RIP japan gaming

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>sanction Russia
>collapse in 2 months

Well that's what you get for willingly staying as America's bitch for almost 80 years

Japan is the world's #1 importer of coal, natural gas, and one of the top importers of oil. Over 80% of it's power is generated by imported fuels.

Japan's lack of resources and land was their primary motivation for the invasion of China, Korea, and South Pacific islands in WWII.

Well it's no wonder they built nuclear power, which accounted for 30% of electricity prior to 2011, but now that's almost 0%. The remaining are afraid of eco-terrorist attacks.

I personally miss the good old days of the Tokugawa shogunate, where a man could be a man, and there was no need to rely on import of literally anything due to isolationist policy.

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Sounds like Japan could use a little more diversity

Why don’t Russia and Japan become allies? They seriously have a long history together and both obviously love each other. The amount of weebs in Russia is equal to that of Japs loving Slavs.

Oh no
I dont care

>Japan is the world's #1 importer of coal, natural gas, and one of the top importers of oil. Over 80% of it's power is generated by imported fuels.
Wait, is this true? I thought they were all over those nuclear reactors and shit.

good. going there will be even cheaper than before. I love speaking to japanese in english and acting like they're stupid for not understanding me like they didn't pay attention in english class

Russia finessed an island near Japan which turned their relationship sour


Russia holds Kuril isles, retard

Yes and then 2011 happened, read the rest of the post.

And okay they aren't the top importer of coal anymore, they are #3, but they are still #1 importer of natural gas.

>and both obviously love each other.

>130 yen
>down from 106
This guy is actually a moron

A cheap yen is an intentional policy of the Japanese government.
I don't understand why random Westerners think they know better.

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What happened in 2011?

Weren't they deliberately trying to lower the yen just a couple years ago.

>both obviously love each other

because nips are US cocksuckers so they will never ally with Russia or be neutral.

This had to be some retarded albino nigger rus weeb lol.

Yeah, it's losing value when you compare it to USD so it's going "down" despite the number going up.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster

Are you literally fucking 12 or something? What were you doing in 2011 and how old were you?

Meant the people, not the Putler.

Because we're retarded. Both.

based maybe i go on holiday there and live like a king for a few weeks

It's time to buy those pokemon cards and save japan Yea Forums

why are weebs so retarded?

Nah I’m Korean. I know a lot of Russians and Japanese and they all love each-other while talking shit about US.

Is vodka good for you?

21 in university. Didn't care about Japan at the time.

Nigger it was more than a decade ago, most people forgot what happened in 2014, it's no surprise they forget about a fucking crack in a powerplant.

>american """education"""

No one likes burgers.

the west is falling

>WW2 japan had a submarine aircraft carrier
>US sunk it because it did not wanted to share the tech with USSR
Fuck US.

It doesn't matter if you cared about Japan, it was global news headlines on every country on Earth and effected the entire Earth with it's radiation

This like asking what Chernobyl or 9/11 was you retarded fucking kids.

The world is going to have severe recession

That was planned by the way, gotta reset the corona debt

Russians also love Ukranians and what of it?

>Yea Forums when they think gaming is history enough
Read book for once

why don't america let kim nuke your shit country?

I hope you know they're technically still at war with eachother.

their economy wasn't doing so good even before the sanctions, it just went from bad to worse


Attached: Atomic_bombing_of_Japan.jpg (1200x712, 216.42K)

>japan goes under
>vidya is dead
>animation is completely dead
>manga killed, only comics remain

I might actually kill myself

What happened on 9/11?

Greedy capatalistis being capatalists? Nooo. Burgers can't make thier own shit so they have to try and keep status que

nice try ivan, the japs hate your guts

>murders innocent civilians and gloats about it
Yep, sounds about right.

>The Fukushima nuclear disaster

Like that mattered enough to cause anything other than changing energy policy, because apparently Japanese are just as chicken as the Germans.

Also people have been predicting the "Japanese collapse" since 90's, it's like the "capitalism is going to fall...any day now...just wait..."

Nice bait, those countries still have an ongoing territorial dispute since WW2 meaning they are technically still at war.

