The queen is the most powerful piece on the board

>the queen is the most powerful piece on the board

Was this the first game in human history to be pozzed by SJW's?

Attached: SJW.png (1260x1260, 255.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't know the knight is actually way more versatile
shitter detected

I bet I can beat y'all shitters
I'm black

If the king and Queen were reversed you'd be like "Queen is the most important piece and needs to be protected". Maybe just enjoy life and stop searching for propaganda in everything

>Yea Forums is so shit at European/Avoid School O'Clock that the meta chess thread joking about SJWs is one of the better ones

Attached: no.png (503x504, 75.23K)

Chess more like chiss

Let's go Queens Pawn player

I don’t like how all the male soldiers become super powerful after transition into a female

>white goes first

Attached: 1642231149082.png (1024x1200, 396.68K)

I take everything back I suck

How do you know xier gender Chud?

god, i hate women

Attached: 1645713606486.jpg (680x456, 30.85K)

>In chess, there is a general consensus among players and theorists that the player who makes the first move (White) has an inherent advantage. Since 1851, compiled statistics support this view; White consistently wins slightly more often than Black, usually scoring between 52 and 56 percent.

the queen piece used to be a vizier.

>Queen is the most powerful
Thats true
>King is the piece that decides about the outcome of the game

Her eyou go bro

>used to be gay self insert shit le vizier is the super smart hero behind the king
yea whatever

>you can replace the queen with literal "pawns"

Gg u did good but doubling the pawns for bishop knight trade never helps



I already lost when I hanged my Bishop
After that I was merely surviving

>pawn (male) promotes to queen (female)

>jobbed by knights
As expected of women

you dont get it
the queen is powerful but expendable
the king is vital and losing it means game over

how do i into chess? i dont know enough to play anybody competently yet. i basically only know what all the pieces do

In my country we call it prime minister or minister. I’ve also heard chancellor

Play with computer duh

Try taking the beginner classes at (limited free access, but very good overall) or (free) to learn the basic strategies
Also all chess sites work with Elo System so eventually you'll always play against people as good as you

You start by learning Endgame tactics and work your way backwards. First you need to learn how to win with a single pan left and how to mate with nothing but the Queen and the Rook and then you need to learn how Pawn Endgames work (most common type of endgame if players are equally good) and then you can start to learn what you need to aim for in your game (for example once you have more figures, you start trading all figures until you are the only one with figures left and then you dominate the Pawn endgame)

...given "intermediate" levels of play (total novices lose the first-move advantage in several turns, and with almost utter certainty that supposed advantage isn't objectively enough to covert so with best play the starting evaluation is just 0, rather than ±∞).

Just play the game. When you lose try to learn why.

This. Even a pawn can become a queen. That is in essence what the queen is already, just a pawn. Every other piece on the board besides the king is there to do the king's bidding and if necessary sacrifice itself for the king. The queen is an attack dog or a blood sacrifice.

Dont get into chess theory, it ruins the game for you and makes you copy everyone elses playstyle instead of developing one on your own. I have deliberately avoided researching the game because of the lameness of it all at higher levels.

>pawn can become a queen
Tranny game

Then how come I keep losing to blacks?

>they become the literal most powerful piece after transition
I-I kneel

>white goes first
>pozzed by SJW

So you permanently cucked yourself of ever being good at chess congrats

It's still is if you're not an anglo cuck

knight is the worst piece after pawn

But it is very satisfying to get a checkmate with a pawn or knight.
Not that I would really know what that is like T_T

I watched that Fitz video too

>I'm black


Literally invaluable

Pawn Tier
Triple Pawn Tier (about as strong as three Pawns)
Quintuple Pawn Tier
Worth more than all Pawns together Tier

>he looked at guides
You didn't beat the game.

I bet you can't even solve the daily puzzle on Lichess


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your precious rock is worth shit if you castle. is all about board state and positioning

>pozzed by SJW's?
white has 53% chance of winning

>Literally invaluable
Nuh uh

I refuse to accept that Knight and Bishop are equal. If given the chance I'd rather play a game with 4 Bishops than with 4 Knights.

I think bishops + rook can be almost as good as queen.

The queen can move freely because the field looks like a kitchen floor, duh!

Damn you got mindbroken by a chess piece bro

>just become a meta slave so you can have more fun
>in a game I only play casually with my friends and family
Nah I'm good, you go get sweaty enough for both of us

reddit tier game

>Black always goes second to represent the discrimination blacks face as second-class citizens.
Why do devs always have to inject politics into their games?

But the pawn turn into a queen so he's actually a few tiers higher than a pawn

shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up

Castling is literally how the Rook enters the game

Knights are stronger with more pieces on the board where Bishops can't move as freely and Bishops are stronger in the endgame (if the opponent has the same color Bishop. Different color Bishop will result in draw)

You will never even be close to meta. The only thing you can hope for is not being shutter tier but you cucked yourself out of that too. Any 10 year old child with a little chess training will probably beat you
Is it fun to get dabbed on by kids?

Alright, il make the first move

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Below Pawn tier
Pawn behind other pawn

Pawn tier
Pawns at starting row
Pawns blocked by enemy pawns

2 Pawn tier
Pawn with no enemy pawn in front of him or to the both his neighboring lines

Rook tier
Pawn at last rank but turning into a Queen would result in Stalemate

Queen tier
Pawn at last rank

Pawn e5

because you are a brainlet and a cuck
the moment you became a cuck and got that mentality was the moment your defeat in chess and life was decided