieval Weezer
>accompanying found footage film already in the works