>didn't care
the entire world knew of the 9.1 earthquake. unless you're living in a cave in Africa there's no way you haven't heard of it

>lol of course people will forget the chernobyl of our time and the massive fucking earthquake that caused it
zoomy zoom zoom

If the yen goes down that means anime and vidya will be cheaper to make

So it even worse on your end. Both you slavs and gooks are blights to the world.

Nigger the earthquake happened, the leak is just a tiny part of that.

i remember when i was in tokyo
multiple white dreadlock hippies tried to talk to me about japans green party
and the danger of nuclear waste and fallout
lol fucking cucks

don't worry the USA will bail them out, just like how we bail out everyone else in the entire fucking world just so they can cry about us later lmao.

It's the american way. can't win without slaughtering the enemy

>more Netflix funded anime

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Japan did collapse though. They have never regained anything resembling the heights of the mid 1980s forty years later.

Back to Back World Champions

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>manga, vidya and curry importing is even cheaper now

They still can't win even after doing that.

>the amount of weebs in Russia is equal to that of Japs loving slavs
So 5?

Not like honorable japan. Nanking didn't happen btw.

It very much mattered and still matters, you just don't hear about it because Japan was always hilariously dishonest and hush-hush about it even during that time.
Really, how new are you?

The power of American education everyone

>cheaper to make
that also means the makers will make less money

>They seriously have a long history together and both obviously love each other.
They've been at each other's necks over the ownership of the Kuril Islands since WW2

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I feel that way whenever I visit my parents. Always bring an extra luggage case and fill it with shit worth $100-150 here for maybe $20-30

I remember when I was in Tokyo and literally none of that happened.

This, but unironically.

>They seriously have a long history together and both obviously love each other.

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>They seriously have a long history together and both obviously love each other

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>They seriously have a long history together and both obviously love each other.

That doesn't exist. It's just conservative propaganda that they get taught.

>earthquake in a small location, damage contained almost immediately
>soviet garbage construction blowing up and spewing radioactive clouds all over Europe for years

Yeah sound about the same.. just take your magnesium pills grandpa

Not sure how both are related, but keep licking putin's boots.

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Make sure to buy your weeb shit while it's cheap.

the nazi cries out in pain as he strikes you

>get nuked twice
>horry shit we rove big American dik
>some war happened a 100 years ago and some shitty island was taken
>fuck Russia we hate it
Why are Japs like this?

Burgers, when will they learn

in my defense it was overshadowed by an ah1n1 and an ebola outbreak scare

Shipping is still totally fucked though which negates any savings from exchange rates.

What civilians did the Japanese kill?
The US is literally untouchable

High USD-JPY rates are actually good for Japan lol
It will increase export and they export a lot even on lower levels.

they got Buck Broken in Manchuria and seethe ever since

>t. chink larping as an American

>>damage contained almost immediately
>>almost immediately
oh no no no

But Japs won the war with Russia, by all accounts.

You need to be above 18 to post here, retard.

Are you implying the Japanese love Americans?

No, Americans are just that dumb. Have you ever spoken to the broken creatures?

Still lost in the end

>Why are Japs like this?
When I lived in Japan they didn't seem to have major opinions on the russians. A lot of japs are major NPCs so if the media has been telling them to hate russia they most likely do.

Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded.

Japan has been in deflation for a while. It'd be great if they weren't so dependent on imports.

Japan does, yes

Spotted the npc.

Are you implying they don't?
Everyone does, except for what is literally the Nip /pol/celes equivalent

ok so, what am i supposed to memorize the year literally anything happened, no i don't give a fuck if you wanted to bring up fukushima you should've just said it you retard


Nanjing massacre

>currency goes down
>games get cheaper
>big brained gamer think this hurts sales

not that user but outside every fucking station there was always a dude with flyers and shit about disaster relief or some shit I just dismissed them as tourist scams

You will never be Japanese

They don't. Most of them are the US due what it is. Just a dying bloated empire with a retarded population

He meant american civilians.

h1n1 was 2009-2010
ebola was 2013-2016
japan quake was 2011
fuck you smoking?

Since Russian-Japanese war, actually - that's when japs got the islands from them, thanks to the retarded russian emperor.

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>murders innocent civilians and gloats about it
yes, and? be happy we didn't reduce the whole island to nuclear waste, and pray we don't do it to you next.

Every country loves Americans because of Hollywood

I'm asking again, what US civilians did the Japanese kill?
If it was Manchuria nuking Japland, I won't complain.
Also Nanjing massacre never happened.

Japan has a long history of territorial disputes with Russia, 'Murrica are just tourists from far away.
Obviously they'll dislike Russians, Russia IS the imperialist power of central asia, not China.

Maybe poor yen will make them more eager to open country for tourism again. Hopefully it'll happen before Comiket.

Japan and S. Korea have such an innate hatred for china, that makes them bend the knee to US alone. Because of enemy of my enemy etc... They have to hate Russia by default. It's simple geopolitics 101

>Economy crashes
>game studios fire developers and shrink in size
>games become worse

All these periods of time were a decade ago user it's all becoming a blur at this point.

>ITT: Amerimutts vs nip /pol/ vs Putin shills

Peral Harbor you uneducated burger

>The west

If my memory is right, Japan want weak Yen because it made its quality product cheaper from USA point of view compared to German products yet same quality.

They tried to lower the price but trader don't give shit and kept buying

Don't forget the chink shills

>Turning into a poor country
Tick Tock, Japan

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Come again?


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*fills eShop wallet*

>Ivan is larping again

Shouldn't you polishing Pudins ball now?

Why the fuck are our lives and economic developments linked to whatever some random foreign power does? How is self-sufficiency such a joke

Retard alert

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I did a biology degree. I wasn't interested in social issues. I only cared about stem and partying

Can you blame him for being uneducated? At most maybe 70 civilians died.

Did anything happen in 2014 besides the Five Guys incident that fucked this site up?

Also pearl harbor was literally allowed to happen just like 9/11

Nigger, Fukushima is still leaking to this day and it has an exclusion zone around it just like your Chernobyl videogames. It will take centuries for the region to be livable again.

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kek no, I vividly still remember the 2012 shenanigans. you may think it's a blurry memory because of the 2020 scamdemic and the ukraine war.

Well, of course your currency's worth will sink if you had to print away like an idiot during the coof period.
Also Japan tends to print more at this time of year to boost exports. Even stores know this and advertise the fall of the yen on purpose so they can boost international exporting.

I don't draw the battle lines.

literally everyone loves america except for whiny 3rd worlders online lmao

When's Japan going to get CULTURALLY ENRICHED?

Yup, we had warnings, island neighbors in the pacific had been attacked and occupied. We know exactly what was going down.

Barry drone striked that wedding that killed a bunch of kids and women but no one cared because he was The Messiah who could do no wrong.

People still live there.

Blind support of Putin is NPC behavior. Being a contrarian for the sake of a culture war goes beyond NPC and into inanimate object territory.

user said america-

They never signed a peace treaty.

Why did the world let america away with this and with war crimes in towel head land? Why is America allowed to invade the Hague?

>Also Nanjing massacre never happened.
Not even most japs say this anymore. Now they just try arguing that the death toll wasnt as high as originally claimed and they try to not bother teaching it in their schools history lessons.

believe it or not, there are 7 billion people in the world and well over 100 million people in japan. There are a lot of people who love America, solely due to Hollywodd

No but considering burgers are still angry over it you think the kindergarten level education would mention that

You shouldn't try to bring up historical events if you were too young to remember or care about them.

Cope weaboo

It's honestly sad to see t b h. These idiots would boast about the past while forgetting to save their own future.

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Shut the fuck up and stand with Ukraine.

>mfw westernoid envy wishing evil on Japan
Americans are truly a clownish people.

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>Russia bots all over Yea Forums
What do they think they are going to accomplish here? This is the most uneducated board on Yea Forums.

>Japan has a long history of territorial disputes with Russia,
I know, but the average nip that I talked to never seemed to hold any ill will when Russia or Russians came up. This was a few years ago. If you mentioned China they would go out of their way to shit on it a lot of the time.

this image is real funny considering how many Nazi's there seems to be in Ukraine